Those rare Awakened Ones know. They have achieved the goal
and seen the whole picture. They have no need to return to this spinning ball
of mud, this slowly evolving fragment of Reality on the outskirts of a small
spiraling galaxy with a variety of evolving conscious life forms. But when they
do, they do so for a reason, but they have a problem communicating: No one here
speaks their language; no one here understands. They are forced to speak in
parables, or write slowly, carefully, in analogies, trying to convey what they
know. Even those lesser beings, like myself, who have only seen a glimpse of
the elegance of Reality in a flash of inner light, feel compelled to try to
communicate what we have seen.
But how does one express in muttered sounds, write in disjointed
symbols on a two-dimensional sheet, or encode in a simple binary code, the wonderfully
complex multi-dimensional elegance of Reality? They write, And as many writers
report, one must write whenever the inspiration strikes. One has no choice. It
is as if the flow of words comes from a source unknown to the finite mind. And
often, the writer does not choose the subject. When one comes to the realization
that all things are connected, the subject of a given communication is actually
determined by the Whole, which includes the consciousness of those who need to
hear the message, the channel through which the message flows, and the Source
of all logical structure, physical, mental and spiritual. That Source is the Primary form of
Consciousness, where the innate impulse of consciousness to experience itself
gives rise to organized patterns, abstract
symbols and the development of language for spoken and written communication.
The impulse behind this particular writing, at this particular time, is to try
to dispel the confusion that is symbolized in scripture by the collapse of the
Tower of Babel and the dispersion of conscious beings around the world to develop
tribal cultures and multiple languages.
Fortunately, there is an antidote for the disruption of direct
communication caused by the multiplicity of thoughts and the barrier of unknown
languages. That antidote is Consciousness Expansion. The expansion of one’s
consciousness is an exhilarating experience! As awareness expands into
additional dimensions of space, time and consciousness, verbal expression is
replaced by inner communion, the barriers of language dissolves and you
suddenly begin to see connections with individuals and events in the past,
present and future of which you were formerly unaware. A fully Awakened One
experiences all of the dimensions and domains of space, time, and
consciousness. Unfortunately, At this point in planetary time, such extra-ordinary
beings are few and far between.
The Planet Earth is populated by billions of conscious
beings, ranging from the barely conscious to the Fully Awakened. The number of
individuals at various levels of awareness plotted on a two-dimensional graph form
what statisticians call a “normal distribution”, a bell-shaped curve. This just
means that the largest number of people are found in the middle of the curve,
defining the mean level of awareness, and fewer and fewer people are found at
higher or lower levels of awareness. Everyone alive falls somewhere in this normal
distribution. The level of awareness should not be confused with IQ, but it would
definitely correlate closely with mental, physical, and spiritual health and
In the current 24,000-year cycle of planetary time, defined
by the three motions of the Earth: the daily rotation on its axis, orbital rotation
around the sun, and the solar system’s rotation around the center of the galaxy,
the average level of human awareness is slowly increasing from its lowest level
about 1522 years ago, toward its highest level of Cosmic Consciousness 10,478
years in the future. This means that the average person alive now might require
hundreds of lifetimes to reach Cosmic Consciousness, depending on the decisions
he or she makes, and the average lifespan. Of course the average lifespan will also
increase with the increase in average mental, physical, and spiritual
well-being. Note: This estimate does not necessarily imply individual reincarnation,
at least not as most people think of it. I will not discuss this subject here,
because it is complex, and I have dealt with it in previous writings. The point
of this discussion is how a broader and deeper understanding of Reality can aid
in solving problems in the specific lifetime you are experiencing now.
I must hasten to make it clear that I personally am not a
Fully Awakened Being. I am just one who is a little ahead of the mean on the
normal distribution curve. I am not an Avatar (An Awakened One reincarnated for
a Divine purpose) or a Sat Guru (Fully Awakened Spiritual Teacher). The
Awakened Ones who have blessed me with their protection and guidance throughout
this life have made it clear to me where I am on the spectrum of mental and
spiritual virtue. I am at a point where I should be able to understand the
mathematical logic of Reality, and yet able to communicate with the average
person at the present level of mental and spiritual virtue.
I have experienced several minor consciousness expansion
events and a few major awakenings, but even the most profound of these events are
what are called sabikalpa Samadhi (true concentration with difference). The
Fully Awakened Spiritual Masters are always in the state of nirbikalpa Samadhi
(true concentration without difference). In the lesser Samadhi, the individual
is aware of the difference between his or her finite existence as experienced
through the physical senses of the organic life form to which he or she is
attached, and the temporarily expanded state of consciousness experienced while
in Samadhi. In the greater Samadhi, consciousness is permanently expanded to
Infinity where there are no differences.
