Tuesday, December 29, 2020




This is a follow-up, related to the previous blogpost about Self-Inquiry, which was an introductory description of the process of consciously moving from the bodily imprisonment of the self, to the boundless freedom of the Infinite Self. As you probably know, the transition is most often not an easy one. The journey of challenging experiences that characterize being a spiritually evolving human being, is both a blessing and a curse. Along with the greater freedom that comes with increased freedom of spirit, comes greater responsibility, and also, while in transition, greater uncertainty. As a human being, you are more than flesh and bone, but less than omniscient. As a conscious being, you are the personification of gimmel, a mysterious bridge between the finite and the Infinite. 

Aware of your own consciousness as something separate from everything else, but intimately involved in, and attached to a physical conglomeration of organs and micro-organisms that seem to operate semi-independently, relative to your awareness of them, with limited training, you soon find yourself responsible for their maintenance and functioning as a vehicle for your consciousness. And, more often than not, you also find yourself swept up in a complex series of on-going dramas, the beginnings, meaning, and endings of which you have little or no knowledge.

In my opinion, human beings are probably the teenagers of cosmic evolution; no longer innocent babies or toddlers, completely dependent upon other, more knowledgeable beings for their nourishment and safety, but still not yet competent adult souls, either. Like most teenagers, we think we know a lot more than we really do, and without some oversight and guidance from more knowledgeable beings, we face the danger of doing serious harm to ourselves and others. I am happy to report that I have seen evidence of such guidance personally, on a number of occasions in my life, but those experiences are not the focus of this post.

Every life’s journey is a unique story, and we can only really understand what we have experienced personally. But it is important that we honor each other’s experiences and recollections, because the memories of our own unique experiences form the basis of our belief about what we are as individual beings, even though the ultimate goal of all conscious beings may be the same.  Just because I have not experienced something that you report, doesn’t mean that it isn’t real. 

In my case, because of my training in this life, and in past lives, as a mathematician and philosopher of science, I tend to deal with my experiences in the belief framework of what has traditionally been known as “Natural Science”. What I want to try to do in this post is to explain how certain of my personal Near Death and Out of Body Experiences that I have described in earlier posts and publications, led to the formulation of the integrated mathematical model of reality we are calling TDVP and interpreting philosophically as Unified Monism.

The initial NDE and subsequent OBEs that I experienced in the Great Pyramid in 2010 were preceded by an unusual experience: I was standing with a small group of friends in complete darkness in the Queen’s Chamber, when a ball of light that I assumed to be static electricity, struck me and I suddenly felt the spinning motions of the physical universe. I was thrown about, and I would have collided with a wall, or fallen to the stone floor, if two other members of the group hadn’t grabbed me by my arms.  Here are some excerpts from the account of the experience that I wrote after it happened:

“The ball of light struck me on the forehead, but there was no feeling of impact. Instead, I immediately experienced extreme vertigo. I could feel the spinning of the planet on its axis. I could also feel the rushing of the Earth through space in its orbit around the Sun, the Sun moving through the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Galaxy wheeling its way through the universe. I could feel all these spinning motions at once! There was no up or down, only the sensation of a swiftly accelerating complex whirling motion. … After the ball of light struck me, and the world went spiraling out of control, I began to see lights, hear sounds and see symbols and faces. When the spinning got too intense to bear, I left the body. While out of the body, I felt no spinning, no vertigo, and the lights, sounds, symbols, and faces became clearer, but when I turned back toward my body, I began to experience extreme vertigo again, increasing to the point that I was forced to throw up. Each time I threw up, I was propelled out of the body again. While out of the body, I experienced a series of vivid visions or dreams.” 

What I want to focus on here is some of the things I learned from the experiences of leaving and re-entering my body, during the OBEs, and how they contributed to the development of the mathematics of the TDVP model. As I look back at those experiences now, I realize that the specific logical procedures that led to the discovery of gimmel are mathematical representations of experiences I personally lived through for a couple of days! For example, the rotation and projection from an n-dimensional domain into an n+1 dimensional domain, which I call Dimensional Extrapolation, is a mathematical generalization of the spinning and projection out of the body that I experienced. The OBEs were experienced in dimensional domains with more mutually orthogonal dimensions than the domain we normally experience through the physical senses of the human body.

During the transitions from one dimensional domain to another, the normal feeling of stability and equilibrium that physics tells us results from standing balanced vertically in a uniform gravitational field, was replaced with the sickening experience of high-speed curvilinear accelerated motion. It was as if my internal gyroscope, or some other form of motion reciprocation normally at work in organic lifeforms on this planet to cancel the effects of the multiple rapid curvilinear motions of planet Earth, effectively stabilizing conscious perception, were turned off by the electromagnetic flux of the ball of light that struck me. As I was propelled from domain to domain to experience certain scenes and events as a helpless observer, it became clear that my OBEs were being managed by an intelligence far superior to mine. I had no control over what I was experiencing. Each time I tried to escape and return to normal consciousness, I became desperately ill, and had no option other than to observe what I was being shown. 

Now, more than 10 years after these experiences, I can see how what I was shown was retained in my brain at a semi-subconscious level. Some of it has been allowed to surface in the intellectual activity of the development of the TDVP model in collaboration with Dr. Vernon Neppe. What I have been trying to do in this post is to reveal the connection between the OBEs and the development of the TDVP model. However, just now, as I am trying to bring more of the NDE and OBE experiences that occurred in March of 2010 to the surface, I am beginning to experience the same vertigo and sickness again. With a spinning headache, on the verge of becoming physically ill, I am going to stop writing now.

Thursday, December 24, 2020




Self-Inquiry may sound like something very subjective and personal until you realize that the ego we think of as our personal self is an illusion. Only insomuch as one realizes that the real Self exists as part of the matrix within which the ephemeral imagery of the individual ego-based self appears to exist, is one able to embark on the straight and narrow path of Self-Inquiry. Inquiry into the Real Self is not subjective and personal, as materialists incorrectly assume. On the contrary, it is the ultimate objectivity. It is the study of the non-physical reality underlying and permeating the physical universe, and it is the basis of the science of the future.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla

What does this Tesla quote have to do with Self-Inquiry? Everything! A little background will help clarify the point:

In 2010, a series of Near-Death, and Out-of-Body Experiences (NDEs & OBEs) totally disrupted my life. They began one afternoon in the Queen’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, and they continued throughout that day, the following night, and up until the following afternoon in the Ancient City of Petra, in Southern Jordan. I have written about these experiences in several posts on this blogsite, and in a couple of books. During the OBEs, that started with a series of horribly sickening spinning sensations, totally disorienting me in space and time, I experienced a rapid stream of audio and visual information pouring into my consciousness. I was told later that what I experienced was part of a global shift and realignment of Consciousness, and that detailed knowledge from ancient and future ages of enlightenment had been downloaded into hyper-dimensional compartments of my mind, to which I normally have little or no access. I know now that those experiences were significant and formative in my involvement in the first decade of the scientific study of non-physical phenomena.

