Wednesday, December 9, 2015



How could mainstream scientists have completely overlooked the fact that 94.1% of reality is missing from the matter/energy picture for so long? Why would they ignore the many clues existing within their own paradigm pointing to something more, something huge? Why are most still refusing to even consider that a large part of reality could be actually be a pervasive form of consciousness, and insist on calling it “some unknown form of matter and energy, AKA ‘dark’ matter and energy”?

First, many, especially established mainstream scientists with university tenure, have a heavily vested interest in the current materialistic paradigm. If the paradigm they’ve invested their lives in is proved wrong, funding for their research may go away. 

Second, it is a matter of belief. Even though a scientist is supposed to be open minded, his or her world view is based on a priori assumptions, and he or she may not be willing, or even able, to examine deeply held beliefs and prejudices.

Can deeply held beliefs prevent one from seeing something that is right before their eyes? The answer is yes. Psychological, anthropological and even neurological studies have shown that an individual, or even whole groups or societies may actually not see an object, even if it is right before their eyes if it has no relevance to their experience or world view. There are well-known examples of this. On the individual basis, there are people with missing limbs who are convinced that the limbs are still there in spite of all evidence to the contrary. The brain is fully capable of blocking images that do not fit, and of filling in missing parts of an image to make it fit as a familiar image. The ‘phantom-limb’ syndrome is just one example. On the societal level, there are South Seas aboriginal islanders who did not see a huge sail ship anchored off their shores.

As strange as it seems, this blindness syndrome is even more likely to affect scientists, because much of the detail of their complex paradigm is established by deductive reasoning, as opposed to direct observation. When confronted with empirical evidence that contradicts something in the known paradigm, something they ‘know’ can’t be true because it contradicts a deeply held belief, they either don’t ‘see’ it, or they dismiss it as an anomaly caused by an improperly designed experiment. 

And a large part of scientific education is accomplished by the process of setting up experiments that support the accepted paradigm and adjusting the apparatus until the desired results are obtained. If a blind man who has never seen an elephant is told that there is a large snake in the room, feels the tail of an elephant, even if the whole elephant is in the room with him, he may conclude that the elephant is a big snake. This is where current science is with regard to consciousness.

Finally, consciousness, the elephant in the room, is only partially available to objective analysis as defined by the current scientific paradigm, because such analysis is analogous to an eye directly observing itself. Consciousness, just like the physical eye, can only ‘see’ itself indirectly. 

And just as the eye needs a mirror, consciousness needs a mirror in which to see its reflection. That mirror is the universe.

The new Science and Spirituality Paradigm TDVP presents evidence of a third form of reality, heretofore unknown to science, at the heart of every elementary particle. It is based on empirical evidence and mathematical proof, much of which is presented in the posts archived on this blog. Feel free to browse.

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