Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Thank you for the feedback from some of you who have watched EXPLAINING THE UNEXPLAINABLE on www.ERClos are the questions fo far:eTPhysics.com.  You’ve been very helpful. I am posting questions, received so far, with answers here and on Facebook because it could be helpful to others who are interested. Here are the questions so far:

1. If I’m a not interested in science, why should I wade through all this? Just give me what it proves.
Answer: OK, I know that most people don’t want to put a lot of time and effort into thinking about something they’re not interested in, but I like to encourage people to use their brains and expand their horizons. Most people only use about 10% of the brain power they were born with. The Close-Neppe Theory of Everything proves a lot of things not proved by current mainstream science, but I’m not going to list them all here. I’ll just mention one: It proves that consciousness exists in every atom in the universe. Please think about that. It puts everything in a new light!

2. What does TDVP stand for?
Answer: It is the acronym for the Close-Neppe theory of everything. It stands for: Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm. It was defined in earlier videos, but should have been defined here too.

3. Why didn’t you explain what is shown in the particle collision of slide #3?
Answer: It was not necessary for the points essential to this video, and I worked hard to keep the length of the video down.

4. What’s that in the little white box on slide #4?
Answer: It’s a diagram of mass being turned into energy.

5. Where can I get your book?
Answer: Transcendental Physics is available on Amazon, from Barnes & Noble and other book sellers, or send a check or money order for $50 to EJC Advantage Publications, PO Box 368, Jackson, MO, 63755 for an autographed copy!

6. What does N stand for in slide #8?

Answer: It stands for Newton, the SI (International Standard metric system) unit of mass, equivalent to 0.2248 pounds (lbs.) on the Earth, named after Sir Isaac Newton. The slide illustrates the fact that weight and mass is not the same thing. Weight changes with location, mass does not. The astronaut weighs less on the moon, is weightless in space, but his mass (resistance to motion) is the same.

More questions and/or comments welcome. Please post here, or on my Facebook page. Thanks.

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