Self-Inquiry may sound like something very subjective
and personal until you realize that the ego we think of as our personal self is
an illusion. Only insomuch as one realizes that the real Self exists as part of
the matrix within which the ephemeral imagery of the individual ego-based self
appears to exist, is one able to embark on the straight and narrow path of Self-Inquiry.
Inquiry into the Real Self is not subjective and personal, as materialists
incorrectly assume. On the contrary, it is the ultimate objectivity. It is the
study of the non-physical reality underlying and permeating the physical
universe, and it is the basis of the science of the future.
“The day science begins to study
non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all
the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla
What does this Tesla quote have to do with Self-Inquiry?
Everything! A little background will help clarify the point:
In 2010, a series of Near-Death, and
Out-of-Body Experiences (NDEs & OBEs) totally disrupted my life. They began
one afternoon in the Queen’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau
in Egypt, and they continued throughout that day, the following night, and up until
the following afternoon in the Ancient City of Petra, in Southern Jordan. I
have written about these experiences in several posts on this blogsite, and in
a couple of books. During the OBEs, that started with a series of horribly sickening
spinning sensations, totally disorienting me in space and time, I experienced a
rapid stream of audio and visual information pouring into my consciousness. I
was told later that what I experienced was part of a global shift and
realignment of Consciousness, and that detailed knowledge from ancient and
future ages of enlightenment had been downloaded into hyper-dimensional
compartments of my mind, to which I normally have little or no access. I know
now that those experiences were significant and formative in my involvement in
the first decade of the scientific study of non-physical phenomena.
The first decade of the scientific study
of non-physical phenomena really began for me about a year later in 2011, when
I discovered that a non-physical form of objective reality was necessary for
any stable atomic structure to exist. The discovery of the existence of a third
measurable form of reality, more basic than the other two measurable forms of
objective reality, i.e., matter and energy, gave rise to a new scientific paradigm.
The quantification of the non-physical aspect of reality is hidden in plain
sight in the Large Hadron Collider data, the basic laws of physics, and pure
mathematics. The key concepts that led to this discovery first surfaced in a
discussion with Dr. Vernon Neppe during our first face-to-face meeting in
Amsterdam in 2010, and was augmented a few days later with the information
downloaded into my consciousness during the NDEs and OBEs that I experienced in
Egypt and Jordan. Finally, application of the primary logic of quantum
calculation, producing a series of mathematical proofs, completed and documented
the discovery.
Dr. Neppe and I had already begun our
work together a couple of years earlier, soon after our virtual meeting as
members of the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE) in 2008.
Inspired by the complementarity of ideas that we had developed separately over
a number of years, we went to work developing a new scientific paradigm capable
of embracing the verified details of the current scientific model in a new
theoretical framework, expanded to include verifiable non-physical phenomena. By
2011, our new model of reality was based on Large Hadron Collider data, relativistic
quantum calculations, and objectively proved mathematical theorems that led to
the discovery of the non-physical aspect of reality. This comprehensive paradigm,
once generally accepted, will bring about a major shift to a much-needed post-materialist
science with an enormous potential for improving our understanding of reality
and changing human society for the betterment of all people. The logic of this
new paradigm also reveals the fallacy of the materialistic assumption
underlying the current mainstream scientific paradigm.
Discovery of the non-physical aspect of
reality introduced a completely new concept into modern science, and we soon realized
that an appropriate way to refer to it was needed. We decided to use gimmel,
the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet to represent the quantifiable
non-physical aspect of reality. We did this for a number of reasons, including
the fact that it is the third aspect of reality, and gimmel, the third letter,
also represents a means of conveyance or a bridge, in this case, a bridge between
physical and non-physical reality.
As we worked on the new paradigm, we saw
Nikola Tesla’s prediction start to come true. On an almost daily basis, the new
paradigm unfolded to predict new phenomena and explain puzzles and paradoxes existing
in the current materialistic paradigm. Within the first decade of applying this
new approach, we counted more than fifty (50) phenomenal puzzles existing within
and beyond the current materialistic paradigm, that we successfully explained in
the logic of the new paradigm. Our model, the Triadic Dimensional Vortical
Paradigm (TDVP) was verified, at least in our minds and in the minds of a
handful of other scientists from the more than 200 scientists worldwide to whom
a description of the new unified paradigm was submitted for peer review.
So, you might ask, why hasn’t this work
been accepted and applauded by the established scientific community? There are
a number of reasons that this hasn’t happened, but the main reason was expressed
very well by Max Planck, one of the great scientists who made a discovery
leading to the last major paradigm shift. He said:
“A new scientific truth does not
triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather
because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is
familiar with it. … Science progresses from funeral to funeral.”