The first decade of the scientific study of non-physical phenomena really began for me about a year later in 2011, when I discovered that a non-physical form of objective reality was necessary for any stable atomic structure to exist. The discovery of the existence of a third measurable form of reality, more basic than the other two measurable forms of objective reality, i.e., matter and energy, gave rise to a new scientific paradigm. The quantification of the non-physical aspect of reality is hidden in plain sight in the Large Hadron Collider data, the basic laws of physics, and pure mathematics. The key concepts that led to this discovery first surfaced in a discussion with Dr. Vernon Neppe during our first face-to-face meeting in Amsterdam in 2010, and was augmented a few days later with the information downloaded into my consciousness during the NDEs and OBEs that I experienced in Egypt and Jordan. Finally, application of the primary logic of quantum calculation, producing a series of mathematical proofs, completed and documented the discovery.

Dr. Neppe and I had already begun our work together a couple of years earlier, soon after our virtual meeting as members of the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE) in 2008. Inspired by the complementarity of ideas that we had developed separately over a number of years, we went to work developing a new scientific paradigm capable of embracing the verified details of the current scientific model in a new theoretical framework, expanded to include verifiable non-physical phenomena. By 2011, our new model of reality was based on Large Hadron Collider data, relativistic quantum calculations, and objectively proved mathematical theorems that led to the discovery of the non-physical aspect of reality. This comprehensive paradigm, once generally accepted, will bring about a major shift to a much-needed post-materialist science with an enormous potential for improving our understanding of reality and changing human society for the betterment of all people. The logic of this new paradigm also reveals the fallacy of the materialistic assumption underlying the current mainstream scientific paradigm.

Discovery of the non-physical aspect of reality introduced a completely new concept into modern science, and we soon realized that an appropriate way to refer to it was needed. We decided to use gimmel, the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet to represent the quantifiable non-physical aspect of reality. We did this for a number of reasons, including the fact that it is the third aspect of reality, and gimmel, the third letter, also represents a means of conveyance or a bridge, in this case, a bridge between physical and non-physical reality.

As we worked on the new paradigm, we saw Nikola Tesla’s prediction start to come true. On an almost daily basis, the new paradigm unfolded to predict new phenomena and explain puzzles and paradoxes existing in the current materialistic paradigm. Within the first decade of applying this new approach, we counted more than fifty (50) phenomenal puzzles existing within and beyond the current materialistic paradigm, that we successfully explained in the logic of the new paradigm. Our model, the Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) was verified, at least in our minds and in the minds of a handful of other scientists from the more than 200 scientists worldwide to whom a description of the new unified paradigm was submitted for peer review.

So, you might ask, why hasn’t this work been accepted and applauded by the established scientific community? There are a number of reasons that this hasn’t happened, but the main reason was expressed very well by Max Planck, one of the great scientists who made a discovery leading to the last major paradigm shift. He said:

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. … Science progresses from funeral to funeral.”


Max  Planck is celebrated today by mainstream scientists as the father of quantum physics, but most mainstream scientists, trained in a materialistic paradigm, simply ignore Planck’s deeper insight into the nature of reality, which he stated very clearly as follows:

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as the result of my research about atoms this much: there is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.” – Max Planck


Hint: The discovery of and contact with this Mind is what the post is all about.


With the exception of a few brave scientists, the majority of mainstream scientists asked to review TDVP were unable to evaluate the paradigm shift with an open mind, because of their vested interest in the current materialistic paradigm. Many of them refused to even look at the proofs when they saw the first reference to non-physical phenomena, and a few attacked TDVP, looking for any means to discredit it, rather than trying to understand it. Dr. Neppe and I have addressed the criticisms leveled at the TDVP by the mainstream scientists who attacked it. Our responses can be found in a number of journal papers and articles, and in posts on this blogsite. But re-hashing those arguments is not what this post is about.


As far as I am concerned, the validity and value of the TDVP paradigm shift has been more than adequately demonstrated and proved, both mathematically and empirically, so now it is time to move on with the application of the new paradigm. Personally, I am at a point in life where I owe no allegiance to materialistic academia or government, so I am free to investigate the most basic questions that are ignored by mainstream scientists. The shift to the consciousness-based Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm allows me to address the basic questions of great importance, like:  What is the Reality behind the physical façade of reality that we experience through the limited physical senses? What is the purpose of life? What is consciousness? And who am I? These are questions that can be addressed within the framework of TDVP, through Self-Inquiry.


You may be thinking: What does a scientific paradigm, a mathematical model, have to do with such questions? The answer to that question is what this post is about. Just as gimmel is an effective bridge between the physical and non-physical aspects of reality, the unified monism of TDVP is an effective bridge between our experience of reality through the limited physical senses and our experience of the non-physical aspects of reality through the expanded awareness of multi-dimensional perception. But before the institutions of mainstream science can make the transition from the current materialist dominated enterprise it is, and shift to an expanded postmaterialist science, scientists will have to start to be trained much differently. To move toward a new, more comprehensive science, they need training in Self-Inquiry.


Mainstream scientists, for the most part, are not well-balanced human beings. They have spent many years learning to divorce their own consciousness from objective reality. Our educational institutions today do not train students of science, engineering, and technology to think for themselves, and certainly not to think outside the box of materialism. They are trained to follow the focused instructions of departmental specialists and use conventional reasoning and technical equipment, while entirely neglecting their most important investigative asset, the one thing that connects them directly with reality: their own consciousness.


A scientist who has neglected Self-Inquiry, ignores an enormous part of reality. But, don’t misunderstand me; I am not dismissing the work of mainstream scientists; their work is very valuable from the standpoint of practical application, but a person who has not expanded his or her consciousness through meditation techniques leading to effective Self-Inquiry, will most likely only be contributing to the investigation of an existing paradigm. Even the idea of expanding the scientific view of reality to incorporate non-physical phenomena is not likely to occur to them or appeal to them. The combination of departmental specialization and neglect of Self-Inquiry is what assures the outcome that Planck commented on when he said “Science progresses from funeral to funeral.”  


Self-Inquiry may sound like nothing but subjective introspection, until we realize that the identification of self with a physical body is an addictive illusion. Only insomuch as one realizes that the real Self is the matrix from which the ephemeral individual self emerges, is one ready to set out on the path of Self-Inquiry. Inquiry into the real Self is not subjective and uniquely personal, as materialistic science incorrectly assumes, on the contrary, it is ultimate objectivity, and it is the basis for the real comprehensive science of the future.

