Press Release July 18, 2013

Contact:  Angela Thomas  636-278-2272  and  Victoria Duff   310-921-8115
Twitter:  @9DSpin        

Scientists Find Proof that Reality Consists Of 
9 Spinning Dimensions,
Not Just 4 Space-Time Dimensions
Breakthrough Could Lead to Major New Discoveries

Jackson, Missouri. Thursday, July 18, 2013:

Edward R. Close, PhD, PE, and Vernon M. Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf, announced important findings that affect the basic assumptions of physics and change the way scientists understand life and the Universe. 

“It appears that our current concept of reality is incomplete.” Dr. Neppe commented. “Dr. Close and I have demonstrated that we live in a 9-dimensional spinning finite reality, not just our traditional three dimensions of space happening in a present moment of time. These additional dimensions are different from those previously postulated and can help explain many of the mysteries of science. This suggests a new model for our understanding of Space and Time."

Scientific Impact

The existence of additional dimensions has been postulated by other theories, however, no other theory has developed the concept of finite 9-dimensional rotation. For example, some String Theories involve 10 Dimensions, and suggest 9 ‘space’ dimensions with 1 time dimension. But these generally involve folding of dimensions, not spin, as a predominant feature, and do not fully explain basic derivations, leaving questions, mysteries and undeniable conflicts in the current models.

The Close-Neppe 9-dimensional rotation theory proceeded from questions asked by Dr. Close in his 1997 book, Transcendental Physics, “What if science has it wrong about consciousness? Can matter be explained in terms of consciousness?” The results of the Close-Neppe collaboration revolutionizes thinking not only in our current model of physics, but in other sciences, too, such as biology, psychology and consciousness studies, and may have major implications for the fundamental structure of our universe.  

Mysteries clarified by the recognition of a 9-dimensional spin reality offer hope for new ways of conceptualizing subjective experience reports including meditation, near-death experiences and altered states of consciousness, and even possibly space-time travel. The impacts of the Close-Neppe 9D spin finding range from reformulating some basic assumptions of science to revising core ideas of philosophy and the previously unfathomable. 

Mathematically, applying the 9-dimensional approach might shed light on key unsolved problems and paradoxes in physics. It may even offer potential for space-time travel as technology continues to advance in the future.

The genome for physics?

Could this be the 'genome for physics'?

Dr. Neppe was careful in his response: "Certainly, like a biological genome, a 9-dimensional spinning reality, might reflect a key scientific and mathematical blueprint about our cosmos, but this is just a beginning; albeit an exciting one. We postulate that there is far more, too, to a finite genome imprint. The 'infinite' may also be part of our broader reality enveloping the finite.

Dr. Close said:  We propose, based on mathematics and sound mathematical logic, although we cannot yet prove this, that the 9 dimensions are 3 finite dimensions each of Space, of Time and of 'Consciousness'. And Dr. Neppe added: These combinations could have similarities to the amino acids in the genome, and with their tethering together, as our theory postulates, the whole would produce a unitary message."

Close added: "The 9 spinning finite dimensions could be reflections of the transfinite. The transfinite could also be called the link between the finite and the infinite." Neppe continued. "But, for the present, a 9-dimensional spinning reality allows us to understand far more than we ever could have conceived of before. The hidden, now, is just a little less hidden."

How did the current finding come about?
In February 2012, a Johns Hopkins Professor of Astronomy quipped sarcastically, without having read the details of the proposed 'Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm' (TDVP) —the 'Theory of Everything' (TOE) model of Drs. Neppe and Close: "When you can explain why the Cabibbo Angle is what it is, then I'll believe you."

The astronomer’s statement was meant to be a conversation stopper in a closed scientific group. He knew it was very, very unlikely that the Cabibbo Angle could be explained. After all, no scientist had ever solved this challenge despite the Italian Physicist Nicola Cabibbo's original research-based discovery in 1963 of this 'mixing angle' in the elementary subatomic particles that shortly thereafter were named 'quarks'. After all, no-one had been able to solve the mystery of why this 'Cabibbo mixing angle' in elementary physical particles was the strange size it was, namely 13.04±0.05 degrees.

…no-one had been able to solve the mystery of why this 'Cabibbo mixing angle' in elementary physical particles was the strange size it was, namely 13.04±0.05 degrees.

Technically, the astronomer's challenge was not completely appropriate because he was requesting a proof relating to 'content' and the extensive Neppe and Close paradigm of TDVP dealt with a 'process': a 'procedure'—a framework for looking at the big picture—and not with that specific content, although technically such content might follow from applying the principles of the theory, as in this case. Accepting this challenge, Close provided mathematics that not only explained the why of the Cabibbo angle, but in so doing, discovered something that could only be termed a dramatic breakthrough in the search for the true nature of reality.

