Wednesday, March 13, 2019


© 2019 by Edward R. Close

The great German polymath Wilhelm Gottfried Leibniz said: “Die wichtigste Frage, die die Wissenschaft zuerst beantworten sollte, ist: Warum gibt es etwas, statt nichts?“

Translation: “The most important question that science should answer first, is: Why is there something rather than nothing?”

Why has modern science virtually ignored this basic question despite the fact that one of the most respected thinkers in the history of Western science considered it to be so important? It is because of the fragmentation of Western thought by academic specialization, which I have disparaged in previous posts, and because mainstream science has no answer for this question. When a question is too difficult for scientists to find a way to formulate in a testable hypothesis, it is all too easy to claim it is really not a scientific question, and relegate it to the specialized community of professional philosophers. But, in this case, that is a cop-out.

Leibniz was absolutely right, why there is something rather than nothing is a question of the utmost importance, and it should be answered first, because the answer will change science in profound ways that will be hard for mainstream Western scientists to even imagine. The Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) answers this question, and Dr. Neppe and I have addressed it in published works. I have also addressed it in other blog posts; but it seems that a brief, uncomplicated  answer is hard to find. so I want to focus on it here and provide a clear, concise answer.

It turns out that with the discovery of gimmel, the answer is immediately clear and straight forward: Without gimmel, there could be no stable subatomic structure, and the physical universe would not exist. So the answer to the question of why there is something rather than nothing, boiled down to its simplest form, is:

There is something rather than nothing because of gimmel.

But, if I want this post to stand alone, if I want this answer to be clear and definitive, I cannot assume that the reader knows what gimmel is. So, I must also answer the question: what is gimmel?

The best way to begin, is to first understand what gimmel is not. It absolutely cannot be matter or energy. Let me explain: In TDVP the mass and volume of the free electron define the quantum equivalence unit, which can be used to measure all elementary particles. This quantum equivalence unit, also called the Triadic Rotational Unit of equivalence (TRUE), is defined, and the TRUE value for the up- and down-quarks are determined using very exact data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and we find that, mathematically, up- and down-quarks cannot combine physically to form the protons and neutrons of ordinary matter unless there are specific additional numbers of quantum equivalence units in their composition.  These additional TRUE cannot be units of mass or energy, because if they were, the resulting particles would not be protons or neutrons. The bottom line is: ordinary matter contains units of mass, energy and a third something that is neither matter nor energy. We call that third something gimmel.

Now, ask yourself: if gimmel is not mass or energy, exactly what is it? Everything physical is measurable in variables of content (mass and energy) and variables of extent (space and time). Gimmel cannot have even one unit of mass or energy. If it exists in space and time, what is it? There are clues in the quantum math and physics derivations that led to its discovery, but what do YOU think it might be? Please post your thoughts in “comments”. or send me a Facebook message.


  1. I think I already mentioned what I think gimmel is in some other post, but I'll repeat it here anyway:
    According to a certain belief system, at the most primordial level of the most general reality, there is this UNIQUE INFINITE SOURCE. This source can be considered to be the very answer which Leibniz found for his fundamental question: Leibniz's God, which should not be mistaken with the theological God, even if he did intend to equate them, or if you like, found proof of God by philosophical inquiry. That unique infinite thing is the source of everything hence the "the reason why is there something rather than nothing". But, also according to this belief system, God, our "Source" if you prefer, "emanated" something "else and new": a finite number of other things, inheriting a "finite and limited form" of his own infinite attributes. These other things could be considered what Leibniz called "Monads". They can also be considered to be (the) "spirits" or "souls" if we look at them from a spiritual, esoteric or theistic point of view. Her I call them "spirits".

    Additionally, a portion of all the spirits, those meeting certain special conditions, "transmuted into physical matter", to use the wording of the belief system, or, as I prefer to put it: "had to adopt the roles of physical nature". So, the physical building blocks of the universe, whatever they are (fermions or quantum fields or branes, pick you preferred model) would be these spirits but transmuted into matter (or "having had adopted the roles of physical nature" as I put it).
    But then there are the rest of said spirits, those which haven't transmuted (or do not participate into the roles of physical nature).
    Then, from the ideas above, gimmel would be these other spirits.

    In the mentioned belief system, both physical and ethereal (non-transmuted) spirits form a sort of "para-physical" universe, such that they work together to build up nature.

    The way I prefer to put it, however, and now I'm not just presenting said belief system by my own, is to think of nature as a role playing game, with different layers (two at least, but many esoteric views would speak of several layers, not just 2), each with its own set of rules, and a downward information and control flow between layers. In this view, ontologically speaking, there is only spirit in all layers, but as they adopt the rules of the corresponding layer, we see them as "physical" (layer 0), spiritual (layer 1 and above), etc..

    In this view, layer 0 would be the physical universe with its electrons, protons and neutrons, and layer 1 would contain the gimmel in TVDP.

    A key characteristic of layer 0 (again in my views) is that its rule set is fixed and forms a quasi-deterministic system, whereas the rule set at layer 1 and above is not.
    This is somewhat close to say that physical particles are ENTIRELY subjected to "possibilistic multi-path but fixed and predefined transition rules" (like in a game of chess), whereas gimmel is still subjected to whatever laws, but are other laws and only partially, not entirely as those in layer 0.

  2. "He rested on the seventh day from all the work He had undertaken" Gen 2:2
    What is Gimmel, rest and dreams?
    My thoughts are perhaps Gimmel is Gods' creation at play within His dream of rest. Infinite volumes of His awareness dancing to His dream within His rest.This would open a door of endless timeless possibilities. Just a dream?

  3. If reality is finite, as logic may show, perhaps I meant to say volumes of infinite awareness. I suppose the calculus would (has) help(ed) in that determination?