It is important to note that Self-Inquiry does not require an exceptionally high IQ, or extensive university training. In fact, excessive intellectual sophistication and institutionalized specialization is what prevents most mainstream scientists from seeing beyond the materialistic limitations of the current paradigm. On the other hand, anyone with an open mind and the desire to know the truth can find the way to a new understanding of reality and enlightenment through Self-Inquiry.

If you are with me so far, you may be thinking: It sounds too simple; or you may want to know: How does one go about engaging in effective Self-Inquiry? Whether you realize it or not, Spiritual Masters, the fully enlightened ones, have taught methods of consciousness expansion through Self-Inquiry throughout the ages, but their teachings are often subverted by lesser beings who exploit the revelations of Self-Inquiry, which they do not understand, for personal gain, power, and control over others. Self-Inquiry is simple, but the mind, addicted to identification with the superficial aspects of personality and physical fascination, is very adept from many years of practice, effectively sidetracking any real effort to advance spiritually. In my estimation, maybe as much as 95 % of the thoughts that flood the average person’s consciousness on a daily basis are trivial and superficial, with little or no relevance to the real purpose of life, which is mental, physical, and spiritual advancement toward the full-blown enlightenment of Cosmic Consciousness.


Everyone needs someone or something to believe in, and belief in something unseen is the definiti0on of faith. Christians believe in Jesus and his eventual return, Jews believe in the Messiah yet to come, Muslims believe in the prophets of Judaism and Christianity, and in Mohammed as the last prophet, Buddhists believe in the Buddha and many Buddhas to come, and mainstream scientists believe in materialism; but knowledge is better than belief, because it does not require blind-faith acceptance of someone else’s ideas. The discovery that the stability of atomic structure depends on the existence of non-physical gimmel brings the non-physical phenomena experienced by spiritually advanced conscious beings into the realm of possible experience for the average person, and it also provides the basis for an extended form of science. A more detailed knowledge and understanding of reality, from the gross mundane perceptions of matter to the most ecstatic experiences of spirituality, obtained through scientific Self-Inquiry, will benefit everyone.


So exactly what is Self-Inquiry? First, Self-Inquiry must not be confused with self-inquiry. The activities of self-inquiry (self with a small ‘s’) are superficial visceral reactions caused by personal ego attachment and an unhealthy fascination with our own negative emotions and psychoses. Self-Inquiry (with a large ‘S’) is a much deeper experience in which focused consciousness turns and penetrates through and beyond the five-dimensional domain of space-time and individual consciousness, into the substrate of Reality and the higher-dimensional domains of Primary Consciousness. Incidentally, the mathematical process of Dimensional Extrapolation that I developed and described in the published accounts of the discovery of gimmel, is a conceptional representation of the consciousness expansion of Self-Inquiry. It describes the spinning motion and projection from an n-dimensional domain into an n+1 dimensional domain conceptually like what I experienced in the Great Pyramid.


The experience of moving consciously from the perceptual existence of an 4-D earthly dimensional domain to another, more expanded domain, resulting from the rotation and projection of Self-Inquiry, cannot be adequately conveyed in words, but an analogy might help: The consciousness identified with the small self might be likened to the experience of living in a man-made city, offering an exciting environment, with lots of distractions, but largely fake and artificial. Expanding that small self-awareness through Self-Inquiry is like driving beyond the city limits and becoming aware of the wonderful world of Pristine Nature surrounding and encompassing the prison-like environment of the city. It is only when one has escaped into the fresh air and vibrant energy of Nature, that one can begin to realize how unnatural, confining, and polluted the city actually is.


Finally, I will end this post with a brief discussion of the process of Self-Inquiry: First, you must turn the searchlight of your mind completely around, from the outward search for meaning in material things, to focus inward, laser-like, on your own unique experience of consciousness. This is the practical meaning of the Biblical reprimand “repent”. To repent means more than just to be sorry for wrong things you may have done, it means to completely reverse the focus of your mind. By doing so, you become a silent observer, engrossed in the one and only thing that you actually can experience directly: Consciousness. This is the only way you can quiet the constant chatter of your habitually grasping, covetous mind, and “Be still and know that I am God!” - Psalm 46:10.

Next, consider the intent of Christ Jesus when he gave his disciples instructions: His intent was to teach them how to turn their attention around, from outward fascination with the ever-changing physical aspects of reality, inward to experience direct contact with the Holy Spirit, Christ Consciousness, and the Eternal Presence of God. “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” – Luke 17:20-21. True perception comes from turning within and focused Self-Inquiry.

And in Mathew 6:22 he said: “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”  

The physical sense of sight is a finite manifestation of the more comprehensive sense of spiritual perception. The intent of turning your attention of perception inward is to switch from physical vision to spiritual vision. This turning of attention from the sensations of the body, the little self, to the perceptions of the Primary Consciousness of the greater Self, is what I am calling “Self-Inquiry.


ERC Christmas Eve, 2020

Friday, December 11, 2020



If you are healthy, or even moderately healthy, - and even if you are in the most vulnerable age group, as I am - , In my opinion, you should refuse to take the Covid Vaccine.  Here’s why: It contains, for the first time ever in the history of modern allopathic medicine, artificially modified genetic material, and no one has any idea at this point what the long-term side effects may be. Like many environmental and chemical blunders our government has committed in the past, we probably will not know what the long-term effects of these vaccines are for years. If you allow artificially modified genetic material to be injected into your blood stream, you are taking on unknown risks and becoming a human guinea pig.

In my opinion, every human being has the right to choose to think for his- or her-self, and be

responsible for his or her own health, happiness and general well-being. If you allow yourself to be vaccinated with these experimental mRNA vaccines, then don’t be surprised if they impact and modify your personal genetic material, the DNA that makes you what you are, in potentially horrible, unwanted, and irreversible ways. Putting genetically modified material that has the potential of modifying your DNA into your bloodstream has the potential of being, at the very least, inadvertent genetic manipulation of your personal DNA, which is legally prohibited in the US, and should be illegal in any civilized society.  So, anyone forcing you to be vaccinated against your will, is committing a seriously immoral act, if not an actual criminal action. Why, do you think, laws have been enacted before the vaccines come out, to prevent vaccinated individuals from suing the pharmaceutical companies and medical professionals?

