Monday, November 27, 2017


Uniting Science and Spirituality Video:



The members, in no particular order, except for Dr. Gary Schwartz and Dr. Marjorie Woollacott, founders.

Gary Schwartz, PhD, and his wife Rhonda
Marjorie Woollacott, PhD
Mario Beauregard, PhD
Imants Barrus, PhD
Dianne Powell, PhD
Dean Radin, PhD
Lisa Miller, PhD
Edward R. Close, PhD
Julia Mossbridge, PhD
Stephan A. Schwartz
Menas Kafatos, PhD

Members not present:

Charles Tart, PhD (participated via Skype)
Rupert Shelldrake, PhD
Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD

All members are well-known and established professionals in their own right and can be found online. To watch, click on Expanding Reality:

Saturday, November 25, 2017


© Edward R. Close, November 26, 2015

I have just finished writing a description of the development of the science of the future. It is to be included as a chapter in the first volume of the Academy for the Advancement of Post-Materialist Science, to be published soon; - I’m hoping within the next year. My chapter is currently being reviewed by the founders of the Academy and by Dr. Vernon Neppe, my research partner. In the meantime, here is a brief summary of the chapter. It contains an explanation of why current mainstream science cannot answer many of the most important questions we have about the reality we experience, what the mainstream paradigm is missing, and how the science of the future is expanded to be much more comprehensive and capable of addressing all of reality. The chapter asks and answers a series of questions:

Before Planck, mainstream science had no idea that reality is quantized, i.e., that reality only occurs in multiples of very small amounts of mass and energy called quanta.
Before Einstein, mainstream science had no idea that matter and energy are two forms of the same thing, their equivalence defined mathematically by E = mc2.

A mathematical expression of consciousness is conspicuously absent from the equations of mainstream science, despite the fact, that our only direct knowledge of reality is through the experience of consciousness. It should be clear that consciousness must be included in any truly scientific analysis of reality.

More than 85 years ago, Max Planck said: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as a derivative of consciousness.”

Planck’s discovery that energy is meted out by nature in multiples of a basic unit revolutionized our understanding of the nature of reality, but the implications of this discovery have not yet been fully realized by mainstream science. Something is still missing.

Science has been very successful investigating and exploiting the physical aspects of reality. But we are at the point where knowledge is rapidly out-striping understanding and wisdom. As a result, civilization is in danger of self-destruction. The short-sighted egocentric science of specialization and institutional departmentalization has made it almost impossible for scientists, engineers and technicians to see the big picture. Because of this, the danger of blundering into situations detrimental to the survival of the human species is rapidly increasing.

The Standard Model of particle physics has been constructed from terabytes of data obtained from destructive testing in particle colliders, and particle physicists have borrowed tools from the body of mathematical logic as needed to solve problems without regard for the axiomatic assumptions underlying them. As a result, some applications, while yielding useful results, produce a misleading picture of the nature of reality.

The most important example of how ignoring the larger picture leads to misunderstanding, is the application of the differential and integral calculus to quantum phenomena. The calculus of Leibniz and Newton, developed over 300 years ago, depends on the assumption that equations describing physical processes are continuous functions with variables that can approach zero infinitely closely. But quantum reality is not continuous, and the variables describing it are not infinitely divisible.

Put as simply as possible: The structures of physical reality cannot be divided indefinitely. This means that the calculus being used by mainstream physicists, while very useful at the mid-scale of reality, is inappropriate for application at the quantum level.

To avoid the confusion resulting from the application of inappropriate mathematical tools, and deepen our understanding quantum phenomena, the science of the future replaces the calculus of Newton and Leibniz with the calculus of dimensional distinctions (CoDD), developed by this author over a period of several years. A major part of the chapter for the AAPS book is a presentation of the derivation of the basic unit of measurement of the CoDD, the quantum equivalence unit, and its application to the description of quantum reality.

The science of the future must incorporate knowledge gained from the last two major scientific paradigms shifts, and move on to expand the scientific investigation of reality beyond the simplistic materialistic model to which mainstream science currently limits itself. It has done this by deriving the universal quantum equivalence unit as the basis of the appropriate quantum calculus, and combining the principles of relativity and quantum physics.  This enables us to put consciousness into the equations and re-unite science with its true metaphysical basis.

In the process of deriving the true quantum equivalence unit for the calculus of distinctions, we discovered a third quantifiable form of reality that exists in addition to matter and energy. We chose the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet, gimmel, to represent that third form of reality. Gimmel is not measurable as matter or energy, and is, therefore, non-physical. When the natural elements of the Periodic Table are analyzed using true quantum units, we see that physical reality is specifically designed to support life. Gimmel is nothing other than the mathematical logic of consciousness guiding the development of organic life as the vehicle of individualized consciousness.

