© Copyright 2022, Edward R. Close, PhD
I am aware that the threads contributing to the central
theme of this series of posts may be difficult to follow. We are dealing with a
number of new concepts, ranging from simple to complex, that are addressed by
TDVP. These new concepts may seem unrelated until you realize that every aspect
of reality is intimately connected to every other aspect of reality at the
deepest level. Physically, that deepest level is the quantum level, and quantum
level phenomena cannot be understood by applying analyses that were designed on
the macroscale before we knew that physical reality is quantized on the quantum
scale. Unfortunately, problems and paradoxes generally cannot be resolved
within the paradigm that created them: A new paradigm is needed.
When the existing mainstream paradigm has ripened to
the point where all but a few insignificant details have been filled in,
science must go through a major paradigm shift in order to proceed. TDVP is the
major paradigm shift needed today. Expansion of the basic scientific assumptions
to enable science to include consciousness and spiritual phenomena has been
needed for a long time. By revising the assumption of objectivity to expand
science beyond simple materialism, TDVP has resolved the problems of
conflicting theories, and has explained many things that were either not addressed
at all, or only poorly explained by mainstream science.
From Simplicity to Complexity in a Few Easy Steps As human beings, we find ourselves in the middle of a reality that stretches from the unimaginably small to the unimaginably large, extending in all directions in three-dimensional space. When we are born, we seem to have awakened in the middle of a confusion of human drama that stretches from the far distant past, into an uncertain future, along an imaginary one-dimensional timeline defined by events, good, bad, and everything in between, occurring in the past, present, and future.
In the mainstream scientific models developed prior to TDVP, objectivity was assumed to be completely independent of the consciousness of the observer. This unwarranted assumption led to a number of conceptual contradictions and paradoxes at the quantum level. The paradoxes found in science result from errors in the models constructed by the scientists, not in objective reality. Reality reflects the stability of the proton, the most stable object in the universe, with patterns repeating endlessly, not the chaos and instability that conflicts between quantum reality and everyday macro reality would cause.
Rather than deal with the unwarranted assumption, mainstream scientists choose to call the conflicts in their paradigm “quantum weirdness” and say things like “If you aren’t shocked by quantum physics, then you haven’t understood it!” and “Just accept the weirdness and move on!” For nearly 100 years, mainstream scientists have tried to patch the two main theories of physics: relativity and quantum mechanics together by trying to explain the stability of the proton with odd concepts and ephemeral particles like gluons and the Higgs boson, with little real success. The theories just got more complex and even weirder with dimensionless, massless particles that somehow impart mass to other particles. As it turns out, physical reality is not made of solid particles, it is made of rotating and expanding energy and consciousness.
In TDVP, on the other hand, we have gone back to the basic assumption of objectivity and included the consciousness of the observer in the model as one of the dimensions of reality. We represent the dimensional domain of this world that we experience through the senses, with the notation 3S-1t-1c, where S represents space, t represents time, and c stands for the individual consciousness of an observer, and the integer in front of each letter is the number of dimensions of that type. The reality contained in the 3S-1t-1c dimensional domain is only a small part of the totality of existence, the part revealed by the filters of our limited physical senses. We know now that more than 95% of reality is not apprehended by human physical senses because it is either simply not detected by the senses, and/or it is not physical.
It is only with the recent discovery of gimmel, the non-physical part of reality, that actually makes the proton so stable, and logical and technological extensions of our mental acuity and physical senses, that we have become minimally aware of the larger, non-physical part of reality. The comprehensive model of reality that we call TDVP incorporates both physical and non-physical phenomena. It is also important to note that the results of TDVP analyses upholds and verifies Einstein’s assertion that space and time “claim no existence of their own.” They are dimensional parameters of the external structure of the combined mass, energy and consciousness contained within n-dimensional domains.
In the TDVP model, the dynamic phenomena that make up objective reality are further described as consisting of measurable amounts of mass, energy, and consciousness, existing in finite dimensional domains having at least nine measurable dimensions. This is indicated by the notation 3S-3T-3C. The letters S, T, and C are capitalized in this notation, as opposed to the lower-case t and c in the notation 3S-1t-1c, to reflect the difference between what exists in reality and what is perceived by the physical senses of a human observer.
The triadic structure of 3S-3T-3C dimensions is not arbitrary. It reflects a mathematical invariance inherent in dimensional domains. I discovered this invariance while applying the process of dimensional extrapolation, and in the development of the quantum calculus (CoDD). Dimensional extrapolation is the name I gave the process of moving the focus of analysis from a dimensional domain with n dimensions, into the next dimensional domain, i.e., the n+1 dimensional domain, where the number n can be any positive integer.