Before I agreed to enter into this life, my six Spiritual
Guides, consisting of Jesus, Krishna, and the SRF line of Avatars and Sat
Gurus, presented me with a mission: They informed me that I was one of a relatively
mall group who could help bring science out of the destructive dead end of
materialism and show why and how students who will become the scientists of the
future must include meditation techniques designed to facilitate consciousness
expansion in their training. Consciousness expansion training will improve
their cognitive ability not only through better intellectual concentration and
focus, but it will also improve their ability to integrate the information they
learn into a broader understanding of
Reality that will foster much more wisdom in the application of that knowledge.
To understand why I am advocating that everyone in general,
and scientists in particular, learn and practice consciousness expanding
meditation techniques, let’s take a closer look at the holistic view of reality
revealed by Awakened Ones like my Spiritual Guides, and sometimes glimpsed in special
circumstances by an increasing number of ordinary people. The physical
universe, which is less than 5% of Reality at this point in time, is a
dualistic domain, where the most impactful dualism is Good vs Evil. There is only one
reliable definition of Good and Evil: Good is anything and everything that
promotes the expansion of finite individual consciousness toward Cosmic
Consciousness; Evil is anything and everything that hampers, prevents, or
reverses that expansion.
Finite physical reality is a temporary perturbation of the
infinite self-referential field of Primary Consciousness, hypothesized in
quantum field theory as the Zero Point Field, and in ancient scientific texts handed
down from the last Satya Yuga (the high point in mental and spiritual virtue
more than 12,500 years ago) as the Akasha. As such, the physical universe, when
taken out of the context of holistic Reality, appears to be ruled by the
dynamics of opposites: For every force, there is an equal and opposite force
(Newton’s third Law), the equivalence of mass and energy related to the speed
of radiant energy (Einstein’s Relativity), and the dialectic of entropic
resolution of matter and energy (the Second Law of Thermodynamics). In plain
English: if taken out of the context of the holistic space-time-consciousness structure
of Reality, the sum total of all mass and energy in the physical universe is
zero, and it should expand to infinity at the speed of light, rapidly
disappearing, as the last quantum decays into the maximum entropy of the unperturbed
zero-point field.
Fortunately, this is a false narrative. The primary
foundation of Reality, as all the Awakened Spiritual Masters tell us, is Pure Consciousness,
traditionally known as Spirit. Matter is illusory and ephemeral, Spirit is real
and eternal. The dynamically expanding physical universe is sustained by the
non-physical 95% of Reality. Science based on the metaphysical assumption of
materialism fails every test of experiment and logic, even within the finite domain
of the laws it has discovered. For example, no experiment has ever revealed the
creation or destruction of even one quantum of matter or energy, only changes
in form. This is known as the Law of the Conservation of Mass and energy. There
is no evidence to support an absolute beginning or end of Reality. The experimental
data-driven mathematical demonstration proving the existence of non-quantum
gimmel, which conveys the logical structure of Primary Consciousness, the
substrate from which all forms arise, into the physical universe, eliminates
materialism as a valid basis for science, philosophy, or any meaningful belief
This has enormously important applications related to the
current world crisis, and wonderfully positive implications for the potential
future of the human race. However, like everything in this world of stubbornly
persistent illusions, communicating this to humanity is not easy. There really
is both Good and Evil operating in opposition to each other, and the most
powerful weapon of Evil is its ability to make Good appear to be evil, and to
make Evil to appear to be good. At this point in planetary time, as one of my
Spiritual Guides has pointed out, the average level of human awareness is just
now, only slowly increasing from its lowest level, which occurred about 1522
years ago, toward its highest level 10,478 years in the future, so the message that
Good will ultimately prevail may fall on many deaf ears. That makes it even
more important to put the truth out there for those who will hear it.
So what are the practical implications of becoming aware of
more of Reality by learning to meditate and expand your consciousness? Does it
make you able to detect good and evil more easily and take the proper steps to
avoid evil and embrace good? Yes, it does, but unfortunately, it doesn’t make
life easier. In fact, it generally makes life more difficult, at least at
first. This is because the average person without expanded awareness, is easily
led to believe that certain people and certain organized groups are good, and
that other people and organizations are evil. But, with expanded consciousness,
you will realize that it’s not that simple. Most people and most organizations
are mixtures of both good and evil, and because of the general low level of spiritual
virtue at present, most organized groups magnify the evil in people more than
they magnify the good. We will do things, even evil things, in the name of
family, ethnic group, state, or even church, that we would never do as spiritual
individuals. Group think can easily become mob action, and a group with good initial
intent can be an attractive cover for someone actually bent on doing evil.
Let’s take the type of government produced by the
socio-economic theory of Marxism as a prime example. As pointed out above,
materialism is a false assumption based on an incomplete view of reality, and
the logical framework of Marxist communism and socialism is dialectic
materialism. Does this mean that Karl Marx himself and all forms of Marxism, communism,
and socialism are necessarily evil? It is easy to think so, because of the
spectacular historical failures of major attempts to apply the principles of Marxist
communism and socialism government to human society by tyrants like Lenin,
Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, leading to massive genocide. These attempts failed for
many reasons, but two primary reasons: 1) The underlying false assumption of
dialectic materialism, and 2) Thinking that “revolution of the proletariat” necessarily
requires violent insurrection.