Why the Cabibbo angle had not previously been explained
The Standard Model apparently simply cannot explain the Cabibbo Angle because our current reality experience based on a 4 dimensional model (3 of space—1 of time) appears insufficient to derive it. As the prevailing appropriate model for science, most scientists have not gone beyond these 4 dimensions, even though certain areas have been difficult to explain, or even worse appear to be contradicted. 

The Neppe-Close TDVP model
The TDVP model proposes a unifying broader model integrating the broader sciences. It encompasses and can explain the narrower day-to-day physical realities, as well as many broader unexplained models in Consciousness Research, order, life and biology, and the psychological sciences. Many aspects of TDVP are validated by mathematics. Contained within this broader paradigm, are carefully developed concepts such as dimensions, consciousness, communication, unification of finite and infinite, and distinctions.

We make distinctions in every thought and action we take. Our first distinction is “Self from Other.” Using this understanding and a tool originally developed by an English Mathematician, Dr. Close developed the Calculus of Distinctions, a logical mathematical tool that incorporates both finite, or individualized, and infinite, or undifferentiated Consciousness into our understanding of the universe from the very beginning.

The Calculus of Distinctions was originally published in the now out of print book, Infinite Continuity, 1989, and also presented as an Appendix in Close’s 1997 book, Transcendental Physics. Additional information on Close’s publications is available at: Just click on the link:  Publications by Edward R Close, PhD, and the book may be purchased at Neppe and Close describe and explain TDVP in their book Reality Begins with Consciousness, available at

The need for a 9-dimensional model
In late 2011, as part of their TDVP model, Close and Neppe had postulated a reality of 9 finite-spinning or vortical dimensions based on known scientific and mathematical data. Close’s mathematical derivation of the Cabibbo angle was therefore not achieved by accident or contrived. Their TDVP model predicted it exactly.

The Cabibbo angle can only be derived from a 9-dimensional model because the mathematics only works with 9 finite dimensions, not 8 or 10, or any other number of dimensions. The calculated values for other dimensional models produce results that simply don’t match what is known about the empirically demonstrated size of the Cabibbo Angle. The Close-Neppe 9-dimensional spin model results for the Cabibbo angle are, as predicted by TDVP, exactly correct, namely 13.032 degrees (calculated to 5 not 4 decimal places as in the original empirical Cabibbo finding). Feedback from peer group review supports this new Close-Neppe finding. 

Why no other theories fit
No other theories have developed the concept of finite 9-dimensional rotation. String Theories and M-Brane Theories, and many of the other theories are promising, but generally involve folding of dimensions, not spin, as a predominant feature, and do not fully explain basic empirical derivations such as the Cabibbo Angle.

And so, not only has one of the major mysteries of physics (the reason for the size of the Cabibbo angle) been solved by Close and Neppe —a curiosity -- but much more importantly, the Cabibbo derivation has provided a definite, necessary and new gateway to demonstrate that there are multiple dimensions of finite reality, and that these have a specific, defined quality — 9- dimensional spin. 

Applying the 9-dimensional spin approach could lead the way to solving some of the other problems of science that appear to contradict the standard model or remain unexplained at this time. The 9-dimensional spin finding is dramatic enough that scientists might need to rethink almost everything they've thought before. 

Further scientific information:

Peer review and proof
Numerous scientists have gone through the Close-Neppe Cabibbo research in the past three months. No experts have refuted it and many are impressed. “At this preliminary stage, our work appears correct and no reviewer, scientist or mathematician has refuted it.” stated Dr. Close. “We continue to have the calculations and the entire theory examined by leading scientists, and we continue to get the responses from reviewers that the ‘derivation appears solid, but we are not expert enough in all these areas to confirm everything in the theory definitively.' At this point, based on the evaluations of a large number of experts, there is a high probability of our model being correct, but we need to put together the opinions of peers in multiple different specialties. The newness of the finding and its broad reference elements make this work so specialized and interdisciplinary that there are few peers available who can judge all of it as a whole."

Dr. Neppe emphasized another important aspect: "Three elements make this discovery particularly difficult to scientifically peer-review, namely: 
  • Theoretical physics, particularly expertise on Cabibbo-like mixing angles;
  •  the mathematical requirements, specifically of dimensional extrapolation with an assist from the calculus of distinctions, both fundamental to TDVP mathematical logic; and 
  • the cutting-edge theoretical knowledge of the broad scientific, multi-disciplinary, mathematical model that we've called TDVP, as this allows appreciation of the logic behind the 9-D spin hypothesis. 