Calculating the value of the unitary projection from a domain with a given number of dimensions, n, into the next domain with n+1 dimensions, we find that it is always an nth root of unity, which becomes the consistent unit of measurement for the added dimension of the expanded (n+1)-dimensional domain. After each series of three projections, the unit of projection out of the n-D domain into the (n+1)-D domain is an increasingly more complex number. This sequence of increasingly more complex units is consistent with the fact that the contents of dimensional domains become more and more complex with each additional dimension, exhibiting more detail and increasingly subtle qualities, as the phenomena become more hyper-dimensional.
In addition to the measurable variables of dimensions, there are measurable variables related to the contents of the dimensional domains. They are the variables measuring mass, energy, and conscious content. Proof of the following statement is straight forward, but beyond the scope of this post.
In the quantum calculus (CoDD) all variables can only take on integer values because all phenomena in physical reality are quantized.
The integer value (1, 2, 3, …) of a given variable in an observation will be a specific whole number, depending on the phenomenon being observed and measured. The quantized mathematical measurements of objective phenomena existing in the nine finite dimensional domains represented by 3S-3T-3C are variables of three types: 1) variables of extent defining the boundaries of the space-time-consciousness domain containing the phenomena; 2) variables of content defining the substance of the space-time-consciousness phenomena contained within the domain; and 3) variables of intent defining the quality, meaning, and purpose of the phenomena being measured.
In the Calculus of Dimensional Distinctions (CoDD) the basic units of measurement are three-dimensional, having the same volume as the free electron, and an expression that completely describes the form and substance of a finite object occupying a finite portion of reality will have nine dimensions and three categories of content. Thus, a complete description of the object will be a function of twelve variables. But an expression for the same object observed through the five physical senses of the average human being, is a function of only eight variables, written as f(x,y,z,t1,c1,m,E,C) in conventional mathematical notation.
Because the quantum equivalence units of the calculus of dimensional distinctions are three dimensional, the development of a whole new system of mathematical notation is necessary. Even the fundamental operations of mathematics have to be redefined in the new system. I developed the basics of this system between 1986 and 1989, and published it in Infinite Continuity, a book released in1990. Unfortunately, this book is no longer in print, but I have reproduced most of the theorems and their proofs in other papers and books, including in an appendix of Transcendental Physics, a book published in 1997, available on Amazon.com.
The development of a new mathematical system is not a trivial task - see for instance, G. Spencer Brown’s elegant work, Laws of Form – so I will not try to reproduce it here for several reasons, including its length and the necessity of introducing a totally new and different type of notation that is very hard to reproduce in this format. Also, this discussion is not intended to be a rigorous scientific paper. It is an attempt to explain, to the best of my ability, in terms that anyone can understand, the need for, basis of, and importance of the calculus of dimensional distinctions.
In his book, Laws of Form, G. Spencer Brown develops a primary calculus and uses it to derive the laws governing the innate forms of objective reality, He starts by saying that the severing of a space brings a whole universe into existence. Symbolizing the act of the severance of a space with a distinguishing mark indicating the difference perceived between the inside and outside of a finite closed space, he uses the symbol in two equations, one expressing contraction and expansion, the other expressing the reversal of distinction, or cancellation. Then he uses these equations as the initial equations of the primary calculus, a system of logic that he calls the calculus of indications.
Using this primary calculus, he proves a number of theorems that reflect the general logical form that bears a remarkable resemblance to the finite structures that we observe in the physical universe, and the logical structure of systems in human thought, ranging from the structures of atoms to the structure of biological systems, to human languages. The calculus of dimensional distinctions is similar to Brown’s calculus of indications, with some significant differences.
It is truly amazing that, if, as Brown’s work strongly suggests, all of the complexities of the physical universe follow automatically from the simple act of the drawing a distinction. But, even though Professor Brown begins his development of the calculus of indications by defining the basic unit of calculation as the drawing of a distinction between inside and outside by a conscious entity, he adheres to the unwarranted assumption of the object’s independence of the existence and state of consciousness of the observer by leaving consciousness out of the formulation of the calculus. This exclusion makes the logic of the calculus binary. The inclusion of consciousness in the quantum calculus of TDVP makes its logic tertiary.
The perception of a 3S-3T-3C phenomenon by individuals (human or other sentient beings) may vary, and they may be incomplete relative to the reality being observed. Depending upon a given observer’s state of consciousness, the dimensional domains perceived will have different numbers of S, T, and C dimensions, ranging from 1 to 3. The difference can be indicated by writing the number of dimensions in front of the S, T, and C. If, for a given observer, the number of dimensions in either space, time, or consciousness is less than 3, then S, T, or C will be written in lowercase, indicating that the observation is an incomplete perception of reality. Dr. Neppe and I have called this individual perception indivension. For example, the notation describing the observational domain of the average human being at this time in the planetary time cycle is 3S-1t-1c, totaling five dimensions, but a person with expanded consciousness who can see 3S-2t-1c, e.g., would, in effect be aware of a quantum plane of time containing a range of possible futures, and would have a scientifically describable view of reality, known now as a psychic ability.