I had an opportunity to study Marxism as part of my PhD
program at Johns Hopkins University in the form of a required course in environmental
economics, taught by a Marxist. Marx himself said that his mission in life was
“to topple God from his throne and destroy Capitalism.” Marx and Engels were
very intelligent men, and yet unable to see that Reality is much bigger and more
complex than the material domain. I am quite sure that they did not think of
themselves as evil, nor did those who tried to implement their theories, but the
purpose of evil is to promote dualism and prevent human beings from seeing
Reality beyond the ephemeral material world. So Marx’s stated mission was the
very essence of evil. And he did not see a peaceful legal overthrow of the
free-market system as an effective way forward, he believed those who resisted
must be destroyed. He famously said: “The last capitalist we hang, will be the
one from whom we purchased the rope!” But we should not assume that communism is
the only evil form of government. In fact, due to the inherent evil in human
nature during the dark ages of low spiritual virtue, all forms of government can
morph inro tyrannical regimes. That is what has been happening to the United
States of America slowly, over the past fifty years.
Government always starts with good intent, but the evil
inherent in the world of dualism can easily subvert it into a way to inflict
pain, suffering and death on the people it seeks to control in the pursuit of an
imagined greater good. Every form of government seeks to control, and clearly,
a peaceful global government must eventually emerge to keep human being from
destroying each other. But the lesson here is not that globalism is evil, but
that it should not be forced on humanity by violent revolution before it can actually
work, and it must be based on Spiritual Reality, not dialectic materialism. We
have seen that governmental materialism inevitably leads to disaster. A
peaceful and successful global society must be allowed to develop naturally.
Force always evokes resistance, and often leads to violence and unnecessary
death and destruction.
The history of humanity so far in this ascending cycle of 12,000 years, starting in 500 AD, has been one
of struggle out of tribalism with physically dominant leaders, into hierarchical
ruling classes with dictators and monarchs who used whatever they could to
maintain their power to lead and control larger and larger groups of people. From
the beginning of the current ascending cycle, the leaders, who rose to power did
so by brute force, defeating and killing or enslaving other contenders, devised
clever ways to maintain their positions of power, including outwitting the leaders
of other groups, overseeing the ritualistic sacrifice of things of value to spirits
or gods assumed to be in control of things they could not control, and claiming
to be descended from divinity. This pattern of behavior continues even today, just
in more subtle forms, like social elitism. And science and technology, which seemed
to promise a brighter future, has given the ruling class the capability to
kill, enslave, and control on a massive scale. But since they are not much
wiser than the tyrants of the past, they may well destroy civilization and
themselves in their quest for wealth and power. Will the human race survive the current crisis
that has virtually shut Western Civilization down? The answer, fortunately, is
yes, because this dark history is only half of the picture. But we are facing a difficult struggle out of scientific
and political materialism.
In 499 AD, we reached the lowest point in mental virtue and spiritual
understanding in this 24,000-year cycle. To understand what is happening, we
have to look at the whole picture. How do we do this? By Consciousness Expansion
and by studying the information left for us by the Ancients, and interpreted by
the rare Avatars and Advanced Souls who reincarnated during the late descending
and early ascending ages of the Kali Yuga to help us get through these dark and
difficult times.
At this point, it will likely become evident to even the
casual reader that I am entering into an area of cognition involving concepts
that lie beyond current ontological and epistemological understanding of the
majority. Reality is a nine-dimensional self-referential internally logically-consistent
system. In order to at least partially overcome the difficulty of attempting to
communicate a visualization of the nine-dimensional self-referential nature of
Reality, I shall have to resort to a series of three-dimensional analogies. But
this post is already longer than I thought it would be, so I will stop here and
continue with the 3-D analogies In my next blogpost on consciousness expansion.
ERC – 8/8/21
ReplyDeletePunjab School Education Board has issued the PSEB 10th Model Paper 2022. Candidates can practise by downloading pdf files of past year exam papers from the Punjab board for class X. Aspirants will learn about the question paper by solving them, PSEB Matric Model Paper 2022 including the marking structure, types of questions asked, exam time, and so on. The PSEB Class 10th Exam 2022 will take place from April 9 to May 1, 2022. (tentative). For more information on PSEB 10th 2022 Model Paper, read the article.
I had a similar thought today about seeing/behaving better toward others and the universe than I even do myself. Cosmic Consciousness (and superconsciousness and Christ Consciousness) is indeed superhuman, but within our capabilities with firm determination. How wonderful that this is a goal for some of us, and even possibly inevitable! We are part of an invincible tendency toward more and more order, even the entropy we experience in aging is part of this tendency. We are not “patches of life scattered through an infinite sea of non-living substance” but “specks of relative death in an infinite ocean of life.”