Sunday, May 12, 2019


Max was born November 10th, 2018, and on May 10th, 2019, his 6-month numerical-return date, we had a bit of a mis-adventure. My first indication that something untoward had happened, was waking up at about 2:30 pm, on my king-size bed in the master bedroom, with Max licking my face and pawing at me with his king-size paws. - And I had absolutely no memory of how I got there! Very disconcerting! And my glasses and hearing aids were missing. Max was removed to his kennel, and I promptly went back to sleep.

Waking at a few minutes past 4:00 pm (I had a pre-arranged meeting via Zoom at 4:00 pm), and learning that the call had been postponed by the other party, I began trying to piece together what had happened. I re-traced my steps, starting with breakfast that morning, and tried to recall everything that led up to my waking with Max frantically pawing at me. I finally remembered taking Max for a walk about 1:30, seeing a big gray tomcat, and, to make a long story short, I  discovered that I had a collision with the Earth sometime about 1:45 pm. The planet was apparently unaffected by the collision, but I was knocked unconscious.

Thank goodness my Beltone Amaze hearing aids have a feature called “Find my hearing aid”! My glasses were embedded in the ground where I fell, and my hearing aids were scattered nearby. I convinced my son that I didn’t need to go to the ER, and two-days and as many visits to the chiropractor later, and I am about back to normal, with a sore right arm and chest. The moral of the story: If a 70-plus pound puppy lunges after a cat, or other irresistible animal, let go of the leash! You can’t do anything about the situation if you are unconscious!

I have been trying to recover memories of what I experienced during the time I was unconscious, thinking it might be like the time almost nine years ago when I had the OBE experiences in the Great Pyramid. Maybe I had some more ancient history downloaded into my brain, or maybe I was with Jacqui! But, no such luck. As far as I can tell. It was just like being asleep, except that I woke with a headache, sore arm and chest from a very real collision with the ground.

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