Thursday, August 29, 2019



A lot of time has been wasted by humankind in the history of life on this planet worrying about God. Is there a Supreme Being who created everything? If so, where did He/She/It come from? If there is no God, then why is everything here that’s here? Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz said: “The most important question is: why is there something rather than nothing?” Given that there is something, if there is a God who created it, is that God still here? Or is he beyond the creation we are capable of experiencing? Ludwig Wittgenstein said: “Where of one cannot speak, one must remain silent.” Let’s think about this for a minute. … a minute should be enough!

There are three possibilities: 1) God exists. 2) god does not exist. 3) God kind-of exists, e.g., maybe He/She, or Whatever, created all this, including us, soon got bored with it and us, and went off to do something else.

If 1) is true (the most popular answer) then there is no need to worry about Him/Her, or Whatever, … If He/She, or Whatever did all of this, i.e., created the amazingly intricate clockwork reality we can experience everyday if we don’t get completely lost in self-pity, then He/She, or Whatever, is certainly capable of taking care of Himself/Herself, or Whatever. No need to worry about Him/Her, or Whatever. It’s even less productive to try to convince others that He/She, or Whatever exists. It’s better to just get on with your life.

If 2) is true, then trying to convince others (the majority) that they’re wrong is very counter-productive, and a complete waste of your time. It’s better to just get on with your life.

If 3) is true, then He/She, or Whatever, is gone, and worrying about Something that’s nowhere to be found is a waste of time. It’s better to just get on with your life.

Conclusion: It’s just better to get on with your life.

Wittgenstein, and many other philosophers, scientists, and theologians, and even quite ordinary people, have spoken and written volumes and volumes about many things whereof one cannot speak. Those things eventually include the ultimate Nature of Reality and God, which, in my humble opinion, are one and the same thing. It’s better to take what Reality has given you, and just get on with your life.

But, what if Reality gave you the ability to think about things about which you cannot speak because there are no words with which to describe them – like God or the Ultimate Nature of Reality? Such as was probably the case with Leibniz and Wittgenstein. What if you find yourself to be a rarity among human beings with an Intelligence Quotient at the leading edge of the bell curve, who’s mean, and average is 100? What if you find yourself as rare as one in one-billion? Are you doomed to be lonely, even in a crowd?

A few years ago, I managed to corner a very intelligent young man named Doug on board a cruise ship for a few minutes, and tried to explain the Neppe-Close Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm to him. He later publicly warned people that talking with me for as little as10 minutes was hazardous. He said it might even cause your head to explode!

Have I led a lonely life? No. Reality provided me with a wife and son who understand everything I think about and say, - sometimes better than I do!

If you can’t understand everything I say about TDVP, or anything else I ramble on about, don’t worry about it. Take what Reality has given you, and get on with your life! Don’t worry about where you are on the bell-curve of human abilities. It makes no difference what your IQ or aptitudes are; it only matters what you do with them! I didn’t know I was the rarity that I apparently am until I was 73 years old, and that was a good thing. Had I known sooner; I would not have been able to live a normal life.

Whether the answer to the question about God is 1), 2) or 3), makes no difference in the Greater Scheme of things. Whether you have an IQ below 100, or above 200, also make no difference in the over-all movements of the planet Earth, the Solar System, the Milky-way Galaxy, the Universe, or all of Reality. Whether the real answer to the question about God is 1), 2) or 3), it’s pretty clear that human beings are a work in progress. The idea that all of us were created equal at birth, if anyone ever thought so, is obviously false.

Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Constitution of the USA: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable Rights; that among these, are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness...

Based on the evidence of his knowledge and accomplishments during his lifetime, I believe Thomas Jefferson was a rare human being, doubtless on the leading edge of any measure of  human abilities. So it is very unlikely that he labored under the delusion that all men (or all human beings) are created equal at birth. If we are all created equal, then creation has to be an on-going thing, so that we are not completely created until we are, in fact, all equal; but we believe as free citizens of this world, that, regardless of our abilities, or lack thereof, we have the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness to the best of or abilities, i.e., with what Reality has given us in each life. For a more complete explanation of what this is all about, see Secrets of the Sacred Cube, A Cosmic Love Story, by Ed and Jacqui Close, to be available any day now.

But don’t worry about God. If God exists, He/She or Whatever, can take care of Himself/Herself, or Whatever. If God doesn’t exist (a very unlikely reality in my opinion), then you’re on your own… Good luck with that!

ERC August 29, 2019

Sunday, August 11, 2019



"You're Ed Close!" she said,
All those many years ago,

And a bell rang inside my head.
What it meant, I did not know.

"Yes, I am." I said, "Do I know you?"

Within a few days, I went from
Knowing nothing at all about her,

To realizing the simple fact
That I couldn’t live without her.

…Now she’s gone.