Moreover, because of the radical implications of these findings, there are those who will not officially confirm that they agree with them, although they may privately express such an opinion. Mathematicians and theoretical physicists, especially those who are open-minded and searching for a comprehensive new paradigm, are invited by the authors to evaluate this work.

Replication and mathematical proof
Empirical science requires proof and findings that can be replicated. Often scientific experiments need to be repeated, sometimes multiple times, to ensure that there is no error, or that the finding is not by chance. However, in this instance, because the exact figure for the Cabibbo angle can be easily calculated, the mathematics of the proof can be easily checked.

Dr. Close said: “Proving the derivations for the Cabibbo angle is simply a mathematical calculation. So it is easily replicable and demonstrable by just doing the correct calculations. One can even work backwards to check the calculations and they still work. In fact, the final stage of the derivation is a simple multiplication, based on the number of dimensional rotations necessary in a 9-D spin reality. This is one reason why we can stipulate 9 dimensions, not 8 or 10 or any other number of dimensions. And 9-dimensional spin was exactly what we expected based on our TDVP model. Particularly interesting would be an extension of this work, mathematically testing other models that have not yet been validated or contain conundrums, by applying the logic we have utilized in our 9-dimensional spin reality. This would generalize the findings to other areas, and would remarkably confirm, I believe, that the prevailing worldview of 3 dimensions of space and 1 of time (3S,1t) is incomplete, and also, that this Cabibbo result is a sound derivation, not just a lucky accident."

An overview of the key Cabibbo derivation
The Physics: The Close derivation of the Cabibbo angle requires knowledge of certain well-known fundamental parameters, such as the radius of the hydrogen atom, the speed of light, and some basic understanding of physics and chemistry. The physics also requires special corrections such as the Lorentz transformation (because the electron rotation speed approaches that of light speed), and appreciation of the conversion of the magnetic moment of an electron into electron angular momentum (spin moment).

The Mathematics: Dr. Close explained that the mathematical derivation involves orthogonal delineation of dimensions and the application of radian measures where appropriate. Ultimately, the derived Cabibbo figure is calculated by the process of 'dimensional extrapolation', a mathematical technique developed by Dr. Close that allows rotational communications across and between higher dimensions. In this instance, the extrapolation is through to the ninth dimension, applying the half-spin properties of fermions, of which quarks and electrons are examples. Also pertinent is Close’s 'Calculus of Distinctions' (CoD). CoD is a fundamental system of logic and basic mathematics which Dr Close originally developed and published in 1989 in his (now out of print) work entitled: Infinite Continuity. In the CoD, the fundamental concept of 'dimensions' are conceptualized as 'variables of extent' —Space, Time and Consciousness are substrates that can be measured. Applying CoD principles, these scientists have been able to precisely conceptualize a 9-dimensional reality mathematically. By further applying the CoD, the nine dimensions are measurable using various types of numbers recognized in basic number theory and applicable in our conventional experiential 4 dimensional Euclidean reality.

Exploring the unknown: The mathematical derivation of the Cabibbo angle appears complex only because apparently nobody before had applied 9 finite rotating dimensions in the derivation. However, when a solution involving this 9-dimensional spin reality is applied, the calculation becomes clearer: Under those circumstances, applying known fundamental physics laws and constants, plus the new mathematical extrapolation approach to rotating across multiple spinning dimensions, it works. Consequently, explaining this Cabibbo mixing angle in fermions— the elementary particles such as quarks and electrons that have intrinsic 'one-half-spin' properties— is simply the recognition that our finite reality actually has 9 dimensions, and that these quantized 'half-spin' properties of elementary subatomic particles are constantly rotating, like vortices, through these 9 dimensions.

Where TDVP fits in: 
Neppe and Close predicted a 9-dimensional spin or vortical model in late 2011. The Cabibbo derivation tests only this particular TDVP hypothesis. Further, TDVP appears to be the only formally developed 9D-spin model. So effectively, Close's mathematical demonstration, which came a year-and-a-quarter after the challenge to derive the revolutionary Cabibbo angle, led to a 9-dimensional spin derivation that has become a powerful validation of the theoretical underpinnings behind TDVP. Dr. Close said, “The Cabibbo finding itself is a curiosity. The consequences, however, are quite significant.

The findings are described in detail in the peer-reviewed Fourth Edition of the Neppe and Close E-book "Reality Begins with Consciousness: A paradigm shift that works" (Chapter 9), and in a peer-reviewed article that has been accepted for publication.