For the first time in modern history, we have taken the measure of consciousness and put it directly into the equations of science. But much more needs to be done. A more detailed development and application of this approach to every aspect of reality awaits the fresh young minds of the scientists of the future. The answers provided in this chapter afford only a glimpse of the broad landscape of where the science of the future will go. It will be a science that, in addition to providing unambiguous answers to questions about the physical universe, will also be able to investigate the greater domain of non-physical reality and explore the infinite possibilities of the human mind and spirit.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”. - Nikola Tesla, 1856

I will try to keep up with the progress of the Academy for the Advancement of Post-materialist Science and post updates on this blog as often as I can.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017



by Edward R. Close, November 14, 2017

Evil is subtle, and good is easily ignored. And right now, we are at a critical point in the history of science and our civilization. University professors have been misguidedly teaching our children that everything is matter and energy evolving in space and time for many years. They are blinded by the intellectual trap of materialism. It has become common for mainstream scientists to say things like “The more we know, the more meaningless it becomes!” And “we are just accidental combinations of matter and energy flying away from an explosion that happened 13.8 billion years ago”. And young aspiring scientists are saying: “I’m a scientist, so of course I’m an atheist!”

This is not only wrong, it is subtly dangerous; - but the danger is not so subtle any more. The belief that when my body dies I cease to exist, leads to a self-serving attitude of “This is all there is, so I can do anything I want.” This is the reason crime, violence, murder and suicide are rampant in the world today. Science must change, and it must change quickly, if we are to survive as an intelligent civilization.

Science must change soon, and science can change, because intellectual atheism is not a valid scientific hypothesis, it cannot be proved or disproved within the current scientific paradigm. And anyone who is awake and aware of the elegant wonders of nature and the mathematical beauty of the music resounding throughout the atoms and the stars, knows in his or her heart that there is much more to Reality than matter and energy randomly revolving and dissolving in space-time.

About thirty years ago, I realized that conscious awareness depends on the existence of a real, but non-physical aspect of reality. In 1996 at the university of Arizona in Tucson, I presented the case for the non-quantum receptor at Tucson II: Toward a Science of Consciousness. And in 1997 I published my third book: Transcendental Physics. In 2008, I began to work with a world-renowned neuroscientist, Dr. Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD. As you may know, we have published numerous papers and manuscripts and we have spoken at national and international conferences announcing a new consciousness-based paradigm. But that is not what this post is about.

About five years ago, we discovered that, in addition to matter and energy, there is a third something that must exist at the quantum level for there to be any symmetrically stable subatomic particles. In other words, if there wasn’t something non-physical from the very beginning, there would not be a physical universe as we know it today. This discovery allowed us to work out a way to put consciousness into the equations of science, fulfilling a dream I had had for more than fifty years! By putting consciousness into the equations, we have explained things that have puzzled mainstream scientists for decades. But even that is not the point of this post.

The point of this post is that science must change, is about to change forever, and you need to know about it.

Scientists and theologians alike have told us for years that no one can prove with science and logic, that God and the human soul or spirit do or do not exist. This assumption has kept the world of scientists, whose “theories of everything” involve only matter and energy, and the world of spiritual people, who need no proof, forever apart. But this assumption is only true when science is limited to the materialistic belief system of current mainstream science. When the basis of science is expanded to include an element of consciousness, as we have done with the discovery of the third form of reality, which we call gimmel, that is no longer true.

The real existence of the world of Spirit and its interaction with physical reality is now a mathematically proven and scientifically demonstrable fact. Science is about to enter a completely new and exciting era. The real phenomena of spiritual experience can now be explained, within a scientific paradigm that also explains physical phenomena. For the first time in modern human history, every real phenomenon can be scientifically explored and explained.

In 1856, Nikola Tesla, the genius of electrical transmission and use, said: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”.

This is what the work of Neppe and Close, and the new Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Science is all about. Stay tuned!

Friday, November 10, 2017


An Assessment of The Golden Hills Indian Village
by Edward R. Close

A cluster of small mounds, located in a secluded spot in the southwestern part of the Golden Hills Trail Ride acreage, is somewhat unusual for this part of Missouri because most Native American Village sites in the area either did not include mounds, or if they did, the mounds have been obliterated by farming or other human activities. I first became aware of this site in 1951 0r ’52 while hiking across a rugged wooded area near Pond Springs branch, tributary to Big Creek and the Current River in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks. I was looking for caves to explore, and I occasionally came across evidence of abandoned Native American villages or camp sites. Artifacts like spearheads, arrowheads, pot shards, flint knives and other evidence of the Native American past were sometimes exposed along streams in this area by erosion after heavy rains. But this site was not near an obvious water source, and it was in an out-of-the-way, wooded area so you would not find it unless you literally stumbled upon the mounds. I noticed a small groundwater seep covered in leaves just outside the cluster of mounds that may have been a flowing spring in the past, before settlers began digging wells on farms and residences on the higher ground to the west.