Her appearance in my life that Day,
Was a touchstone to the past …

An echo from an ecstasy,
Found again, at long last,

Washed up on a distant shore,
She knew, for her dreams had long foretold

The way our lives would morph
And intertwine, to fit the Master‘s Mold.

And now she’s gone …

As time went by, I came to know,
We had a crucial part to play

In His plan to make Spirit grow,
And help others on the way.

He sent His sweet Blessings from above,
A perfect life, completed with her Love.

But, what am I to do, now?  I cried a thousand tears!
Must I wait for her return, another thousand years…

Now she’s gone?
I miss her so…

Then, miracle of miracles, words came from the other side:
"Do you know who this might be?" He asked,

"She says she helped you with your work!" "Oh Yes!", I replied.
Doubt faded, like a late Spring frost, as I basked

In the warm glow of Jacqui’s love,
Her wit and humor could not be denied!

"She laughs", he said, and tells me:
"I'll not stop now, just because I died!"

Oh, … she’s not gone!

So now, that soul who was so sweet,
Who made my life and work complete,

She is not gone; her love still flows within my heart;
And lifts me like a rising tide.

When He says "Come Home, you‘ve done your part.“
I’ll join her on the other side!

"You're Ed and Jacqui Close," she said.
"Yes, I am," I replied.

"That has not changed at all", she said,
"Just because I died!"

No, Jacqui’s not gone!

ERC 5/22/2019


Yes, there is good and evil in the world; - and sometimes we get confused by the claims of the proponents of each. Even those with the most thoroughly evil of intentions often claim their actions are for the greater good! So, how are we to know good from evil? The Bible says “By their fruits you shall know them.” – Matthew 7:16. But sometimes the good or evil effects of the actions of a person or group of people are not immediately apparent. It may take months, years or decades for the nature of their effects to become plain. But for an individual on the spiritual path, there is an easy way to tell. Let me share it with you.

Once you realize that the real purpose of sentient existence in this, or any other world, is to become one with the Reality behind all forms, you have an easy way to determine good from evil:

By definition, good is anything that helps you toward the goal of Cosmic Consciousness, and evil is anything that hinders your progress toward that goal or obscures it from your view.

The spiritual path is an individual journey. Yes, someone who has already walked the path may be able to help you with hints and general guidance, but, as Woody Guthrie’s soulful song “Lonesome Valley” says, you must walk the path yourself, no one here can walk it for you. If you can attune yourself with the Holy Spirit or the manifestation of Good, and thus “practice the presence”, then you may be able to see, when faced with choices, which path takes you toward the goal, and which path takes you farther away. But you have to make the choice yourself, and it is you who will have to suffer or enjoy the consequences.

Your current state of existence is the result of the choices you have made in the past, so your memory of the path once taken can also be your guide. What if you’ve made a bad choice? If you can see now that you’ve made a wrong choice in the past, don’t beat yourself up about it; analyze it in terms of good and evil as defined above, and move on. Dwelling on guilt and remorse is truly a waste of your precious time on this planet.

In my opinion, today’s organized science and religion are both wrong. They preach the false doctrine of creatio ex nihilo, in the big bang theory and in orthodox theology.  See the explanation of this in Secrets of the Sacred Cube, A Cosmic Love Story, by Ed and Jacqui Close, coming out soon.

My advice is: don’t rely on human organizations or the advice of others. It’s your life and you must make your own decisions. The answer is not “out there” as the X-Files declares, it is actually “in here”, because Reality is the heart of your nature, the soul of your existence; and it is always within you.

 “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” – Luke 17:21.

Have a blessed Sunday!

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Last night was a time for several remarkable firsts! Dr. Vernon Neppe hosted a Seattle Consciousness Education and Research Society (SCERS) meeting in his home in Seattle, with Dr. Surendra Singh Pokharna, PhD, of the Science and Spirituality Research Institute in Ahmedabad, India as the guest speaker. Dr. Pokharna is a former Indian Space Research Organization scientist, and is associated with the Bhagawan Mahaveer Research Center in Rajastan. His presentation was titled: “Quantal clairvoyance and remote viewing in the context of the Neppe-Close TDVP (Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm) and higher consciousness” The number in attendance was a record, and three non-local attendees, Ing. Ms. Grig Oprea, Dr. Narendra Bhandari and I were there virtually, via various electronic means. Ms. Oprea joined us from Bucharest, Romania, Dr. Bhandari from California, while I was in Southeast Missouri.