What else could this explain? 
Again Dr Neppe was very careful in his answer. "Significant findings tend to develop new hypotheses that we cannot even conceive of at the beginning. If this finding is significant, and a 9 dimensional finite spin reality certainly appears to be, then there should be other areas that such a model does explain." 

"Like what?" 

 The non-spherical electron

 "Dr. Close discovered something quite fascinating. Already, while deriving this Cabibbo calculation, certain peripheral, but important contradictions appeared. For example, while calculating the effect of magnetic moment on electron angular momentum, the calculations balanced, but the rotational velocity of the spinning electron exceeded the speed of light."  

"Now this is not possible in current physics." Dr Close added: "So this was a conundrum that needed a solution. Eventually it became clear that the solution required that the electron must not be entirely spherical. One particular configuration slowed the rotation sufficiently to get results below the speed of light."

"And is there anything more?"

 Not always locating particles

"Yes, there is much more." Dr. Neppe continued. "For example, there has always been a mystery about why some particles, like electrons, cannot be located at times. They don't of course, disappear from objective reality, it's just they cannot be located in 4-dimensional space-time. It appears one solution may be that we can apply a double normal distribution curve to the positioning of these particles in a 9-dimensional reality, and this may explain why these particles appear to disappear then reappear." 

And this means?  

 Multidimensional Time

"I suspect that many of the unexplained conundrums in particle physics may become relevant using this model." Dr Neppe added. "And it may be that we will be talking of 9 dimensions consisting of 3 of Space, 3 of Time and 3 of Consciousness, for example. If we had multidimensional time, could this imply some kind of movement across time."

Could this mean we could 'travel' through space or time or both across these higher dimensions?

"This is a radical idea, certainly, but it is theoretically certainly a significant consideration that justifies further research," Neppe added.

 Dimensions of Consciousness

If there are several dimensions of 'Consciousness' what would that mean?

Dr. Close said, “It is important to understand that, in TDVP, we are using the word dimensions in a very precise mathematical sense, and we also use a precise new definition of Consciousness. If our work is accepted, and I believe it will be, then it will require thinking of these terms quite differently than is commonly accepted by scientists today.”

“And,” Dr. Neppe added, “as a result there are enormous implications for higher awareness, emotions and motivations. But these are early days, although, we think that our book Reality Begins with Consciousness, cogently motivates some of these ideas."

Biographical and related information

About The Neppe-Close TDVP collaboration:
 The Cabibbo Angle derivation confirmed the hypothesis that a significant fundamental component of TDVP, namely the postulated 9 finite vortical or spinning dimensions, appears to be correct. The Neppe-Close TDVP model is based on empirical scientific data, mathematical logic and further conceptual innovations, and the Cabibbo derivation is an example of its testability: The 9D spin and Cabibbo angle findings plus the TDVP model have been extensively reviewed by peers in many countries and this process is ongoing, as further ideas develop, potentially leading to other breakthroughs based on their 9- dimensional spin model.

After a combined half-century of separately working on their related theories, Neppe and Close, then paired together in 2009, recognizing that they needed to combine their expertise in divergent disciplines to maximize and unify their theories into one coherent model which became the TDVP Theory of Everything model.

TDVP is discussed in detail in the 50 chapter, 500+ page, Neppe-Close E-book, "Reality Begins With Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift That Works ( 4th Edition)" (RBC) ( along with a clarifying E-Book Glimpses and Glossary to make key portions of TDVP more comprehensible ( and

Edward Close became active in the field of Consciousness Research in 1986. Amongst his 7+ books is his classic book “Transcendental Physics: Integrating the Search for Truth”,, showing how consciousness, mathematics and physics meet.

During the past two decades, Vernon Neppe became increasingly involved with the complex physics and mathematical models conceptualized in his multidimensional vortical model, and even became Science Editor of the journal of the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (, Telicom, a position now occupied by Dr Close.

About Edward R. Close, PhD, PE, DF (ECAO). Dr. Close is a physicist, mathematician, deep-thinking cosmologist, and acclaimed environmental engineer. He has received several awards and recognitions for his contributions to hydrology and hydrogeology, environmental science, planning and management, and innovative mathematical applications to quantum physics and consciousness. He is internationally known for his application of natural products to create and maintain healthy environments, particularly his discovering and developing an effective non-toxic solution for toxic mold infestation—positively impacting possibly hundreds of thousands. His previous experience is broad, from working with Drs. Nicholas Matalas and Benoit Mandelbrot, the father of fractal geometry, to develop state-of the–art mathematical models of environmental systems, to utilizing his special expertise in hydrology, contaminants, remediation design, hazardous waste streams and contaminant plumes, industrial city resource planning and management, and monitoring, designing and budgeting complex projects, master plans, feasibility studies and numerous different environmental impact statements in eleven USA states, Puerto Rico, and Saudi Arabia. Possibly, Dr. Close's most remarkable early achievement, however, was his publishing a solution to the famous Fermat's Last Theorem in 1977, years before Dr. Wiles's proof was officially recognized. This finding had gone unsolved for 400 plus years: Close published this in a book appendix without fuss and without any publicity. His pioneering of the Calculus of Distinctions and of the mathematics of Dimensional Extrapolation are recent examples of his creative skills. 