This site was probably occupied by a small Native American group (estimated to be about 25 to 50 people), most likely families of the Piankeshaw Tribe, from around 1837 until about 1855 or 1860. While a positive identification of the tribe that built the mounds and an accurate determination of the dates of their occupation are not possible without a detailed archeological investigation, these estimates are based on written accounts found in historical records in South Central and Southeast Missouri. My reasons for believing that it was the Piankeshaw that lived there during these approximate dates, are outlined below.

The dominate indigenous people of Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas when the European settlers arrived, were the Osage, the largest tribe of the Southern Sioux. But their villages were typically located along major streams, were much larger, and when they built mounds they tended to be elongated because they lived in lodges, not wigwams or teepees. They may have had hunting camps in this area, where they would have built smaller shelters, but typically, the temporary shelters of hunting camps were not built on mounds. The time and effort it took to build mounds was expended where occupation was intended to be year-round, not seasonal, as in the case of hunting camps. So, for these reasons, I believe it is very unlikely that this was an Osage site.

Indigenous tribes east and southeast of this area, the Illini, Quapaw and Chickasaw, most likely could not have built this village, because the Osage were fierce defenders of their hunting territory until they were forced to move west by European settlers. This area would have been even less accessible to the indigenous Missouria, Ioway and the Oto tribes who lived farther away north and northwest of the Osage territory. It is therefore very likely that this site was built by a non-indigenous group of native Americans who had been forced out of their native lands farther east by European settlers in the late 1700’s or early 1800’s.

Tribes known to have moved into the Missouri Ozarks in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s, hoping to settle there, at least temporarily, were the Miami, Shawnee, Cherokee, Delaware, Kickapoo, Sac and Fox. A temporary Shawnee village was known to still exist as late as the early 1900’s a few miles southwest of this site, on Big Creek above the Route 17 bridge. But the Shawnee and Delaware, who were related Algonquian speaking tribes, built long houses unlike the dwellings indicated by the size, shape and grouping of the mounds at the Golden Hills site. Because of this, and the probable time frame of the sites, it is unlikely that the two sites are related, and so, it was probably not the Shawnee or Delaware who built these mounds.

The Cherokee trail of tears in 1838 split into two branches about 100 miles east of Texas County, one group going northwest through the Salem Missouri area, the other going south into Arkansas. For this reason, and because the location, type of mounds and size of the Golden Hills site are not consistent with the temporary encampments of the forced march of the Cherokee, it is unlikely that the site was built by the Cherokee.

The site layout is not unlike that of the small villages of the Kickapoo, Sac and Fox, but I can find no evidence that these tribes ever built villages this far south in Missouri, or anywhere in Osage territory. This leaves the Miami. And we do have records of small bands of Piankeshaw, a branch of the Miami Nation, moving from Indiana and Ohio into southeastern Missouri around 1800. Like the Kickapoo, Delaware, Sac and Fox, they were Algonquian-speaking natives and they built small villages in secluded locations that would match the physical characteristics of the Golden Hills site. 

They built dome-shaped wigwams by burying the larger end of flexible poles in the ground, around a 10 to 15 ft. diameter circular mound, bending the upper ends of the poles over to meet above the center of the mound, and covering them with animal skins, grass mats and bark. Inside, the ground was covered with grass mats on top of evergreen boughs, except for a rock-lined fireplace in the center. The entry door would be covered with an animal skin flap, and a hole would be left at the highest point of the structure to allow smoke from a cooking and/or heating fire to escape.

As the Osage were being pushed westward, and other tribes from farther east were being forced to move by the pressures of the European settlers, dwindling groups of the Piankeshaw sought out sheltered areas in Southeast Missouri. From about 1805, a Piankeshaw village was known to be located in what is now known as Arcadia Valley. Taum Sauk Mountain, the highest elevation in the state, just west of Arcadia Valley, is named after the Piankeshaw chief who lived there. But, in 1836, high-grade iron ore was discovered in hills around the valley, and European immigrants from Germany, Ireland, and Eastern Europe poured into the valley to work in the mines. The Piankeshaw, who had sided with the British in the Revolutionary war, moved on west.

From all the historical records that I’m aware of, and the circumstantial evidence presented above, it is my opinion that the mounds at the Golden Hills site were probably built by the Piankeshaw as one of their last efforts to find a safe haven, away from routes travelled by the European intruders. They would have arrived at this sheltered location, now part of the Golden Hills Ranch, around 1837, and may have remained there until after the Piankeshaw treaty with the US Government in 1854. Eventually, the Piankeshaw, along with the illini, Wea and Kaskaskia, remnants of the Algonquian-language-speaking Miami tribes, merged with the Peoria, a larger Miami tribe, in Oklahoma. Present-day descendants of the Piankeshaw are part of the Native American culture in and around Miami Oklahoma.

Edward R. Close, PhD, November 10, 2017