Monday, December 21, 2015



by Edward R. Close

In a previous post entitled “Three Important Questions” I asked the following three very important questions:
1. Why is there something, rather than nothing?
2. What are the most elementary things that make up the something?
3. Why are these most elementary things spinning with so much energy?
Questions 1, 2 and Part 1 of question #3 were answered in entries posted last week. Here are brief summaries of those posts:

Question #1: Why is there something rather than nothing?
Time and space are not uniform throughout the universe. All observations and measurements of space, time, mass, and energy are dependent upon the inertial state of conscious entities doing the observing and measuring relative to that which is being observed and measured. This means that conclusions drawn about conditions and events that occurred thousands, millions or billions of years in the past, when the universe had to be expanding at a different rate than it is now, based on the current analysis of light from distant stars, are misleading, if not outright wrong.

Discovery that a  third form of reality (not measureable as mass or energy) embedded in nine finite dimensions, makes it clear that a primary form of conscious intelligence necessarily existed before any particle could emerge from a big bang  origin of the physical universe. Why? Because we have shown mathematically that no purely physical, stable sub-atomic structure could overcome the dispersing action of the second law of thermodynamics without it. No atomic, molecular or cellular structure supporting life, - to become a vehicle of consciousness - could ever survive an explosion, never mind forming in debris flying away from such an explosion. That would be like expecting a stick of dynamite exploding in a junk yard to assemble a brand-new shiny Cadillac.

With the inclusion of this third form of the substance of reality, which we call Gimmel, the life-supporting elements of the periodic table: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur, are stable and abundant in the universe. But they are abundant only because they contain high percentages of the stabilizing third form, Gimmel. Finally, because Gimmel cannot be measurable as mass or energy, the ONLY candidate for the third form of reality, the mathematically organized structure behind mass, energy, and Gimmel, and the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time of the physical universe, is a pervasive form of consciousness. The mathematics and logic of TDVP applied to the physical data of particle physics proves that the universe was and is designed for the manifestation of organic life as a vehicle for consciousness, and that’s why there is something rather than nothing.

Question #2: What are the most elementary things made of?
The Close-Neppe TDVP nine-dimensional spin model answers this question and unites relativity and quantum physics by putting consciousness into the equations of physics. The calculus of distinctions replaces the calculus of Newton and Leibniz to deal with the interaction of consciousness with the quantized physical universe.

The spinning bits of something that make up the observable and measurable physical universe, from the combinations of three quarks that make up the three elementary particles of atoms, which make up the molecules, compounds and cells, of animals, vegetables and minerals, everything occurs in triads, and the most basic of these spinning bits of something, the quarks, are also triadic. They are composed of mass, energy and a third form of reality. In order to be stable long enough to support life, they must be composed of three ostensibly different forms of the something: mass, energy and the third form which we are calling Gimmel. That third form of the something is the organizing factor that pervades the universe and conveys logical structure, meaning and purpose to the physical universe, the virtual tip of the iceberg of reality.

The spinning bits of something are made of three forms of the substance of reality; inertial mass, energy and gimmel without three forms, there would be no physical universe. And without the third form, there would be neither meaningful structure nor purpose, and no physical universe.

Question #3, Part 1: Why do the particles that make up the universe have an intrinsic spin?
In Part 1 of the answer to Question #3, you learned something currently unknown to and unexplained by mainstream physicists. You learned why spinning particles have an intrinsic spin contributing to their total measureable angular momentum. Whether a rotating particle has an extra 180 degrees of rotation (1/2 spin) as do fermions (quarks, electrons, protons and neutrons), or a multiple of 360 degrees (integer spin) as do bosons, depends upon in how many dimensions the particle is spinning. You even learned a way to prove this for yourself, using a Rubik’s cube or appropriately painted ball. But why are the particles spinning in the first place? That is the subject of the rest of this post.

Question #3, Part 2: Why are the particles that make up the physical universe spinning?
This part of the answer to Question #3 may be a bit more difficult to understand because we only directly sense the effects of existence in three dimensions of space and one moment in time in observable objects, and there is no reason that particles existing only in 3S-1t should have intrinsic spin, or should be spinning at all, other than momentary rotations in various directions caused by collisions with other particles and other external forces they might encounter. And yet, we know that elementary particles possess a tremendous amount of energy locked up in rapidly spinning sub -atomic particles, as evidenced by the enormous amounts of energy released by atomic and hydrogen bombs. If, however, elementary particles are only partially observable in three dimensions, the spin energy, as suggested by the explanation of question #3 Part 1, is explainable in terms of the additional dimensions.

The Calculus of Distinctions (CoD) puts consciousness into the equations describing reality by defining the first distinction as the distinction of self from other. Consistent with the solution to the EPR paradox with the proof of the violation of Bell’s inequality by elementary particles, this reveals the conscious drawing of distinctions in the ‘other’ created by the first distinction as intimately involved in the unfolding of reality in 3S-1t. The mathematics of the CoD suggest the existence of two more dimensions of time and three more dimensions of an even more subtle nature. Where are these dimensions? The finite dimensional domain of multi-dimensional reality is embedded in an infinite substrate. Our physical senses do not permit us to ‘see’ them, but the dimensions beyond the three of space and one of time do not exist ‘somewhere else’. They are co-existing domains and can be envisioned as follows: Exactly as lines can be seen as embedded in a plane, and planes can be seen to be embedded in a volume, volumes are embedded in time, and time is embedded in consciousness. The pure mathematics of number theory suggest that the three domains, of three dimensions each, are described by the three kinds of numbers: integers, imaginary numbers and complex numbers.

TRUE analysis shows us that the mass and energy of the 3S-1t domain revealed by our physical senses represent only the tip of the iceberg of reality. Please see the paper published in the December 2015 issue of the IQNEXUS Magazine for details. We find by solving the Diophantine equations of the conveyance equations for stable particles that the electron contains 105 times its measurable mass in TRUE units of gimmel. Similarly, all of the elementary particles consist of specific combinations of mass, energy and gimmel. When we include the additional dimensions of reality, we begin to see why elementary particles are rotating with high velocities of spin in 3S-1t. Light speed, the limit of observation and measurement in 3S-1t, is not the limit of nine dimensional reality. Because motion is not limited to the speed of light (the constant c = 670,616,629 miles per hour) in the nine-dimensional domain, the elementary particles in 3S-1t are tremendously rapid spinning vortices connecting the mass and energy of 3-D space with the other six dimensions of hyper-dimensional domains.

When Albert Einstein realized the implications of E = mc2, he wrote four letters between 1939 and 1945 to then US president Harry S. Truman, warning him of the possibility of constructing a nuclear bomb and the dangers of such a bomb. Exploitation of our understanding of quantum and relativistic physics to this point has led to many technological advances, including both destructive weapons and constructive devises like more efficient computer TV and smart phone technologies. If, as TDVP predicts, the mass and energy of the physical universe is convertible to and from the third form, there will be both destructive and constructive consequences, and these consequences are likely to be more profound than the consequences of current technologies.

Seeking the answer to this question has led us to the major problem for science today: the problem of resolving the conflicts between the answers provided by relativity and quantum mechanics. Putting consciousness into the equations does this. Stay tuned for more about this.

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