Saturday, May 4, 2019


©Edward R. Close  2019

Disclaimer: What I have to say in this article, especially about the role of gimmel in Reality, meaning and purpose, is my opinion and mine alone. I make no claim as to who else may or may not share my views.

Your life is determined by what you believe. And for most people now inhabiting physical bodies on this planet, what you believe depends upon the amount of Reality you have experienced directly yourself, plus that which you accept as real from what others have told you. But that which others tell you may be true, partially true, or it may not be true at all. So be careful what you accept as true, accept nothing blindly, put it to the test of Reality as you know it. To the extent that what you believe is identical with Reality, your life will be what it is meant to be. When what you believe becomes 100% identical with Reality, you will have reached the Great Goal of Conscious Existence. But this is a rare condition for inhabitants of this planet at this point in time. One only reaches that level of consciousness when the time is right, and the Mind is ready. The process of reaching the state wherein you are capable of realizing that goal is called spiritual evolution. Thus it is of utmost importance to look often, and deeply, into what you believe. Your happiness, your well-being and your future depend upon it.

Why do I bring gimmel up in this context? Because it is a direct link to a major part of the universe that is not available to the physical senses. The vast majority of Reality is not available to us through our physical senses because it is composed of non-physical gimmel. A major part of Reality is, in this sense, hidden. This is not a flaw in the way the universe is created, it is a necessary limitation on the physical vehicles of evolving souls. I discovered gimmel in 2012, while in the process of developing a system of quantum mathematics and applying it to quantal descriptions of the combinations of the elementary particles that form the atomic elements that make up the universe we experience. I realized immediately that this was the first step necessary in putting consciousness into the equations of science, something I had been seeking to do since the 1970s when I wrote The Book of Atma.

Stable Reality is made up of quanta of mass, energy and gimmel. There would be no stable atomic structure without gimmel. The precise combinations of quanta of the three forms of Reality, mass, energy and gimmel, that make up the physical reality of quarks, protons, neutrons, and atoms, are calculable fairly easily using the quantum math we call the calculus of dimensional distinctions. The paradigm shift from the current mainstream materialistic paradigm to the Reality of mass. energy and consciousness, that we call the Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm (TDVP), is derived directly from the data of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) using mathematics available to anyone conversant with high school algebra and geometry. The derivation of the new scientific paradigm, including consciousness in the equations, has been published in several venues available to anyone, including this blog site. It has been validated by explaining paradoxes and experimental observations and data that are not explainable in the current mainstream paradigm.

With the discovery and validation of gimmel, and its role in the evolution of the physical universe, we now know that the evolving universe is not the result of random processes, it is the purposeful and meaningful evolution of physical organisms to act as vehicles through which individualized manifestations of Spirit can experience physical reality. Consciousness, as the manifestation and expression of Primary Consciousness (traditionally called Spirit) in the physical universe, is primary, with gimmel as its agent, organizing stable structures of matter and energy in the continuing formation of the universe for the purpose of the spiritual evolution of individuals from the bare awareness of self from other-than self, to Cosmic Consciousness. The fact that the percentage of non-physical gimmel in the elements that make up the universe known to our current science is identical to the percentage of so-called dark matter and dark energy detected by the Hubble Probe, is evidence that the universe, not just this planet, is structured by Primary Consciousness for the purpose of the development of living organisms capable of being controlled by individualized consciousness for the purpose of spiritual evolution. (Calculation of the volumetric ratio of gimmel to Hadronic matter and energy, showing its correspondence to Hubble Probe data has also been published by Neppe and Close.)

Just as mass, energy and gimmel are the triad of variables of substance, or content of Reality, time, space and conscious imagery are the triad of variables of extent, in which the substance is contained as stable manifestations of the logic of Primary Consciousness. They are created by the stable existence of mass, energy and gimmel, and have no existence of their own. Thus Consciousness is Primary and omnipresent, as the ocean must seem to the fish who dwell deep within it; gimmel is secondary, as the organizer, and matter and energy are tertiary. All of this is describable with the Calculus of Dimensional Distinctions as nine dimensional domains nested within the infinity of Primary Consciousness.

 ER Close, 5/4/2019

1 comment:

  1. Did you work at CERN? What is the difference between “gimmel” and the strong nuclear force?