Max Planck is celebrated
today by mainstream scientists as the father of quantum physics, but most
mainstream scientists, trained in a materialistic paradigm, simply ignore
Planck’s deeper insight into the nature of reality, which he stated very clearly
as follows:
“As a man who has devoted his whole
life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you
as the result of my research about atoms this much: there is no matter as such.
All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume
behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind
is the matrix of all matter.” – Max
Hint: The discovery of and contact with this Mind is what the
post is all about.
With the exception of a few brave scientists, the majority of
mainstream scientists asked to review TDVP were unable to evaluate the paradigm
shift with an open mind, because of their vested interest in the current
materialistic paradigm. Many of them refused to even look at the proofs when
they saw the first reference to non-physical phenomena, and a few attacked TDVP,
looking for any means to discredit it, rather than trying to understand it. Dr.
Neppe and I have addressed the criticisms leveled at the TDVP by the mainstream
scientists who attacked it. Our responses can be found in a number of journal papers
and articles, and in posts on this blogsite. But re-hashing those arguments is not
what this post is about.
As far as I am concerned, the validity and value of the TDVP
paradigm shift has been more than adequately demonstrated and proved, both mathematically
and empirically, so now it is time to move on with the application of the new
paradigm. Personally, I am at a point in life where
I owe no allegiance to materialistic academia or government, so I am free to investigate
the most basic questions that are ignored by mainstream scientists. The shift
to the consciousness-based Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm allows me to address
the basic questions of great importance, like:
What is the Reality behind the physical façade of reality that we experience
through the limited physical senses? What is the purpose of life? What is
consciousness? And who am I? These are questions that can be addressed within
the framework of TDVP, through Self-Inquiry.
You may be thinking: What does a scientific paradigm,
a mathematical model, have to do with such questions? The answer to that
question is what this post is about. Just as gimmel is an effective bridge
between the physical and non-physical aspects of reality, the unified monism of
TDVP is an effective bridge between our experience of reality through the limited
physical senses and our experience of the non-physical aspects of reality
through the expanded awareness of multi-dimensional perception. But before the
institutions of mainstream science can make the transition from the current materialist
dominated enterprise it is, and shift to an expanded postmaterialist science,
scientists will have to start to be trained much differently. To move toward a
new, more comprehensive science, they need training in Self-Inquiry.
Mainstream scientists, for the most part, are not well-balanced
human beings. They have spent many years learning to divorce their own
consciousness from objective reality. Our educational institutions today do not
train students of science, engineering, and technology to think for themselves,
and certainly not to think outside the box of materialism. They are trained to
follow the focused instructions of departmental specialists and use conventional
reasoning and technical equipment, while entirely neglecting their most
important investigative asset, the one thing that connects them directly with
reality: their own consciousness.
A scientist who has neglected Self-Inquiry, ignores an
enormous part of reality. But, don’t misunderstand me; I am not dismissing the
work of mainstream scientists; their work is very valuable from the standpoint
of practical application, but a person who has not expanded his or her
consciousness through meditation techniques leading to effective Self-Inquiry, will
most likely only be contributing to the investigation of an existing paradigm. Even
the idea of expanding the scientific view of reality to incorporate
non-physical phenomena is not likely to occur to them or appeal to them. The
combination of departmental specialization and neglect of Self-Inquiry is what
assures the outcome that Planck commented on when he said “Science progresses
from funeral to funeral.”
Self-Inquiry may sound like nothing but subjective
introspection, until we realize that the identification of self with a physical
body is an addictive illusion. Only insomuch as one realizes that the real Self
is the matrix from which the ephemeral individual self emerges, is one ready to
set out on the path of Self-Inquiry. Inquiry into the real Self is not
subjective and uniquely personal, as materialistic science incorrectly assumes,
on the contrary, it is ultimate objectivity, and it is the basis for the real comprehensive
science of the future.
It is important to note that Self-Inquiry does
not require an exceptionally high IQ, or extensive university training. In fact,
excessive intellectual sophistication and institutionalized specialization is
what prevents most mainstream scientists from seeing beyond the materialistic limitations
of the current paradigm. On the other hand, anyone with an open mind and the desire
to know the truth can find the way to a new understanding of reality and enlightenment
through Self-Inquiry.