Who am I to advise anyone else about what to do regarding this controversial attempt to eliminate this man-made virus with a genetically modified vaccine? Am I a medical doctor? No, I don’t have the legal right to practice medicine, because even though I have studied allopathic medicine and its natural alternatives for 20 plus years, I do not have that MD after my name, only a PhD, a PE, and a few other hard-earned letters. But I do have some experience, the right, and the ability to think for myself. I have assessed personal risks for all my life, and sometimes it is necessary to ask: Is the solution worse than the problem it is meant to solve?

I have personally refused to take pharmaceutical drugs into my body except for in a few unfortunate hospital emergencies, when, as a last resort, I thought I had to sign a piece of paper that relinquished all of my personal freedom and related rights to doctors who, as it turned out, knew less about my condition than I did, and actually caused problems that could and should have been avoided. I have watched my both of parents and my wife suffer unnecessarily and die under the care of allopathic professionals. I firmly believe that the answer to almost all disease is maintining a healthy immune system by natural means. I have also had personal experience with exposure to the Covid-19 virus myself, and I have done considerable  research regarding the new vaccines. I was on the last flight out of Romania on March 13th 2020, when travel between Europe and the US was being shut down.  From Bucharest, I had to fly to Istanbul Turkey, where I boarded a flight to Chicago, a 10.5 hour nightmare packed with people infected with the Covid virus, desperately trying to get back into the US. Even though I was 83 years old at the time, I developed no symptoms because I had a strong immune system and no underlying illness due to the fact that I had taken responsibility for my own health for nearly 20 years at that time.  As a result of my experience and research, I will definitely choose not to have this questionable genetically manipulated, synthetic material injected into my body… Period!

I can also tell you that my independent research has revealed that Covid-19 is an almost completely fake pandemic engineered by misguided idiots and power-hungry psychopaths for purely political purposes. I could continue, and bore you with more technical detail showing why nearly everything most politicians, especially those on the left of the political spectrum are pushing, is nothing but political BS, but someone has said it as well as I ever could, so I will quote from that persons statement here. I was going to give credit to the author and the person who sent this to me, but I can no longer find the message. As you probably know, practically all media in the US right now are being heavily censored by the minions of the left-wing billionaires who have been purchasing our politicians and communications companies for decades. Anyway, here is the quote:

"I would like to urgently draw your attention to important questions linked to the next vaccination against Covid-19. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter his individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and hitherto considered criminal. This intervention can be compared to genetically modified foods, which are also very controversial. Even though the media and politicians are currently trivializing the problem and even foolishly calling for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, but also in terms of genetic damage which, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be irreversible and irreparable. Dear patients, after an unprecedented mRNA vaccine, you will no longer be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in a complementary way. You will have to live with the consequences because you will no longer be able to be cured simply by removing toxins from the human body, just like a person with a genetic defect like Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, stopping genetic heart disease, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc.), because the genetic defect is eternal! This clearly means: if a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist will be able to help you, as the damage caused by this vaccination will be genetically irreversible. In my opinion, these new vaccines represent a crime against humanity that has never been committed in such a significant way in history. As experienced physician Dr Wolfgang Wodarg said: ‘Actually this "promising vaccine" for the vast majority of people should be BANNED because it is genetic engineering!’

Every single pharmaceutical company has been convicted of felonies. Johnson and Johnson, one of the vaccine developers, is paying out millions as we speak to cancer victims who fell ill due to talc in baby powder- which J&J KNEW was carcinogenic and used it anyway. On top of that, pharma is the biggest lobby on *earth.* Bigger than oil and insurance lobbies combined. They have outright said cures don’t make enough money to be worthwhile. Over 6.4 billion has been paid out in vax injury court. Why would anyone trust them?!”


Yes. “Why?”, indeed!

ERC 12/11/2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020



In these strange times, when greedy politicians and the wealthy control freaks who back them, have stolen ten months of our lives, we all need to take a break from this nightmare. You can turn the tables on them, and take advantage of the self-quarantine, lockdown, or whatever form of forced isolation you are experiencing at this time, by making it an opportunity to re-connect with the Essence of Reality. Most of the human race has lost touch with the simple Joy of Being because of the daily, constant immersion in the intoxicating delusions of the world. I don’t know about you, but I have an innate, fundamental need to reconnect with essence of reality ever so often. For most of us, reconnection with Reality seems to happen spontaneously, maybe only once or twice during a lifetime. It may be triggered by a moment alone in nature, the witnessing a beautiful sunset, being fully awake in a forest by a waterfall, or sometimes it is occasioned by the shock of a near death experience. But it is always uplifting, inspiring, a moment of enlightenment and Self-Realization.

For you, however, if you are one of those among us who have come to realize that life as a human being is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect completely and permanently with the essence of Reality, whether you think of it as God, the Over-Soul, the transcendental Self, Nature, Infinity, or Primary Consciousness, then reconnecting with Reality is your reason for living. If this describes you, then I want to encourage you to seize the moment, forget about the current pandemic, the election, and any and all negative personal concerns that make you feel sad, angry, defeated, discouraged, or hopeless, and right now, for just one moment, allow your innate consciousness to expand into the depth of the moment and ascend into the heights of the multi-dimensional Reality that embraces us. It will change your life forever.

If you can release all your memories and anticipations, good and bad, both your past and present, and your imagined future, if only for an instant, your consciousness may become free to return once again to its original state. Experiencing this even once, will open your eyes to the real purpose and meaning of being. But most of humanity at this time, is loath to take this leap into Reality due to habitual attachment to the physical body and a paralyzing fear of the unknown. The paradox of being both finite and infinite at the same time, looms as an impossible barrier to moving into the awareness of the Infinite Self. The finite living organism that you have identified with, has a great fear of pain and suffering, including the imaginary prospect of ceasing to exist, even though the Great Spiritual Masters of all times tell us that death is an illusion. Their universal message to us is that our soul is immortal, and that even when your physical body dies, or is destroyed, and no longer exists, you will still retain the spiritual awareness that you have attained as a conscious being living life on this earth. 

Turn the tables on the Pandemic: Choose to rejoice in the opportunity to experience Reality. Live life in joyous ecstasy, despite the efforts of tyrants to impose their delusions on the rest of us. Declare the Glory of God! Make a joyous noise that may be heard around the world! Create a pandemic of Love.

ERC 11/19/2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020



Neppe and Close



The human intellect is finite, self-referential, devotedly self-centered, and its own best friend and worst enemy. Sometimes it obscures more than it illuminates, and Its most devious activity, which it even hides from itself, is the continuous frantic shoring up of the delusional belief that the real world is consistent with its carefully created conceptual view of itself and reality. The more intelligent and logically efficient the individual human mind, the more insidious this self-deception becomes. 

