Monday, October 30, 2017


©Edward R. Close 10/30/2017

OK, let's put our thinking caps on, and see if we can use a little more of our brain capacity than we normally do. People on both sides of the question concerning whether there is a supreme intelligence behind the reality we experience, seem to think that this is not a proper question for science to ever even consider asking. Philosophers and theologians consider the question as exclusively on their turf, and most mainstream scientists think that there is no way to determine the answer to this question using the scientific method. In my opinion, they are both wrong. Why? They are both wrong because there can be no boundaries for real science, science must go wherever the evidence leads, and the scientists who refuse to even consider the question are doubly wrong because there is plenty of hard evidence now to warrant addressing this question scientifically.

In this country, Dr. J.B. Rhine began the long road to making parapsychology, still considered by some to be pseudoscience, a legitimate subject for scientific study in 1931 at Duke University. In quantum physics, since about 1935, more and more refined versions of the double-slit and delayed-choice experiments have revealed the fact that the consciousness of the observer is somehow directly involved in shaping what we observe at the quantum level. And more recently, meticulous scientific studies by scientists like Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), and Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona, have consistently produced more and more significant experimental evidence that psi phenomena like remote viewing, psychokinesis and even mediumship are real. 

It is past time to investigate this question seriously. So, how do we go about testing the hypothesis that the universe has an intelligent design with meaning and purpose? Anyone who has had direct personal contact with the intelligence behind reality has all the proof anyone could ever need. He or she knows. But words cannot adequately convey such knowledge, and that is not the kind of proof I’m talking about here. I am talking about scientific proof. Any legitimate question can be addressed scientifically in three steps:

1)    State the question as a hypothesis.
2)    Express the hypothesis or its consequences in primary mathematical logic, thereby turning the hypothesis into a theorem, and then
3)    prove the theorem to be either true or false.

The question of whether God exists can be stated either as a positive hypothesis or as a negative hypothesis. Positive: God exists. Negative: There is no God. This brings up some ideas that may confuse some readers, so we will take a short, but important side trip. I once heard a minister, discussing an atheist’s blunt statement that “there is no God,” state authoritatively that you cannot prove a negative! While his argument may have been otherwise persuasive, when he said this, he was dead wrong! The once widespread belief that a negative can’t be proved may have come from the fact that negative statements are often much harder to prove than positive statements, but negative statements can be proved. Mathematicians do it all the time. For example, take the statement that there are no prime numbers between 113 and 127.

For those not much accustomed to thinking about numbers, a prime number is any number that is only divisible by itself and 1. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17, for example, are prime numbers. The other numbers in this series: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, and 16, are not. The statement “There are no prime numbers between 113 and 127” is a negative statement that can be easily proved by looking at the 13 numbers between 113 and 127. If you do, then you’ll find that they are all divisible by smaller numbers, and you will have proved a negative statement to be true.

So, if the negative statement “there is no God” is open to proof or disproof, then the positive statement “God exists” is open to proof or disproof. But this brings up another question: Just because a statement seems to make sense, does that mean that it can be proved to be true or false? Maybe a statement can simply be unprovable. Is our hypothesis unprovable? Many have said that it is. But they are wrong. To prove this, we will have to consider something called Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems.

In 1931, an Austrian mathematician, Kurt Gödel, published one of the most important papers in the history of mathematics and science. It contained theorems with profound and far-reaching consequences. And yet, many, probably even most people have never heard of Gӧdel or his theorems. This is true at least partly because the proofs of the incompleteness theorems are complex and subtle, - not accessible to anyone without considerable training in mathematics and symbolic logic. Fortunately, their meaning is understandable. Gӧdel’s incompleteness theorems prove that in any logical system, there can be true statements that cannot be proved within the system. Could our statements regarding the existence or non-existence of God be such statements, statements that cannot be proved within the logical systems known as the current scientific paradigm? Yes, that could very well be the case.

Does that mean that they are forever unprovable? No! - Let me explain. At first, many people, even some mathematicians, misinterpreted Gӧdel’s theorems to mean that there are true statements that can never be proved. In the case at hand, e.g., they could conclude that even though one of our statements, either the positive or the negative, must be true, it can never ever be proved. But, this is not what Gӧdel’s incompleteness theorems say. They do say that there can be true statements that are not provable within a logical system like the current scientific paradigm. But they also say that no logical system is complete. So, if the current paradigm can be expanded into a larger logical system, then statements that are unprovable in the current paradigm may be provable in the new expanded paradigm.