If you are with me so far, you may be thinking: It
sounds too simple; or you may want to know: How does one go about engaging in effective
Self-Inquiry? Whether you realize it or not, Spiritual Masters, the fully
enlightened ones, have taught methods of consciousness expansion through Self-Inquiry
throughout the ages, but their teachings are often subverted by lesser beings
who exploit the revelations of Self-Inquiry, which they do not understand, for
personal gain, power, and control over others. Self-Inquiry is simple, but the
mind, addicted to identification with the superficial aspects of personality
and physical fascination, is very adept from many years of practice, effectively
sidetracking any real effort to advance spiritually. In my estimation, maybe as
much as 95 % of the thoughts that flood the average person’s consciousness on a
daily basis are trivial and superficial, with little or no relevance to the
real purpose of life, which is mental, physical, and spiritual advancement toward
the full-blown enlightenment of Cosmic Consciousness.
Everyone needs someone or something to believe in,
and belief in something unseen is the definiti0on of faith. Christians believe
in Jesus and his eventual return, Jews believe in the Messiah yet to come, Muslims
believe in the prophets of Judaism and Christianity, and in Mohammed as the
last prophet, Buddhists believe in the Buddha and many Buddhas to come, and mainstream
scientists believe in materialism; but knowledge is better than belief, because
it does not require blind-faith acceptance of someone else’s ideas. The
discovery that the stability of atomic structure depends on the existence of
non-physical gimmel brings the non-physical phenomena experienced by
spiritually advanced conscious beings into the realm of possible experience for
the average person, and it also provides the basis for an extended form of
science. A more detailed knowledge and understanding of reality, from the gross
mundane perceptions of matter to the most ecstatic experiences of spirituality,
obtained through scientific Self-Inquiry, will benefit everyone.
So exactly what is Self-Inquiry? First, Self-Inquiry
must not be confused with self-inquiry. The activities of self-inquiry (self
with a small ‘s’) are superficial visceral reactions caused by personal ego attachment
and an unhealthy fascination with our own negative emotions and psychoses. Self-Inquiry
(with a large ‘S’) is a much deeper experience in which focused consciousness turns
and penetrates through and beyond the five-dimensional domain of space-time and
individual consciousness, into the substrate of Reality and the higher-dimensional
domains of Primary Consciousness. Incidentally, the mathematical process of Dimensional
Extrapolation that I developed and described in the published accounts of the
discovery of gimmel, is a conceptional representation of the consciousness
expansion of Self-Inquiry. It describes the spinning motion and projection from
an n-dimensional domain into an n+1 dimensional domain conceptually like what I
experienced in the Great Pyramid.
The experience of moving consciously from the
perceptual existence of an 4-D earthly dimensional domain to another, more expanded
domain, resulting from the rotation and projection of Self-Inquiry, cannot be adequately
conveyed in words, but an analogy might help: The consciousness identified with
the small self might be likened to the experience of living in a man-made city,
offering an exciting environment, with lots of distractions, but largely fake
and artificial. Expanding that small self-awareness through Self-Inquiry is
like driving beyond the city limits and becoming aware of the wonderful world
of Pristine Nature surrounding and encompassing the prison-like environment of
the city. It is only when one has escaped into the fresh air and vibrant energy
of Nature, that one can begin to realize how unnatural, confining, and polluted
the city actually is.
Finally, I will end this post with a brief discussion
of the process of Self-Inquiry: First, you must turn the searchlight of your
mind completely around, from the outward search for meaning in material things,
to focus inward, laser-like, on your own unique experience of consciousness. This
is the practical meaning of the Biblical reprimand “repent”. To repent means
more than just to be sorry for wrong things you may have done, it means to completely
reverse the focus of your mind. By doing so, you become a silent observer,
engrossed in the one and only thing that you actually can experience directly: Consciousness.
This is the only way you can quiet the constant chatter of your habitually grasping,
covetous mind, and “Be still and know that I am God!” - Psalm 46:10.
Next, consider the intent of Christ Jesus when he gave
his disciples instructions: His intent was to teach them how to turn their
attention around, from outward fascination with the ever-changing physical
aspects of reality, inward to experience direct contact with the Holy Spirit,
Christ Consciousness, and the Eternal Presence of God. “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will
they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within
you” – Luke 17:20-21. True perception comes from turning within and
focused Self-Inquiry.
And in Mathew 6:22
he said: “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light.”
The physical sense of sight is a finite manifestation
of the more comprehensive sense of spiritual perception. The intent of turning
your attention of perception inward is to switch from physical vision to
spiritual vision. This turning of attention from the sensations of the body,
the little self, to the perceptions of the Primary Consciousness of the greater
Self, is what I am calling “Self-Inquiry.
ERC Christmas Eve, 2020