Each of us has developed or adopted our own conceptual model of reality that seems to us to be very real. However, an individual conceptual model existing in the mind, even if internally consistent, is often found to be inconsistent with the conceptual models of others, and it is very unlikely that any of them are entirely consistent with reality. With a limited correspondence to realty, our views of the world are more or less manageable finite models of reality, existing only within our skulls. But, because we each believe that our own conceptual model is actually reality itself, we build up all sorts of walls of internally consistent logic to protect it from the intrusive influence of any other world view that might conflict with it, and even from actual, existing reality. To the extent that an individual’s mental world appears to coincide with the consensus worldview of the society in which he or she resides, even though that consensus is also very unlikely to coincide with reality as it actually exists, that individual is considered to be reasonably sane and knowledgeable.

At this point in human history, most of us tire, quite early in life, of having to work to find truth for ourselves. This makes us very vulnerable to the influences of ready-made imaginary conceptual consensus worldviews created by various political, religious, and educational organizations whose leaders seek to control us under the pretense that they are more enlightened than we are, or that their beliefs are truths revealed by someone who is, or was, more enlightened and aware of the nature of reality than we are.

This brings up a series of important questions related to the concepts of worldviews and truth. Let’s start with: 1) What is truth? 2) What is enlightenment? 3) Are there many levels of truth and enlightenment? 4) Who is qualified to say what truth is? 4) Is there an ultimate or final state of enlightenment? And 5) If there is an ultimate state of enlightenment, has anyone ever attained that state?

Beginning with the question of what is truth? I submit that a statement is true, if and only if, it corresponds 100% with reality. That, of course, raises deeper questions: Exactly what is the true nature of reality? Is it mutable or immutable? That is to say, is reality absolute and changeless, or is it evolving?  If it is immutable, then it cannot be affected by what we do or think about it. If it is evolving, then we must ask: is it changing in response to our thoughts and actions, or is it altogether independent of us, changing randomly, or evolving toward definite goals according to its own rules? And, finally, are we, or can we ever be, capable of knowing reality well enough to determine whether our conceptualizations of it are true or not? 

At first thought, it would seem that there are two possible answers to the question of whether we can know reality: Either we are capable of knowing reality, or we are not. The answer is that, as finite physical beings, we can, if reality is finite, and if our physical brains contain, or can evolve to contain, enough cells, circuits, and synapses to correspond with the complexity of reality. And the answer is we cannot, if reality is infinite, unless our cognition is not limited to the capabilities of the physical brain. So, now we see that there are two even deeper questions that we must ask and answer first, in order to address this cascade of important questions, they are: Is reality finite or infinite? And is consciousness capable of operating outside of the physical body and beyond the functions of the brain?

At last we come to core questions that can and must be answered conclusively. Not only is there a growing mountain of solid evidence generated by scientists who have the courage to go beyond the limits of the current mainstream paradigm of materialistic physicalism, despite establishment censorship, but there is also a growing number of people who have had personal experiences of consciousness outside of and beyond the physical body and brain, who are speaking up. 

As a scientist with both overwhelmingly positive experimental evidence that the physical universe is an epiphenomenal series of forms arising from the substrate of Primary Consciousness, and direct personal experience of my own consciousness operating outside of my physical brain and body, I can answer the last question above, without hesitation, in the affirmative. It should be understood that the acceptance of this evidence and experience constitutes a real paradigm shift from the assumption that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of physical reality, to a paradigm recognizing consciousness as fundamental, if not primary. 

Consciousness definitely can function outside of, and beyond the physical body. I have seen evidence of it in meticulous experimental data, and experienced it myself, in near-death experiences (NDEs) and out-of-body experiences (OBEs). I have written about this in Secrets of the Sacred Cube, a Cosmic Love Story, Close, ER and JA, 2019. From the perspective of the multi-dimensional field of primary consciousness, which mainstream physicists call the zero point field (ZPF), the body’s brain and nervous system acts primarily as a receiver of the logical patterns of primary consciousness, and secondarily as a transmitter and organizer of the logical patterns of consciousness in the physical world. 

Working our way backward, the next question we can answer is: “Is reality finite or infinite?” All the evidence points to the conclusion that reality is infinite. Mainstream science generally treats reality as finite, only because their tools of observation and measurement have a finite range of application. But as we refine the tools and discover more of reality, the finite reality that physical scientists are studying is constantly expanding and changing. This is why science is always incomplete. This is why the history of science shows many examples of radical changes in the body of statements considered to be scientific facts. 

Also, Gӧdel’s incompleteness theorems prove that any representation of science as an internally consistent system of logic can never be complete. Thus, all internally consistent logical systems are capable of expansion. In addition, the red shift in light from distant stars indicates that the physical universe also follows this pattern of expansion into the unknown. So, even if a valid model of the physical universe can be said to be finite at any given moment in time, dynamic reality will expand beyond that, in the next instant. This conclusion that reality is functionally infinite brings us to a point where we can answer all of the questions posed above. Let’s take them in the order:

1) What is truth? Answer: 100% correspondence with reality. 1a) What is the nature of reality? Answer: Reality is the totality of everything that exists. 1b) Can we ever be aware of reality? Answer: Yes. That is the function of the mind and the senses.1c) Is reality finite or infinite? Answer: Reality is dynamically infinite. 1d) Do our thoughts and actions affect dynamic reality, does reality change according to specific discoverable rules, or does it change randomly? Answer: Our actions do affect reality, and reality does not appear to change completely randomly, as evidenced by the existence of the many verifiable deterministic laws of physical science. 1e) is consciousness capable of operating outside of the physical body and beyond the electrical and chemical functions of the physical brain? Yes, at least to a limited degree, and perhaps it will behave more and more that way as reality evolves. 2) What is enlightenment? Answer: Awareness and understanding of the nature of reality. 3) Are there various levels of truth and enlightenment? Answer: Yes. Distribution of the levels of enlightenment in individual consciousness beings forms a normal bell-shaped curve, and the body of truthful knowledge expands with the increasing levels of enlightenment. 4) Who is qualified to say what truth and enlightenment are? Answer: The most enlightened among us. 4) Is there an ultimate or final state of enlightenment? Answer: Yes there must be, but it is a moving target, due to the dynamically infinite nature of reality. 5) Has anyone ever attained the ultimate state of enlightenment? Answer: Yes, I believe so, but I cannot prove it.

This last answer requires additional explanation and some careful exploration of the interface of our individual consciousness with reality. These answers bring us to the deepest level of finite cognition, on the threshold of infinite continuity, where we have several choices. The road most travelled is the acceptance of the teachings of established authorities with blind faith and belief. Another choice is indulgence in self-deception, and a third choice is the search for conscious enlightenment. However, the analogy of forks in the road is not strictly valid because the three choices enumerated here are not mutually exclusive. Combinations of the three are open to us. Each of us must decide. 