This brings us back to our question of the existence or non-existence of God. Step one is easy. We have our hypothesis. Step two is a little more difficult. It is much like the word problems you may remember encountering in high school algebra. A verbal hypothesis can be translated into the language of mathematical logic to avoid the ambiguity of words. The word God, for example, may have a different meaning for every reader of this post, but, if you can translate the consequences of the existence or non-existence of God into terms of the primary mathematical logic in an expanded paradigm, then proof or disproof may be possible. It is important to note that turning a hypothesis into a mathematical theorem changes it from a theory, subject to endless debate, to a theorem that can be proved or disproved.

Of course, the three steps listed above are much easier said than done; but they have been done, and I will present the outline here of how they were done.

During the past 40 years, I have developed a primary mathematical logic that is capable of describing the phenomena experienced by sentient beings like us.  It is a calculus that is logically prior to conventional mathematics into which hypotheses can be translated for proof or disproof. It is called the Calculus of Dimensional Distinctions (CoDD). It re-unites number theory and geometry, and by deriving the basic units of the CoDD from data for elementary particles, provided by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the primary mathematical logic is united with physics. The quantum units whose values are derived from the LHC data for the three elementary particles: the electron, which, among the elementary particles that make up the natural atoms of the periodic Table of elements, has the smallest rest mass and volume, and the quarks that make up the protons and neutrons of atoms.

These units, used as the basic units of measurement for the CoDD, are called the Triadic Rotational Units of Equivalence (TRUE), or true quantum units. They are called rotational equivalence units because the particles are rotating, and because they embody the volumetric equivalence of the parameters of mass, energy, space, and time, as expressed by the equation E = mc2. The physics and mathematical details of the derivation of true quantum units from LHC data, applying relativistic principles have been published in several technical papers and in posts on this blog.

In the process of describing, in true quantum units, the combinations of the quarks that form protons and neutrons, we discovered that no stable protons or neutrons, and thus not one atom, could form without the existence of a third something that is neither mass nor energy. This means that in the debris of a big-bang explosion, nothing stable could ever have formed without this third non-physical something being present. This means that materialism is not a viable basis for scientific inquiry!

But, what is this third form that is part of every atom, and thus responsible for the existence of the universe? It cannot be matter or energy, because then electrons and quarks would not have the masses revealed by statistical analysis of the many terabytes of data from the LHC. Since we have no name for it, my research partner, Dr. Vernon Neppe and I decided to represent it with gimmel, the third letter of the Phoenician and Hebrew alphabet. The discovery of gimmel, and its representation as multiples of the basic units of the CoDD in the equations of science led to another discovery: The atoms that have the largest percentage of gimmel are the elements that support organic life, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, etc. So gimmel causes the physical universe to form in the very specific fine-tuned way that allows the existence of conscious organic life forms.

Gimmel had to exist prior to the formation of any particle of the physical universe, otherwise, no stable atoms and molecules could form. This means that the non-physical logic that shapes the universe pre-existed the matter, energy, space and time that make up the universe. Logic is not associated with random accidents. Logic is associated with mind.

Max Planck, the father of quantum physics said: As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you, as a result of my research about the atoms, this much:  There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds … the atom together. … We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Spirit. This Spirit is the matrix of all matter. - The Nature of Matter, a speech delivered in Florence, Italy in 1944.

Discovery of the existence of gimmel proves that he was right. A conscious and intelligent mind is behind the force that holds the atoms of the universe together in symmetric vibration, and our hypothesis is proved. There is a conscious intelligence behind all reality. Some have called it God.

Friday, October 27, 2017



page 4:
Transcendental Physics proves that a pervasive form of consciousness, (God) not only exists, but necessarily preceded the creation of physical reality."

Pp 59-60:
“With proof that materialism is an incomplete and inadequate theory, science can no longer use it as a basis for understanding reality. Ironically, it is not a thought experiment or theoretical consideration that has brought about the downfall of materialism, it is a meticulous empirical experiment. Scientific materialism has literally been hoisted on its own petard! And the blow is final. The assumption that physical reality exists independent of the conscious observer is simply incorrect. Still, because of ingrained belief in this assumption, the death of materialism is not yet general knowledge.”

