“Hello, I’m (fill in name), and I have some extremely
important questions that I desperately need to have answered.”
This, it seems to me, is not an uncommon condition among
living, thinking human beings. At some point in a thinking being’s life, the realization
comes that one has a very limited time in which to find answers to some very
important questions before one’s life is over. We seem to find ourselves
deposited, for some unknown reason, and with no choice in the matter, in the
middle of an on-going story in which we experience all too short moments of joy
and happiness, interspersed with horrendous problems and dilemmas not of our own
making, followed with eventual mental and physical decline, sickness and death.
This situation, it seems to me, is unacceptable. Given our predicament, we
desperately need to find answers to questions like: Who or what are we, and
what did we do to deserve to be cast into this sea of joy and sorrow, uncertainty
and eventual death? There must be more
to the story than we know. If that is the case, then we need to find out what
the story is all about. We need to know exactly what is behind this drama. Is
there meaning and purpose, or is there nothing? Perhaps we can start with some
very simple questions like:
Are there definitive answers to our questions? And, if so,
how do we find them?
There are a lot of people out there who profess to have
the answers. And it is tempting, and very convenient to accept their answers,
and this is what most people do, because it makes life easier … at least in the
short term. But I think it is a big
mistake to accept someone else’s answers unless you can prove for yourself that
they are true, because accepting someone else’s answers without thoroughly understanding
them does not remove you from the dilemma: you still find yourself in a reality
you don’t really understand, relying on someone else’s word to find your way
At some point, surely as death threatens, if not before,
everyone must ask: Who am I? Where did I come from? What is my destination?
What is the meaning and purpose of this existence?
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 – 1716), considered by most
historians of philosophy and science to be a polymath, an almost unparalleled
universal genius, said that for every effect there is a cause, and thus for
every meaningful question there is an answer. Certainly the questions posed
above are meaningful; so how do we go about finding the answers? The great
religions of the world rely at some point on divine revelations brought forth
by one or a few special individuals. Historically, the majority of humanity has
tried to live meaningful, purposeful lives by accepting and following the
revelations of these special individuals as codified by organized religious institutions
that sprang up after those special individuals were gone from this earthly
But organized religions, like organized political parties, become
corrupt all too easily, and those in positions of influence and power often seek
to subrogate the founder’s message and control the masses for their own
personal gain, under the guise that it is for the greater good of the people.
Historically, institutionalized belief systems, religious on one hand, and
political on the other, have competed to keep people from thinking for
themselves. As rationalists developed mathematics and the scientific method of
investigation and applied them to reveal answers to questions about the natural
world, it became clear that many of the doctrines and dogma being taught by
organized institutions were wrong.
Over the past 100 years, science has challenged the
traditional religious and political institutions as a reliable source of truth.
But, because of ego and desire for personal power and wealth, the purveyors of
religion and government are loath to give up their authority and try in every
way conceivable to maintain control. They
even try to incorporate science into their doctrines, accepting scientific
findings if they suit their agendas, and rejecting them if they don’t.
So, is science as we know it going to supply us with the
answers to all our questions? Unfortunately, no. Why? For several reasons.
First, science is made up of scientists, and scientists, who may be more
intelligent as a group than the general populace, are still human beings.
During my half century working as a scientist, I’ve seen many instances of
scientists slanting their results to fit the agenda of those in power, in order
to obtain more funding for their research. Second, and more important, science
as we know it, has some severe self-imposed limitations. Mainstream science has
been designed to answer questions about material objects moving in space-time,
but has carefully avoided certain taboo subjects. Those taboos eliminate the
very areas of investigation that can produce answers to questions more
important than rocket trajectories. Can science be improved in some way to make
it applicable to the important questions? To understand why modern mainstream
science has limited itself in such a way as to be unable to answer the most
important questions, and how it is improved by TDVP and TRUE quantum analysis, we
have to return to the roots of modern science and investigate the ideas of some
of the most brilliant natural scientists and mathematicians of the past.
To be continued.
Item now located, Ed, and personal message sent, not wishing to get involved in a contentious issue on your site.