Thursday, September 17, 2015

The following is a new addition to the IQNexus feature article by Neppe and Close posted in this blog a few days ago.
The continuous infinite “super-reality” is directly inaccessible. However, components of it are mirrored in the finite discrete subreality. These are not separate because the finite is embedded in the infinite. Therefore, the finite in the infinite is not dualistic, like separate minds and bodies, or separate souls and physical beings, but reflects a “one-ness” that is inseparable. Infinity cannot be ignored. We postulate through TDVP, that the essential concepts of life and existence, and of multidimensional order, and of choice, might possibly all reflect different levels of the finite or infinite.
We’re like a finite land contained in an unending ocean in the infinite. The infinite has a different quality. There is no beginning and no end to space, to time and to the infinite repository of information. And this information translates into meaningful consciousness. And yet in the finite, everything manifests as discrete pieces of reality —quanta 202. The infinite is like water from an unending ocean impacting on the large land pieces and manifesting as specific meaningful molecules of H2O.
For us, we experience this finite subreality as small incomplete pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of our specific 3S-1t. This is limited through our restricted physical reduction valves. Components of this puzzle involve a consensual reality with others (such as seeing broadly the same sports game on television). Other parts are intensely personal and idiosyncratic (even our interpretation of that same sports game).
Yet, the infinite is pervading all Time and all Space, and potentially providing targeted intentioned, impactful, influential, interactive meaning and purpose in everything in the finite. In this way, the infinite is not a “virtual” reality: The infinite is as much a reality as our finite objects, yet we cannot conceive of most of it, and it is always influencing us at any moment. Moreover, we can change our fate and action, if only slightly, in the context of our little personal reality in that vast unending ocean. These are imprinted in that infinite super-reality, but only in the tiny portion that we’re directly involved in, although we may have greater, broader influences, like vortical ripples in a pond.
We, in 3S-1t, could phenomenologically interpret the unification of finite with infinite realities, and their linkage with gimmel, with Carl Gustav Jung’s concept of synchronicity 203. This is so in that, we, the experients, would be in a particular state of consciousness, when suddenly, something “intrudes” from another "dimension" altogether. This connects the initial state of that particular “something” in space and time, to an object, perhaps a thought, a symbol, or even a dream, that binds that state together with the second thought or symbol. Accompanying this linkage of the consciousness content, is the realization of the “magical” bond like a feeling of the infinite, or of a very important concept in psi research 204, like a blast of the "numinous". The numinous awareness stands out allowing the perception, interpretation, conceptualization and comprehension of two seemingly disparate events, things, thoughts or objects. They become actually joined meaningfully, in this instance, in our 3S-1t reality, which because of the consciousness is likely a 3S-1t-1C or 2C or 3C type experience. The likely unifier is the infinite flow of consciousness information (gimmel) translated and communicated across dimensions through vortical indivension into meaningful numina in 3S-1t [1]. For those in 3S-1t, the synchronicity is “acausal”—it appears without a cause, but that is just relative to 3S-1t, and, indeed, the linkage is more obvious at higher dimensional levels.

[1]  Numinous is a term deriving from German theologian Rudolf Otto in 1917, and embraced by Jung.  The numinous experience  has a sacred personal quality experienced as a communion with a “wholly Other”. Numina areintense, divine-like and transcendent,  with the tendency to invoke fear and to attract, fascinate and compel. They also might imply an easier psi target because they would stand out in such activities as “remote viewing”.

Friday, September 11, 2015


A European physicist has been trying to convince me that within the current scientific paradigm, the standard model of particle physics, SMP, is fine without TDVP's nine dimensions and gimmel. I'm sharing my latest correspondence sent today with the readers of this blog because I want you yto know that as a scientist, my beliefs and findings are always open to debate.

Dear _______,
Thank you for your perseverance. I think you may be a true friend, honestly trying to redeem a fellow physicist who you believe has gone astray.

When I registered as a physics major, math minor in a small liberal arts school called Central College in North Central Missouri in 1955, there were only a dozen or so physics majors in the school, and they had formed a ‘physics club’. The club’s major activity was a weekly meeting at Mac’s, a local bar and grill just off campus. George Newton, a senior physics major was president of the club. He welcomed me to the first meeting and informed me that as a new member of the club, I had two choices: I had to be either a homosexual, or an alcoholic. I looked around the table upon which there was a large pitcher of beer and a row of beer steins emblazoned with E = mc2, at the faces of the club members, all focused on me, and I quickly responded: “Pass me a beer!”

I loved physics and math, and the first few years at Central were great fun. I was nearly always first or second in every class I took, and I soon became a big duck in a small pond. In my second year, I became a member of Kappa Mu Epsilon, the National Honorary Mathematics Society, and the Chairman of the Math Department took us, the four or five members of KME, to the University of Missouri at Columbia to hear a lecture by Norbert Wiener, the father of cybernetics. I was able to talk with him after the lecture. His insights impressed me and I became convinced that the current science/math paradigm was inadequate to deal with the phenomena related to the human brain.