About Vernon M. Neppe, MD, PhD. FRSSAf, DFAPA, BN&NP, DPCP (ECAO). Dr Neppe is a world recognized pioneer in the disciplines of Behavioral Neurology, and Neuropsychiatry, and also the world authority on déjà vu experiences. He is an internationally peer-recognized Psychopharmacologist, Forensic medico-legal specialist, Psychiatrist, Neuroscientist, Phenomenologist, Epileptologist, Consciousness researcher, Philosopher, Creativity expert, Author and Playwright. Dr. Neppe has received several major international recognitions. Currently, he is Executive Director and Distinguished Professor, Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization (, Director, Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute ( in Seattle, and Adjunct Full Professor, Dept. of Neurology and Psychiatry, St Louis University. He had previously founded the first Division of Neuropsychiatry in a Department of Psychiatry in the USA (at the University of Washington in Seattle). His contributions are diverse: His pharmacological work, in the early 1980s. impacted likely millions of patients and their families when he pioneered the area of anticonvulsants in psychiatry; he introduced several evaluation techniques and developed tens of tests in Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry; his phenomenological models in Neuroscience and Consciousness Research are fundamental; he led the first USA and International Delegation in Neuropsychiatry and Psychopharmacology; and he developed with Dr Close, the philosophical model of Unified Monism. A Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa and Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, his 80+ page CV includes 9+ books, 2 plays, 450+ publications on 6 continents, 1000+ invited lectures in 13 countries and media interactions in a large number of countries.

Historical perspective on TDVP:
Long before the Cabibbo findings, the TDVP model had profoundly challenged the current scientific paradigm. Dr. Neppe motivates: "Our TDVP model, based on empirical scientific data, mathematical logic and further conceptual innovations, was borne out of necessity because prevailing current physics contains some areas that simply do not fit."

TDVP provides the first feasible multidisciplinary model for unifying Science and Consciousness, and this Neppe-Close broader meta-paradigm will impact thinking not only in the Physical Sciences, but in the Psychological, Biological and Consciousness Sciences, as well as in Mathematics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy and the Transcendental disciplines. Based on objective criteria compared with 23 other models, TDVP appears to be by far the strongest candidate for a so-called 'theory of everything'. Despite being originally adjudicated prior to the Cabibbo information.

The book, Reality Begins with Consciousness (RBC), is currently a finalist for both the Book of the Year (in Science), plus the Eric Hoffer Award. RBC has gone to four editions in a year and half, with changes incorporating information accumulated that challenged, supported and clarified TDVP concepts. What the Cabibbo Angle derivation has now done is to definitely demonstrate the hypothesis that a significant fundamental component of TDVP, namely the postulated 9 finite vertical or spinning dimensions, appears to be correct.

More About Cabibbo, nine dimensions, and Dr Neppe and Dr Close
For YouTubes and other Audio-Visual Material on Cabibbo and TDVP, please visit These are continually being amplified. 

9-Dimensional Spin, the Cabibbo angle and TDVP: Historical perspective
Reality, 9-Dimensions, TDVP, Cabibbo, and Spin: A Perspective
The 9D Spin Model and TDVP in relation to String Theory 
For even more detail on the Cabibbo angle, 9D spin and TDVP,·   
For media background to Reality Begins with Consciousness www.

For more on Dr Vernon Neppe's background, see 

Media contacts (press, magazine, television and radio):

For more on Dr Ed Close please visit

For more on the terminology see

To order Dr Neppe's books, it is easiest going to order page.
Drs Neppe and Close have just produced a new EBook  RBC—Key Features emphasizing the key elements of Reality Begins with Consciousness. But instead of a 500 page book, this is a small enough EBook for a Kindle (about an eighth in size). For both books see
You may wish to bookmark this detailed Press Release amplifying the scientific elements (Cabibbo, 9 dimensions, TDVP) and the biographies:

1 comment:

  1. But, I mystically opine, Ed, that any doubts therein remaining about TDVP being proof of infinite reality can be expunged if meaningful consideration be given to the generalized essence of, an already appreciated concept known to this site. IJN!