In a recent review of Space, Time and Consciousness, an unpublished manuscript by this author, that elaborates on some of the points made in Transcendental Physics, a reviewer said:

“I'd say that your refutation of materialism may constitute one of the biggest philosophical breakthroughs in the last 2500 years… -- a world historic event.”

Page 272: “Once it is understood that reality is much more than matter and energy interacting in time and space, and that this greater reality can be investigated objectively, the doors will be thrown open for science to grow as never before,”

I published several original poems at the beginnings and endings of some of the chapters of Transcendental Physics For example, on page 260, at the beginning of Chapter Ten, you’ll find:

The Cosmic Whole

Bathed in diurnal rays both day and night,
We sleep, always blinded by the light.

What’s new is old, what’s old is new,
Once discerned, what’s one is two.

The simple seed becomes a tree,
The atom’s speed, - eternity.

Both time and space
Enshroud the soul,
‘til we embrace

The Cosmic

P 199:
“It is now time to turn back, investigate consciousness in an objective manner and develop a scientific understanding of consciousness comparable to our current understanding of physical reality.”

Transcendental Physics is available from Barnes and Noble and other book handlers and on Anyone who wants an autographed copy, can send a check or money order for US $40.00 (to cover the cost of the book plus handling and shipping) to:

EJC Advantage, LLC
P.O. Box 368
Jackson, MO 63755

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


A two-page article in a recent issue of the prestigious science magazine EXPLORE is hailed as "a bombshell". The lead authors of this article are three of the founding members of the new Academy for the Advancement of Post-Materialist Science. I was invited to become a member and met with the lead authors of this article and six other members of the Academy at Canyon Ranch near Tucson Arizona in August. We are currently working on the first book to be published by the Academy, a 10-chapter volume entitled Is Consciousness Primary?
Click on the title below and follow the link to read the article and see what others have to say about it.


Monday, October 23, 2017


Picture taken about 2005 or 2006

Marble Hill, 2008

2008: Singing a Christmas Cantata with the Bollinger County Community Choir, directed by Mrs. Lee Stewart. Jacqui is in the front row, on the right end, and I’m on the right end in the back row. That’s Dr. David Stewart second on my right.

2010: With Cherie Ross, in make-up for the second day of filming in Egypt of the Young Living documentary film the Frankincense Trail.

With my trusty camel, I was the Physician/Priest in the Frankincense Trail Caravan in the Ancient City of Petra, Southern Jordan, 2010.  

Jacqui in Brisbane, October, 2011

2011: Here we are in the sky-lift up into the Rain forest near Cairns Australia in 2011, a few days after we had been guest speakers at a Young Living Regional Convention in Brisbane. Below: Feeding a wallaby kangaroo. 

2011: Living in Tucson Arizona.

2011- 2012: A tree fell on our house in Missouri. The Pythagorean Conference was cancelled five days before opening date, and on Black Friday, November 26, 2012, Jacqui had acute kidney failure. I almost lost her. She was in St. Joseph's Hospital in Tucson for 11 days, and we had to move back to Missouri. She has been on dialysis ever since. But life goes on; it's not about waiting for the storm to stop, it's about learning to dance in the rain!

2013: At the International Conference on Science and Spirituality, Puebla Mexico with Drs. Neppe, Sagi and Lazlo.

Young Living Convention 2014, we achieve the rank of Gold!

Here I am, October 23, 2017, just a few minutes ago, I'll have a haircut and beard trim tomorrow, and I may still look like the 2007 picture! Or maybe not!

Sunday, October 22, 2017



I was pleased and honored to be among the group of scientists invited by the founding members of the Academy to write a chapter for this volume. We were asked to focus on the primacy of consciousness hypothesis and explain, based on our individual experiences, both professional and personal, how and why we came to consider it as a valid scientific hypothesis.

In my chapter you will find a brief account of a double life: By day, I earned a living by applying the scientific method as a systems analyst, mathematical modeler and professional engineer, while by night and on weekends, I single-mindedly sought to understand the meaning of existence and the true nature of reality by studying what is known as the perennial philosophy, practicing time-honored consciousness expansion techniques and pursuing independent research in several major universities.

