Saturday, January 23, 2016



Using a common analogy, one might say that science and technology as we know them today constitute just the tip of the iceberg. Approximately 90% of an iceberg floating in the ocean is beneath the surface. Today’s science has been looking only at the tip of reality; most of it is hidden. But, like most analogies, this analogy is not perfect. Most of today’s science is based on and limited to materialistic concepts. If the sum total of today’s scientific knowledge is the tip of an iceberg, physical reality is the rest of the iceberg, plus all the oceans of the world. As we shall see, simple math shows us that reality is much more than that which has weight and takes up space.

In fact, it has been proved mathematically that reality is infinite.
The mathematics used by scientists today has, as its most important system of logic, ‘the calculus’ of infinitesimals which was developed by Leibniz and Newton, about 350 years ago. Almost all of our detailed understanding of physical reality and the resulting technology we have today, employs ‘the calculus’, but the calculus of Newton and Leibniz simply does not work at the quantum level. Why? Because it depends on the assumption that reality can be divided into ever smaller bits. This is not actually the case. We have known for more than 70 years that we exist in a quantized world. There is a smallest bit, beyond which no division is possible. The calculus works as well as it does only because that smallest bit is so much smaller than anything we can directly measure, that for the purposes of building things from skyscrapers to microscopic electronic circuits, the error is not significant. But for describing quantum phenomena, the calculus is totally inappropriate and leads to much of the confusion that causes scientists to think that quantum experiments produce weird results.

Max Planck, who discovered the fact that we live in a quantized universe, said: “Science advances from funeral to funeral!” meaning that scientists, like most people, get locked into a paradigm, - a way of thinking, and cannot see beyond it. Right now, they can’t seem to see beyond the calculus and binary logic. But in order to begin to investigate the rest of the iceberg, we have to go beyond the calculus and binary logic.

Binary logic is the basis of a mathematical system called Boolean algebra and today’ computers are simple binary computing machines. Again, this has been sufficient for today’s technology for the most part, but, like the calculus, it is inadequate to deal with quantum phenomena and the inclusion of consciousness, which quantum physics demands. What does work, is the Calculus of Distinctions and triadic logic. They are basic to the Close-Neppe paradigm. But, you may think, if I don’t understand the calculus of Newton, how can I expect to understand a new calculus and logic? Fortunately they are more basic than ‘the calculus’ and binary logic, and easier to understand!

OK. With that intro, we are ready to start. Contemplate the symmetrical sequence of equations above and below. They are known as Diophantine equations (after the Greek mathematician Diophantus). Notice that they progress from I to 3 dimension-wise (indicated by power: a 2D area is an integer squared, a 3D volume is an integer cubed. All symmetric particles are volumetric.

1=1                 =1
1+2=3             =3
32+42=52          =25
33+43+53=63    =216

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