Wednesday, May 22, 2019


"You're Ed Close!" she said,
All those many years ago,

And a bell rang inside my head.
What it meant, I did not know.

"Yes, I am." I said, "Do I know you?"

Within a few days, I went from
Knowing nothing at all about her,

To realizing the simple fact
That I couldn’t live without her.

…Now she’s gone.

Her appearance in my life that Day,
Was a touchstone to the past …

An echo from an ecstasy,
Found again, at long last,

Washed up on a distant shore,
She knew, for her dreams had long foretold

The way our lives would morph
And intertwine, to fit the Master‘s Mold.

And now she’s gone …

As time went by, I came to know,
We had a crucial part to play

In His plan to make our Spirit grow,
And help others along the way.

He sent His sweet Blessings from above,
A perfect life, completed with her Love.

But, what am I to do, now?  I cry a thousand tears!
Must I wait for her return, another thousand years…

Now she’s gone?
I miss her so…

Then, miracle of miracles, words came from the other side:
"Do you know who this might be?" He asked,

"She says she helped you with your work!" "Oh Yes!", I replied.
Doubt faded, like a late Spring frost, as I basked

In the warm glow of Jacqui’s love,
Her wit and humor could not be denied!

"She laughs", he said, and tells me:
"I'll not stop now, just because I died!"

Oh, … she’s not gone!

So now, that soul who was so sweet,
Who made my life and work complete,

She is not gone; her love still flows within my heart;
And lifts me like a rising tide.

When He says "Come Home, you‘ve done your part.“
I’ll join her on the other side!

"You're Ed and Jacqui Close," she said.
"Yes, I am," I replied.

"That has not changed at all", she said,
"Just because I died!"

No, Jacqui’s not gone!

ERC 5/22/2019


  1. Ed, this is such a beautiful tribute to your precious, beloved wife and to God's goodness to keep us all, eternally, and at our very best, just as He created us!

    I miss her so much, but looked forward to being reunited with that sweet sister one day and for eternity!!

  2. This is exquisitely beautiful. Thank you for sharing. <3