As someone who has spent many years passionately seeking to understand the nature of reality at its deepest level, I can tell you this much:

I am quite certain that there is no reality without consciousness. Nothing would exist without it, and nothing can be known without it: CONSCIOUSNESS IS PRIMARY.

I can state this unequivocally because I have proved it to my satisfaction by personal experience and by using hard scientific evidence, valid experimental data and rigorous mathematical proof. In my chapter of the Academy’s first volume, I hope to exceed all expectations by presenting an outline of this proof, along with disclosure of a significant discovery that provides answers to, and explanations of many issues that have puzzled mainstream scientists for decades.

Ed Close, October 22, 2017


Based on my life's work and the discoveries published in collaboration with Dr. Vernon Neppe, I conclude that consciousness, represented mathematically by true quantum units of gimmel, shapes the fundamental fabric of objective reality which is continually being transformed into the measurable forms of mass, energy, space, and time, in mathematical accordance with the logical structure specified and represented by the Conveyance Equations. It is the mathematically logical nature of reality that makes both applied and theoretical science possible. 

Gimmel represents the transfinite substrate behind which finite mind, operating through the brains and bodies of sentient beings, cannot penetrate. Based on our research, however, I believe that behind gimmel exists Pure Primary Consciousness, the Infinite Intelligence that continually creates, sustains and dissolves all finite forms. As an expression of the intelligent substrate beyond space and time, conveying the intent of Infinite Intelligence, Primary Consciousness is a-temporal: it has always existed and will always exist. This means that there is no absolute beginning or end, only change from one form to another. I believe the universe exists as a projection or reflection of the logical, mathematical multi-dimensional structure of Pure Consciousness, through the self-organizing action of a conscious third form of reality represented by the symbol we call gimmel, existing in every quantum and every atom of the universe.

The discovery of gimmel is nothing more than a bare-bones beginning; the opening of a door to a new, much more comprehensive science, a science that can take us into a new, more detailed understanding of the vast nature of reality. We have developed the basics of a more inclusive calculus, a calculus that has allowed us, for the first time in modern history to take the measure of consciousness and put it squarely into the equations of natural science; but much more needs to be done. 

A much more detailed development and application of the Calculus of Dimensional Distinctions awaits the fresh young minds of the scientists of the future. The answers provided by this discovery afford only a glimpse of the broad landscape of the science of the future, a science that, in addition to answering all of our questions about the physical universe, will also boldly go into the greater domain of non-physical reality and explore the infinite possibilities of the human mind and spirit.

Friday, October 20, 2017



This chapter is a bare-bones beginning; the opening of a door to a new, much more comprehensive science, a science that can take us into a new, more detailed understanding of the vast nature of reality. We have developed the basics of an inclusive calculus, a calculus that has allowed us, for the first time in modern history to take the measure of consciousness and put it squarely into the equations of natural science; but much more needs to be done. A much more detailed development and application of the new calculus awaits the fresh young minds of the scientists of the future. The answers provided in this short essay afford only a glimpse of the broad landscape of the science of the future, a science that, in addition to answering all of our questions about the physical universe, will also boldly go into the greater domain of non-physical reality and explore the infinite possibilities of the human mind and spirit.

Monday, October 16, 2017



It is common these days to hear people absolutely blasting those with opposing political views, accusing them of dark motives and calling them derogatory names. Both sides are doing it. 

A word of caution: Be very careful. There’s a subtle difference between logical evaluation and judgement, and while you may think you are evaluating an issue, it’s easy to slip over the edge into judgement of other people, in which case you risk becoming subject to judgement yourself. One way to check this tendency is to ask yourself: Am I acting or reacting?

Action is a positive response to something or someone you oppose, while reaction is always negative, leading to further divisions and alienation. So, if you are offended by something someone says or does, take a deep breath and instead of calling that person names and hurling insults, present your opposing view in positive terms. You’ll be surprised how often the other person will back down, and at least partially agree with you. It is better to agree to disagree than to build walls of insults that divide you forever from someone who has a different opinion.

Your view of the world is strongly affected by your  world view, which is based on your personal belief system, which may be partially right and partially wrong. There is nothing wrong with reality. Reality functions according to the logic of the Laws of Nature. If you are religious, know that even though it may sometimes not seem so, God is always in control. So, if the world seems wrong, know that it is your attitude that needs to change, not the world. You can do only very little to change the way others think, while you do have a lot of leeway to change the way you think of others. 