Dr. Pokharna’s presentation focused on the fact that descriptions of 92 atomic elements of the periodic table, obtained by Mrs. Annie Besant and Mr. Charles Leadbeater, of the Theosophical Society by clairvoyance starting as early as 1895, even before the electron was discovered, were remarkably similar to the results of the TDVP analysis recently obtained by Neppe and Close. Statistical analysis of the data shows that the probability that this similarity is coincidental and not causally related is extremely low. Furthermore, the Close-Neppe results are validated by exact numerical correspondence with Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experimental data. Conclusion: The ability of two Theosophical Society adepts, Besant and Leadbeater, to exhibit at least one of the siddhis (spiritual, attainments that are products of spiritual advancement through meditation and yoga) namely the anima siddhi, has been validated by TDVP and empirical data.
The substance of this presentation will be published under the authorship of Neppe, Pokharna, Close, and possibly one or two others, but last night’s presentation has prompted me to make some general comments about mathematics, consciousness, spiritual attainment, and psi phenomena like clairvoyance.

I have been discouraged and sometimes appalled by admonishments and comments like: “No one wants to hear about mathematics!” and “If you include mathematics in your discussion, you’ll lose most of your audience!” It is worrisome to me that this reluctance to think about math appears to have increased markedly during the past fifty years. Unfortunately there is some truth in these statements, even among highly educated and intelligent people. We have to ask: is this just mental laziness? My answer is: No, I don’t think so. It is a now-rampant general misunderstanding about what mathematics really is, fostered by a failing educational system, especially here in the US.

The basic math of the current standard model of reality is inappropriate for the study of our quantized reality; and we have known that the reality we study in the core sciences is quantized for more than 100 years. But relevant comments by Max Planck and Albert Einstein, the intellectual architects of quantum physics and relativity, have been ignored by materialistic mainstream science, and continue to be ignored.

Max Planck, after a lifetime of studying the physics of matter, told us that there is no such thing as matter. He said:

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force … We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

And Albert Einstein, in one of the last additions he made to relativity, told us that there is no such thing as empty space. He said:

“There is no such thing as an empty space, i.e., a space without field. Space-time does not claim an existence of its own, but only as a structural quality of the field.”

It is interesting to note that Planck and Einstein were good friends who spent a lot of time together. These declarations by the two great mathematical physicists who gave us the last real paradigm shift, the shift from classical physics to relativity and quantum physics that happened more than 100 years ago, contain concepts that are critical to understanding the nature of reality and the nature of mathematics: Those concepts are: Consciousness is primary, physical reality is quantized, and thus a quantum calculus is needed which includes consciousness as a variable and corrects the error of thinking of space-time as a real background in which phenomena occur. The calculus of dimensional distinctions, the basic math of TDVP, embodies those concepts.

Applications of the calculus of dimensional distinctions solves a number of problems that have stymied mainstream science for decades, and clearly shows that mathematics is much more than just a tool to solve problems. Real math reflects the logical structure of reality and the matrix of primary consciousness behind it.

The new, more fundamental mathematics of TDVP reveals the fact that primary consciousness, not space-time, is the real background in which all phenomena occur, and that primary consciousness had to exist before the manifestation of any physical form was possible. It also tells us that no stable atomic structure is possible without the existence of a non-physical form of reality which we (Neppe and Close) have called gimmel. Gimmel is mathematically necessary for a stable physical universe to exist. Furthermore, the elements and compounds necessary for organic life contain more gimmel than elements and compounds that are detrimental to life.

TDVP reveals that, at this point in time, our sense organs are severe reduction valves, They do not allow very much of the spectrum of the energies of the nine-finite-dimensional reality, plus the infinite reality of primary consciousness, to flood our brains which are not yet capable of processing that much, and human evolution is driven by spiritual goals, not random physical processes. The manifestations of the geometrical and logical patterns of primary consciousness occur “top-down”, not “bottom-up” as hypothesized by mainstream science at this time. The result of this mistake is a blind science groping in the darkness of materialism. TDVP changes all of that.

Clairvoyance is just one of several psi-phenomena abilities tentatively defined by spiritual science at this time. Some other psi abilities identified by researchers in the field of consciousness studies and parapsychology include precognition, retrocognition, telepathy, clairaudience, and the psychic reception of all of the sense phenomena. But this view of psi phenomena is driven by limitations. If we think of psi phenomena in the more comprehensive framework of TDVP, they are all limited aspects of total awareness.

It is my opinion that all of these abilities, hypothetical or real, are possible facets of expanded global, or even universal awareness, known as cosmic consciousness, which is the ultimate goal of spiritual evolution. It is also my opinion that such psi abilities will arise as appropriate in the spiritual development of individual souls on their own spiritual paths, as reflected in the lives of the Spiritual Masters like Jesus and Buddha, and should not be thought of as goals in and of themselves. Focusing on development of siddhis for personal power is likely to be detrimental to the spiritual growth of any individual doing so. For real spiritual progress, it is far better to focus on resolving your own problems relating to your oneness with primary consciousness, and being of as much service to others as you can, because whatever you do to or for others will determine what happens to you. You, your soul, the earth, the cosmos, and everything within it is one and the same holistic reality. As you do unto others…