Depending upon how many and which kind of dimensions of reality a given conscious being is able to perceive, that person will be clairvoyant, telepathic, or even all-knowing. Such abilities are very rare at this point in planetary time because we are still more than 10,000 years away from the next high point in consciousness evolution. For a more detailed description of the periodic cycles of planetary time, see The Holy Science by Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, who is Paramahansa Yogananda’s Guru, and Secrets of the Sacred Cube, a cosmic love story by Ed & Jacqui Close.
By application of the TRUE
analysis of TDVP, Primary Consciousness is revealed as the only reality.
[I often refer to the
quantum calculus (CoDD) analysis of reality as TRUE analysis, because the
quantum equivalence unit based on the rest mass and volume of the electron, is
the Triadic Rotational Unit of Equivalence, which is a volumetric, i.e.,
three-dimensional, unit of measurement.]
The finite structures appearing in the 3S-1t dimensional domain that we know through the physical senses as the physical universe, are incomplete, or partial manifestations of logical patterns existing in Primary Consciousness. And each conscious soul contains quanta of Primary Consciousness, acting like a seed that has the potential of eventually growing into a state of Oneness with Primary Consciousness.
The Human Condition
We are seeds of Primary Consciousness and the only meaningful purpose of finite reality is to provide a field in which we can grow if we choose to. Everything that enhances spiritual growth and increases our chances of fulfilling our potential is good, and anything that hampers or blocks spiritual progress, is counter to the purpose for which finite reality exists, and is therefore, evil. This is the true definition of good and evil. The opportunity to choose either good or evil and progress or regress spiritually, is the true purpose of life. That choice is often a difficult one, but you can know what is good and evil, who is good and who is evil by the fruits of their actions.
Every thought and willful action of a soul identifying itself with a physical body has an effect on that soul’s physical, mental, and spiritual growth. Actions that a soul chooses to take, that results in healthy physical, mental, and spiritual growth, moving the soul toward the goal of Cosmic Consciousness, expands that soul’s individualized consciousness, and actions chosen that result in diminishing or reversing spiritual growth, causes that soul’s individualized consciousness to contract.
The trauma of being born, ejected painfully from a warm, secure place where we have no unfulfilled needs, and thrust into a frightening world over which we have no control, causes us to forget our past, and forces us to deal with an unknown future over which we have no control. No wonder babies cry when going through the ordeal of being born into this world! Only the natural love between mother and child makes this ordeal tolerable. Each of us has to deal with this world of pain and potential suffering while in a limited, still forming physical, mental, and spiritual body that makes up our existence as an individual soul. The trauma of this transition causes us to forget who we are, and we begin to believe in the illusion of beginnings and ends. Forced into this dichotomy, our lives in the delusion of duality on this planet begins.
Within that slowly forming organism we come to know as our own body, we have a brain, a biological physical object with amazing complexity of structure and potential. It is, however, at any point in three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time, finite, and thus it is an uncomfortable confinement for the mind, which is the thinking part of the soul, a quantum of infinite intelligence. And so, upon birth into a new physical body, we begin to live in the basic dichotomy, a dualistic or binary existence at the interface between the finite and the infinite, the discrete and the infinitely continuous. The effort to understand reality from this waystation on the threshold of Infinity is overwhelming for the finite physical brain, but the infinite mind instinctively knows that it is possible to advance through expanded states of consciousness, toward the perfection of the soul. Just before the time of birth, at the time of death, and in deep sleep, we are on the threshold of a transcendental state of consciousness. See Part One in this series, entitled The Threshold, posted on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2021.
As spiritually evolving souls, we have willfully chosen to separate ourselves temporarily from the Infinite to experience the painful descent into finite reality by being born on this little planet, even though we know that to survive here, we must identify with a limited physical body with all of its inherent suffering and pain. Why? Because we desire to be with family and friends we knew in past lives and experience the wonders of the physical universe.
When consciousness is condensed this far, however, and confined to limited awareness to the point of identifying completely with a physical body, we eventually feel our separation from the Infinite intensely, and feel that we are trapped in an inescapable situation, as an uncomfortable speck of painful awareness lost in a vast sea of tumultuous competing forces, over which we have no control. When partially awakened, we begin to realize that we have given up the freedom and joy of spiritual existence, and we may find ourselves in the state of despair that is called the dark night of the soul. The only escape to be found is by turning back to the love of the Infinite.
In the depths of our consciousness, we know that we are immortal souls, and that the suffering of birth, life, and death, is a process of purification that is necessary in order for us, as seeds of Primary Consciousness, to learn and grow, and eventually become whole spiritual beings. The illusion of time is the barrier that separates us from the goal of eternal Oneness, from which we have fallen, but never completely separated. Life is just something that happens again and again until our consciousness is expanded to the point that are fully aware of what and who we are.
ERC – 4/13/2022
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