Evaluate controversial issues carefully, but do not judge others if they see things differently. If necessary, take positive action to express your view, but do not react in anger and condemn others. If you do so, then you are most probably part of the problem.


Sunday, October 8, 2017


As my Face Book Friends know, yesterday I celebrated my 9x9 = 81st birthday. Thank you again for all the wonderful birthday wishes, comments and blessings. I wish to send Love and Light to each and every one of you, and please know that I am going to be around for a while longer, I still have a lot to do.

Would you believe that someone asked me a few years ago: “How long have you been retired?” My response was: “Retirement is not a meaningful word in my vocabulary.” What on Earth makes someone think I’m retired? People retire when they are tired of what they’ve been doing, and/or are getting ready to die!

Concerning death, the cerebral comedian Woody Allen said:

I’m not afraid to die, I just don’t want to be there when it happens!

I believe we are on this Earth to learn that life and death are passing dreams from which we all must one day waken, and for most of us, it takes a while. I worked as an actuarial mathematician, writing computer programs for the Univac computer for a major insurance company in downtown Los Angeles 57 years ago and saw statistics that showed that most men (I think it was about 87%) died within 6 months after retirement. I decided right then, never to retire.

How long do I plan to live? Let me answer that by quoting British biologist Thomas Huxley:

The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher.”

There is still so much to learn. I believe when one stops learning, one starts dying.

Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.”
- Thomas Huxley again.

I’ll go a bit further than that: Pick out something you love, it could be anything; I believe that if you really try to learn everything there is to know about something, anything real, and get even close, you’ll know a lot about everything else.

Most of you know about my efforts to get mainstream science out of the dead end of gross materialism. I’ve just finished writing a chapter for a book being published by the Academy for the Advancement of Post-Materialist Science that proves that the reconciliation of relativity and quantum physics in the new paradigm Dr. Vernon Neppe and I have developed, eliminates materialism as a valid metaphysical basis for science. Mainstream scientists who are self-acclaimed atheists hate this because it threatens their world view and overturns their life’s work. Some have resorted to calling us names.

No real scientist can possibly be an atheist. Because atheism does not meet the necessary criteria to become a scientific hypothesis. A scientific hypothesis must be “falsifiable”, i.e. it must be testable, and capable of proof or disproof. The hypothesis that God does not exist cannot be proved. On the other hand, the reality that nothing would exist without the organizing action of a higher form of consciousness is provable, - by direct experience. But mainstream scientific egos think they are authorities on the subject, declaring that because they haven’t experienced anything greater than their own egos, no one has!

 Quoting Huxley again:
Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority.”

Interestingly, Huxley, the grandfather of Aldous Huxley, the author of Beyond the Doors of Perception, defined himself as an agnostic. And that’s fine, every scientist should be an agnostic, especially about his own field. An agnostic is a skeptic, a doubter, a “doubting Thomas”. Concerning God, about all an agnostic can say is that God, if he exists, hasn’t appeared in front of him, or spoken to him. Of course, that is probably because most scientists don’t know how to stop thinking long enough to hear Him!

I have learned to live as if something wonderful is about to happen, - because it does, and has, repeatedly! Every day I see the sun rise is a wonder. The fact that there is something instead of nothing is an on-going miracle. Your existence as a conscious being is a miracle beyond miracles.

My plan, when the time comes to leave this body, is to exit consciously, unafraid and expecting something wonderful to happen!

Edward R. Close, October 8, 2017

Saturday, October 7, 2017


The Nine-Dimensional Doorway to Infinity
Nikola Tesla’s Magnificent Trio: The 3, 6 and 9

Solving the Mysteries of Life and the Universe with the Cube
©Edward R. Close 2017

The Rubik’s Cube® has 9 rotatable planes, 3 in each of the 3 orthogonal dimensions. This book teaches you how to use the cube to model everything from electrons and atoms to solar systems and galaxies; but more importantly, it teaches how to develop your intuition, focus and concentration to solve any problem! In the process, you can also learn how to solve the cube.  

There is more about this forth-coming book in the archives under Rubik's Cube Power point.