As I  said, I believe there are ultimately enlightened beings, but I cannot prove it. Of course, it will be a great thing if ultimate enlightenment exists and if help is available to us from that level of intelligence and knowledge. But we cannot prove that an ultimately enlightened being exists because if such a being does exist, then by definition, that being exists both within, and outside of, and beyond, the domain of finite beings and finite logical systems. Fortunately, however, this inability to comprehend is a one-way feature of an infinite reality, because, while you may be unable to fully perceive the world and functional existence of a completely enlightened being, such a being, if one exists, can be aware of you and your world. There are two ways that this one-way restriction can be understood: by analogy, and by inductive mathematical proof of the existence of levels of intelligence superior to finite human intelligence.

As an analogy, consider an individual living micro-organism on your body, or in your immediate environment. While that specific micro-organism is able to act within its miniature world, and react to its environment with a natural rudimentary form of intelligence, it is unaware of your existence unless something you do affects it directly, and even then, it has no way of knowing anything about you, your world, or your level of intelligence. If something you do affects its world, it will be experienced by the micro-organism as part of its natural reality. If a fully enlightened being exists, then the analogy is that the micro-organism is to you as you are to the fully enlightened being. 

From a mathematical point of view, when a quantum calculus with a multi-dimensional quantum-equivalence unit and validated Diophantine (quantum integer) theorems are applied to the physics of the proton, as Dr. Vernon Neppe and I have done in TDVP, we find that there would be no stable atomic structure without the existence of a non-physical form of the substance of reality. Many papers, several books, and a number of posts on this blog have been published detailing this discovery and its implications. This non-physical feature of reality, which we call gimmel, guides the development of physical reality in an intelligent and purposeful manner. The existence of a Primary Intelligence acting prior to the development of the physical universe is revealed by inductive reasoning, and the existence of a spectrum of conscious enlightened beings operating between Primary Intelligence and human intelligence, is revealed by deductive reasoning. Again, it is important to note that this is the beginning of a paradigm shift from the assumption that matter is primary to the realization that consciousness is primary. 

Why is this important? Because when a new scientific paradigm is introduced, people capable of funding the needed research into its validity naturally ask established scientists to evaluate it. But most scientists who are well-established in the current paradigm, will be totally incapable of evaluating an actual paradigm shift. A recent example of a panel of scientists with training in mathematical physics asked to evaluate TDVP (the Neppe-Close Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm) will serve as an example.

Reviewers reviewed a single unpublished Close-Neppe paper and noted, as a negative comment, that they could find no references to some of the key terms of TDVP in papers in mainstream mathematics and physics journals. It apparently did not occur to them that if they found such references, it would prove that they were not new ideas. Also, one reviewer confidently declared that, contrary to our conclusion that gimmel, the non-physical aspect of reality discovered by mathematical analysis as reported in the paper, there was no evidence of consciousness in atomic or sub-atomic structures. Then later, the same reviewer admitted that science currently has no idea what consciousness is. The question one has to ask this reviewer is: How can you declare no evidence of something, if you don’t know what you are looking for? 

Although a fair number of qualified scientists have expressed confidence in TDVP as a real paradigm shift, there are several more examples of the type of current-paradigm circular reasoning highlighted above offered by mainstream scientists. It appears that Max Planck was right when he said: 

“A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. … Science progresses from funeral to funeral.”

Dr. Neppe and I – and a few other competent scientists who have reviewed it - are convinced that TDVP, based on the sound experimental data of the Large Hadron Collider and the logic of quantum calculus analysis, is a valid paradigm shift from the limited scientific materialism of today’s mainstream science, to the broader consciousness-based science of the future. We are definitely not following the road most travelled, even though our new paradigm preserves much of the mainstream paradigm, while expanding it to include consciousness. Are we on the path of self-delusion, or enlightenment? It's up to you to decide.

ERC 11/07/2020  

Thursday, October 29, 2020





Because some people reading this blogpost will not have come here by way of my Facebook post, I will start by repeating what I said there:

I have always tried to stay away from politics in my blog posts as much as possible, but the results of the election coming up November 3rd will profoundly affect our lives as Americans, and possibly the rest of the world, in very different ways for decades to come, regardless of who wins; so this is a time when your vote might really count for something. Ideally, everyone who votes should be well-informed about the issues and the candidates; but, unfortunately, right now, here in the USA, the vast majority of voters are either almost totally uninformed or grossly mis-informed. ---For that reason, I cannot remain silent.

I actually have many friends on both sides of the political spectrum; but because of the extremely emotional bifurcation of political thought in the world today, I am likely to alienate at least half of the people who might read what I have to say because of their political interpretation of my words. Even though I have always tried to avoid politics and stick to science and spirituality in my posts, I know there are people out there who think that, because I am a Mid-Westerner who believes in God and freedom from oppressive government control, I must be a conservative MAGA hat-wearing Trump supporter; and there are also people out there who think that, because I am an environmental engineer educated in an elite Ivy League school, and lived in California for a considerable portion of my adult life, I must be a progressive tree-hugging liberal; but the truth is somewhere in between.

I am hopeful that, precisely because I am not an ideolog adhering to either end of the political spectrum, that people on both sides will take time to read what I have to say. But, in this day and age when we are encouraged to vote without thinking, I want to offer some relevant information that may persuade even those who do not feel the need to hear anyone else’s opinion, to read on. I am appealing to you to avoid closing the page the minute you see a hint that my choice might be different than what you think is right. Please hear me out before you accept or reject what I have to say.

First, if you don’t already know, you may find it pertinent, or at least interesting, that I have a documented IQ above the 99.9999 percentile, well into what is considered to be the “genius” range. With such a rare documented IQ, I can claim to be very intelligent. But does that make me infallible? No, of course not! The most intelligent person in the world can be wrong about a given issue, because reasoning always proceeds from one or more a priori assumptions, and even the most impressive, time-honored a priori assumption may eventually turn out to be wrong.

On the other hand, a person of average intelligence can be quite well-informed if he or she is willing to spend the time to do the research necessary to understand both sides of an issue. That, along with mostly honest elections, and a democratic republican government with checks and balances, is what has made our country the envy of the rest of the world for so long. Having a high IQ may have its advantages, but experience, knowledge, and understanding are more important than reasoning power. So let me give you some other, more important reasons for reading what I have to say.

I believe that, as spiritual beings expressing our selves through the sentient biological life forms called Homo sapiens, the main business of life is learning. I believe that regardless of your chronological age, the minute you stop learning, you start dying. Because I believe this, I have made learning a life-long process, and I attribute my continuing good health at least partly to this attitude.