In my third year at Central, my roommate David Stewart and I launched an investigation into parapsychology, which was just beginning at that time in the US at Duke University under Dr. J.B. Rhine. We performed a number of interesting experiments with the support of a couple of the professors at Central, including Dr. Harley Rutledge, the Chairman of the Physics Department, who even let us use the physics lab on weekends. We shared some of our results with Dr. Rhine, who was impressed, but he advised us to keep on with our experiments as best we could, but not to neglect our studies toward conventional degrees so we would be able to get a job upon graduation.

Even though I became convinced that the really important frontier in science was the interface between physics and consciousness, I remained skeptical of most ‘new age’ philosophies and ‘spiritual’ experiences. I became convinced, however, about a year later, that mainstream science had it backward: instead of consciousness evolving out of matter, matter must have evolved out of some primary form of consciousness. My conviction grew out of meeting some outstandingly gifted people, and some experiences of my own that defied explanation in the current materialistic paradigm. I’m telling you all of this in the interest of honesty, because I really do believe that you are an honest person, and so you will understand that I am just as honest about my beliefs as you are. I certainly do not reject all of the standard model of particle physics, and, if you can provide me with indisputable evidence that I am wrong, I will recant.
I look forward to open and honest discussions. Maybe you can redeem me from the heresy of TDVP, or just maybe, I’ll win you over and convince you of the value of a new scientific paradigm expanded beyond the finite limits of the material universe.

Hoping to be your friend,

Ed Close

Friday, September 4, 2015

IQ Nexus Journal Article on psi explained by TDVP

This article was published as the feature article in the IQ Nexus Journal Sept. 1. To see the entire article go to,
Click on IQ Nexus Magazine,
Scroll down and click on Vol. 7, No. 3.

Explaining psi phenomena by applying TDVP principles[1]: A preliminary analysis  

Vernon M. Neppe MD, PhD, FRSSAf b and Edward R. Close PhD, PE [2][3][4]f


This paper consists of a fifteen-part, lengthy series of articles. We examine how the various manifestations of psi phenomena can be explained by applying the Neppe-Close Triadic Dimensional-Distinction vortical paradigm. Importantly, the psi descriptions are examined non-prejudicially, irrespective of whether these psi phenomena truly exist.
However, the overwhelming frequentist statistical data for the existence of psi phenomena are listed, and the explanations posited support its existence. Nevertheless, we examine the theoretical assumptions that these phenomena do happen and need to be understood. 
To facilitate the contents of each part, we include the abstracted headers in bulleted form. This allows for a more adequate summary. The 14 parts are as follows, with part 12 having 7 sub-sections:
What is psi and how should we explain it? (Part 1) 
Statistical demonstrations of psi (Part 2). This part discusses the 9 six-sigma protocols, plus spontaneous information, the confounders and how these extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Theoretical bases to analyze psi (Part 3)
Revisiting TDVP: Can we use it to explain psi? (Part 4) 
Linkages with non-locality and psi: A perspective (Part 5)
The Broader Perspective of “Non-locality” (Part 6)
Consciousness: A brief voyage linked with psi and “Non-locality” (Part 7)
Toward a method of proof for added dimensions (Part 8)
Relative and dynamic psi, and gimmel: The non-local variants (Part 9)
Esoteric non-local variants of delta (Part 10)
Revisiting terminology: Relative, framework and immediacy in psi (Part 11)
Vortical indivension: A major mechanistic breakthrough in Dimensional
Biopsychophysics (Part 12)
Special concepts in the anomalous process (Part 13)
        Failure to replicate: Vortical indivension explains an important psi and every-day life finding (Part 13A)
        Quantum receptor collapse or superposition is explained by vortical indivension. (Part 13B)
        Dimensions and dilemmas. (Part 13C)
        The Infinite (Part 13D)
        TDVP and Life tracks: Speculations that fit the model (Part 13E)
        TDVP propositions on survival and life (Part 13F)
        Reincarnation: The great speculation. (Part 13G)
        Free-will and Volumetric Time: A TDVP perspective (Part 13H)
Summation: Psi and TDVP: Two concepts that are synergistic (Part 14)
Explaining psi phenomena by applying TDVP principles: References (Part 15)

[1] The Neppe-Close Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm is abbreviated to TDVP. We use the abbreviation TDVP throughout each part of this series. b Vernon M. Neppe, Director, Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute, Seattle, WA; Distinguished Professor, Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization; and Adj. Prof., Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, St Louis University, St Louis, MO.
[2] Edward R. Close. Research Associate, Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute, Seattle, WA; and Distinguished Fellow, Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization.
[3] We gratefully acknowledge permission to publish from who hold copyright over this article. 
[4] We’re particularly grateful to Jacqueline Slade for her meticulous editing assistance. Thank you, too, to our reviewers of the various sections, thus far. This interim paper will now be further peer-reviewed and a final version posted later. f The current article is based on several different sources. A major initial source was our book Reality Begins with
Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift that Works (Fifth Edition) 2014. 1 These chapters discussed the statistical data on psi and the originally proposed concepts of relative non-locality and its different frameworks plus concepts such as vortical indivension. 2  We acknowledge, too, the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute as well as the journals Explore and the Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research that have published our original articles which link the area of non-locality, though these parts have been significantly modified.