I have spent many hours, days, and years in the classrooms and libraries of some of our best universities, many more than required for the degrees I earned. I am not going to bore you by listing the courses and universities I attended, but rest assured that I have studied political ideologies and other issues that affect our lives. Also, I think it is important that I consider the learning I acquired outside of academia as just as important, if not more important than what I learned in the classroom. So I will only mention specific subjects that are relevant to the substance and conclusions of this post.

The message I want to convey in this post depends upon the development of a clear understanding of the importance of attaining a happy balance between two very real human needs: freedom and social organization. An imbalance between freedom and social organization, in either direction, inevitably leads to unhappy results. Extreme imbalance between these needs leads to destructive anarchism, in the case of radical individualism, and grinding poverty and loss of freedom, in the case of reliance on totalitarian organizational collectivism. As individuals, and more importantly, as a nation, we must find the proper balance between the two.

As a nation, we find ourselves strongly divided right now. Either choice available to us in the up-coming presidential election could represent a move toward one extreme or the other. Unless you have bought into the propaganda of one side or the other, deciding how to vote November 3rd may present a real dilemma. What I want to try to do in this post is admittedly difficult, and may be next to impossible, but I have to try: I implore you to vote based on known historical facts and logical reasoning, not politically biased interpretations and emotional demonization of the people on either side. Whether or not you make sure that independently determined facts have the most weight in your individual decision or not, is entirely up to you, but you should. To ignore the facts is to court disaster.

Because it is reasonable for you to wonder why you should listen to me, I shall attempt to give you some more reasons: I grew up in the lingering effects of the Great Depression, and I vividly remember World War II, with air-raid drills, gas masks, and food rationing. I have studied fascism, socialism, Marxism, and capitalism, both in real life and in graduate school. I am not a member of “the great generation”, and I am not a “baby-boomer”, but I have direct knowledge from interacting with both groups. I worked as a waiter, farm and construction laborer, door-to-door salesman, and as an actuarial mathematics technician and computer programmer in Los Angeles, before I earned my first degree. After earning a degree in math and physics, I spent about five and one-half years teaching mathematics and science in public high schools, about the same length of time teaching mathematical modeling and environmental engineering at the university level, more than twelve years as a scientist, mathematician, and systems analyst in a government agency (the US Department of Interior}, and more than twenty years as a principal hydro-geologist and environmental engineer in private consulting firms. Along the way, I earned several awards, a PhD, and Professional Engineering status (PE). I have worked and lived in several states and foreign countries. I have worked for large corporations, small companies, was Director of Business Development for a major technological firm in the Middle East, and later founded and built my own environmental consulting firm. After retiring from these careers, I have spent more than ten years doing advanced research in the application of mathematical physics to the study of consciousness. At 84, I am still active in research groups and international conferences.

The point is that I am not a one-dimensional person. I have meaningful experience in education, government, public and private employment, business building, planning, marketing, sales, project management, systems analysis, and leading-edge research in several fields. I think it can be argued that this broad background of life-long education and diverse employment across this country and around the world, provides a basis for a well-informed opinion on a variety of subjects.

Now to the problem at hand: the election November 3, 2020. Here’s my first, and probably most important advice: Ignore most of the hair-pulling, name-calling hysteria of the talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. Do your own research. You’ll find out that America, even with its flaws, offers more opportunity for freedom and the pursuit of happiness for people of every race and creed than any other nation on this planet. You will also find that COVID-19, while a horrible infectious disease, is not the end of the world. Healthy people rarely die from it. Don’t let fear-mongering for political purposes on either side blur the real issues and cause you to over-react, because that will only add to the problem. There is plenty of real information out there to give you a sound rational basis for your actions, including voting for the candidate who will be best for the country.

Yes, I know who I have to vote for November 3rd, and no, I’m not going to tell you who that is, or who I think you should vote for. And my next bit of advice may surprise you.

I am not going to follow the conventional wisdom and say: everyone should be sure to vote! If you are uninformed or mis-informed, It would be far better for the country, and for you in the long run, that you do not vote, because it will just add to the randomness of results, and you may be cancelling the vote of someone who has actually done the research and is well-informed. If you are only listening to either Fox News or CNN and MSNBC, you are not really well-informed. In fact, sorry to say, in my opinion, it is likely that you are largely mis-informed.

No one should ever vote for the sole purpose of voting against a candidate. Always vote FOR someone or something positive, not against. It is true that the current Presidential candidates represent very different visions for the future of America and the world. One is a career politician being dragged toward big-government socialism. The other is a political outsider favoring capitalism. But contrary to what the opposing ranks of those who have one political agenda or the other claim, both candidates have policies that are good, and both have policies that are bad for the country. Neither is pure evil, and neither is the savior of the world.

Don’t listen to the biased political hacks; get off your lazy backside and do your own research, and if the facts warrant it, be willing to change your mind. Search your soul, and if you find that you are planning to vote based on nothing but negative emotions of hate, or fear, or if you know that you are uninformed or mis-informed by biased pundits, then don’t vote. An uninformed or mis-informed vote is worse than no vote, because it only adds to the chaos. An uninformed or mis-informed voter is like a soldier on a battlefield with a gun that may shoot in the wrong direction and explode in his face.

The extreme agendas of the fringe supporters of either candidate, Trump or Biden, have the potential of  destroying our country. As a legally qualified voter, it is your privilege and duty to help decide which candidate is most likely to lead us to a happy balance and a world of prosperity and responsible freedom. That is a truly awesome responsibility. That is why you must put aside your personal desires and political biases and consider the choice based on facts, not ideological beliefs and emotional reactions. This has always been important, but I believe it is even more important now than it has ever been during my lifetime. If you cannot do this, and are voting based on emotional reactions to the superficial features of the candidates, you will serve your country better by not voting at all.

If you take the responsibility of casting your vote seriously, you must listen with critical skepticism to both sides, do your own independent research and thinking, and then cast your vote based on facts that you have verified yourself. The stakes are way too high to depend on the political mind spinning of career politicians and irrational emotional reactions.

ERC 10/28/2020

Saturday, October 24, 2020






I am honored to be able to say a few words here today about my long-time great friend, Dr David Stewart. It was hard for me to decide what to say to this gathering of David’s family and friends, in the 15 or 20 minutes that I have, not because I don’t have much to say, but because I could talk for a couple of hours about him and only scratch the surface. So my problem is how to convey to you what a great man David was, and is, in such a short time.  

I think that probably just about everyone here knows that David Stewart was a great teacher and writer of books, a great family man and friend, an outstanding scholar, and above all, a devout Christian of deep faith. Let me underscore the fact that he was a man of God by letting him speak for himself. In the introduction to his excellent book about the chemistry of healing organic compounds, sub-titled “God’s Love Manifest in Molecules”, he quotes Psalm 19: “The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.” David goes on to say: “The psalmist speaks of the power and nature of God as evidenced in the grandeur of the galaxies, the great dome of the sky, and the infinite scale of the cosmos. … even though inanimate creation does not speak in words, it still has a voice resounding everywhere, to be heard and understood by the spiritually attuned… the atoms are also telling of the glory of God; and the molecules proclaim his handiwork.”

These statements provide us with a look into the mind of Dr. David Stewart. Having talked with him on many occasions over the years about God and science, I know that he saw science and spirituality as complementary paths to Truth. He saw no conflict between science and religion. I suspect that this is something that most of you already know about David, but now, let me see if I can tell you a few things about him that you might not know:

I first met David when we were assigned to rooms directly across the hall from each other on the second floor of McMurray Hall, the freshman men’s dormitory on the campus of Central Methodist College, now Central Methodist University. He was a Philosophy-English major, planning to become a Methodist Minister. I was a Physics-Math major, planning to become a theoretical physicist. Classes for our major and minor interests were held on opposite ends of the campus. But David had an abiding interest in science and mathematics, and I had an abiding interest in philosophy and religion.

We did have one class together that year. As honor students, we didn’t have to take first-year English and math courses, and instead were allowed to enroll in more interesting courses like a creative writing course taught by one of the most popular professors on campus, Dr. Thomas Perry. We came to know each other in this class, and in after-hours small groups of students that tended to congregate in our rooms, and In late night discussions, common in college dorms in those days, we discovered that we both believed there should be no conflict between real science and real religion, and we soon became good friends. That was 1955. 65 years later, we are still best friends. I was fortunate to get to know Dave’s family. His father, who taught English to Penitentiary Inmates, had a delightful sense of humor. And Dave’s brother Ted said that Dave and I were twins. We just happened to be born to different mothers!

Dave and I thought so much alike that it was a little spooky at times. During those late-night discussions, we would sometimes say whole statements in unison, and often finished each other’s sentences. We both had numerous experiences of sitting in class, suddenly thinking of the other, just before looking out the window to see the other walking by on his way across campus. We seemed to have some sort of psychic connection. Partly because of this, we became interested in the then-new science of parapsychology. We carried out some very interesting experiments with the support of a physics professor and Dr. perry. We corresponded with Dr. JB Rhine of Duke University, the pioneer of parapsychology in the US at that time. He encouraged us to continue our parapsychological experiments, but wisely advised us to get a solid education in some other field, as there was little demand for parapsychologists!

Students were allowed to choose roommates after the first year at Central Methodist, so because of our common interests and our budding friendship, we chose to be roommates our second year, and again until the middle of our third year. One night in the second semester of our Junior year, in a discussion about life and the reason for existence, we agreed that we were not getting the answers we were looking for in the classrooms of Academia, so the next morning, we packed up and left.

After camping in a cave for three weeks, we struck out hitch-hiking across America to California. Our goal was to meet certain famous people who we thought might have some answers. That was the beginning of Dave and Ed’s Excellent Adventure!

We were honor students, so our parents and some of the administrators at Central Methodist nearly had heart attacks. I won’t go into details here, but we did meet some of those famous people, and we did find some answers, but we both returned, - not together or at the same time- to marry our sweethearts and finish our formal education. We both earned degrees in mathematics and science, including PhDs, and we both did post-doctoral research in several fields.

After Lora Lee called Monday to tell me that her father had left this earth behind, I posted a recent picture of the two of us together and a short notice on Facebook. It said:

Dr David M. Stewart exited this life this afternoon, I think this was the last picture taken with my best friend. We were on our way to enjoy dinner together at a local Mexican restaurant. We met as college freshmen in 1955, and have remained best friends all these years. I mourn the loss of his physical presence, but celebrate his exemplary life! He was a blessing to this world and will be remembered as one of the great minds of his time.

As of this morning, there have been 620 likes, 225 comments, and 72 shares, attesting to how many people held David in high regard. I’d like to end my tribute to David by reading a few of those comments:

“A most intelligent and humble man who changed and impacted my life in so many ways... The Holy Spirit led me to Dr. David Stewart and his beautiful teachings … I know his spirit longed to be with his beloved wife, Lee, who passed on a few years ago, and I am glad that they are now reconnected.


He was a brilliant man and has blessed us all with his work and writings. He will he missed.


He touched my heart, the first time I heard him speak


I loved him from his books and videos and knowledge that he provided. May he rest in peace. He did great work here on earth.


A great mind, student of life, kind personality, and wonderful teacher. We will all miss him.


He is a precious soul and moved mountains in this world. His education, gentle wise spirit, books and so much more left a lasting imprint on so many.


Such a blessing to this earth! Wonderful man who shares his wisdom! What a wonderful man. I love how Dr. Stewart used his genius to simplify things for us. He changed the world for the better.  Wishing you peace Dr. Close as you remember your dear friend.


Such a wonderful scholar he was and what a Blessing to all who knew and loved him. He will live on in our hearts and minds as we continue to reference his materials! I am so, so sorry for your loss.


May he rest in Eternal Peace ! We will be forever grateful for his dedication 

A life well lived. He has indeed left an indelible impression on the world.


He left the imprint of 'God's love in molecules' for all who were eager to learn from him. He will be missed, and I am sorry for the hole left in your heart. What as lovely friendship.


David Stewart was a precious friend and WHAT A GIFT TO THE WORLD!!!


We have lost a giant of a man of character and a library of knowledge that we benefit from every day. You will always be a remembered pioneer in God’s remedies for health.


 David was a great soul who dedicated so much to the betterment of humankind. Thankfully, his great books hold his research and knowledge. He now rests with God. Blessings to you.


Feeling sad today for the loss of this giant! So sorry, Ed, that your best friend has moved on to the heavenly spheres where I am sure angels have been welcoming him home and where Lee is waiting with open arms!  When I took a CARE seminar with him in 2004… I was blown away by his loving warmth, inclusivity and unconditional love! I learned a lot, but …my experience of his loving kindness changed me forever.


His  lifetime friendship and collaboration with you. Dr. Close will continue to pave the road for the future of post-materialist science and innate knowledge that our souls/consciousness live on through eternity.”


There were many more tributes like these.


When I think about Dave’s departure from this world, I remember what Jesus said in John 14:2: “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And I will come again, and receive you unto myself.”

Today, one of those mansions has a new resident.

His name is David Mack Stewart.

ERC Posted 10/24/2020