Sunday, October 24, 2021





In the last post, I promised to answer two questions that are often asked about the Neppe-Close TDVP model of reality:


“What are the three dimension of time and the three dimensions of consciousness?


Before I attempt to answer these questions, I want to present a little more background, and discuss some key concepts and definitions so that my answers can be understood in the proper context.



In 1985 and 1986, I began the development of a quantum calculus, inspired in part by G. Spencer Brown’s Laws of Form. Applications of the quantum calculus, which I called the calculus of dimensional distinctions, led to a series of discoveries, and eventually to the model of reality that Dr. Vernon Neppe and I call the Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm (TDVP). The early work I did from the 1950s until about 2000, was documented and published in 1977, 1989 and 1997 (See the reference list at the end of this blogpost). Dr. Neppe and I began working together in 2008, and we have published many of our findings in journal papers and the book Reality Begins with Consciousness, first published in 2011, with several editions since.


We discovered that not only are human observations of reality through the five physical senses limited to certain narrow bands of electro-magnetic energy and bio-mechanical vibratory frequencies, but they are also limited to a specific number of dimensions and partial dimensions. The additional frequencies and dimensions are not really hidden, they exist all around us, but our physical senses are just not capable of detecting all of them. Proof of this exists in a number of TDVP explanations of conundrums and paradoxes that exist in the current mainstream paradigm. All of these explanations coincide either exactly, or well within sampling and measurement error, with verified experimental data.


A reaction that occurs fairly often when I mention three dimensions of time is: “You mean Past, present, and future?”  No. Experience shows us that we perceive the same dimensions in the past and future as we do in the present. For conscious individuals, the first dimension of time is experienced as a distinct sequence of experiences creating a series of mental images -models if you will- of events perceived as happening at specific moments along a one-way timeline. Before I explain what the other dimensions of time and the dimensions of consciousness are, I must define exactly what I mean by dimensions and dimensional domains, so that we are on the same page.


What is a dimension?

Most people are familiar with the three dimensions of space: length, width, and height or depth. But many are not so familiar with the way they are defined mathematically. The concept of space is formalized in a mathematically logical manner by defining an axiomatic system of measurements. Several systems have been devised, including polar and spherical coordinate systems, but the most widely used and understood system begins with Cartesian plane coordinates, developed about four hundred years ago by the famous French mathematician Rene Descartes.


Descartes realized that every point along a line could be uniquely located by a single number representing the distance from an arbitrary starting point on the line. Designating that starting point as zero, he constructed a second line extending from the starting point perpendicular to the first line and found that every point in the plane between the two lines could be uniquely located with two positive numbers, called coordinates. This system of coordinates can be extended by constructing a third line from the zero point, extending perpendicular to the first two lines. Then, every point in the space defined by the three lines can be precisely located with three numbers. Those three numbers are the distances on each of the three lines from the zero point to the points where perpendicular lines intersect at the location of the point of interest in three-dimensional space.


This formalization of the three dimensions of space that we perceive through the physical senses can be extended conceptually to more than three dimensions. For each additional dimension, an additional number is needed to precisely locate any point. Traditionally, a geometry with more than three dimensions has been called a “hyperspace”. Application of the calculus of dimensional domains in the TDVP model revealed that additional dimensions really do exist, and that we are emersed in a complex geometry of more than three dimensions, but the dimensions beyond the simplest three are not spatial. Additional dimensions beyond the first three are the measurable extensions in time and consciousness.


When your consciousness is expanded to include more than the planar dimensions described by Descartes, you are not leaving this universe, transported into another dimension, plane, or world, existing somewhere else, you are just becoming aware of additional dimensions that already exist all around you. You just have not been aware of them before. The addition of just one dimension to your domain of awareness, however, transforms the reality you experience in ways that are almost impossible to imagine before you experience them, and nearly as impossible to describe, after you have experienced them. The mind-expanding ways in which your perceptions of reality are transformed become exponentially more complex with each added dimension.


Dimensional Domains

A dimensional domain is defined as a finite portion of extent delineated by a specific number of dimensions. In a quantified, infinitely extending multi-dimensional field, a zero-dimensional domain is a point, i.e., a mathematical singularity; a one-dimensional domain is a line segment; a two-dimensional domain is a specific area of a plane; and a three-dimensional domain is a specific volume of space. The awareness of the domain of three dimensions containing matter, energy, and conscious entities, is only possible with the awareness of a moment of time existing on the fourth dimension, and the integrated experience of consciousness on the fifth dimension. Together, they comprise the experience of being a conscious finite self-aware being. Every conscious being is actually aware of a dimensional domain of three dimensions of space, partial awareness of one dimension of time, and one dimension of consciousness.


When your consciousness is expanded to become aware of more of the dimensions of reality, you find that time and conscious extent have the same basic dimensionometric pattern as space, because they are all reflections of the logical patterns of Primary Consciousness, the substrate of reality. In order to contain objective mass, energy and gimmel, space has to have length, width, and depth. (See references on the discovery of gimmel, the non-physical third form of reality) Time and consciousness also contain images of events comprised of matter, energy, and conscious impact. Thus, they must also have dimensional extents of length, width, and depth.


Space, Time, and Consciousness, Mass, Energy, and Gimmel

Space, the simplest form of structural extent, appears at first glance, to be independent of the consciousness of the observer, but space is actually part of the multi-dimensional space-time-consciousness triadic dimensional domain, reflecting the logical structure of reality. The interdependence of space, time and consciousness becomes more obvious when we investigate the conscious experience of time.


As individual consciousness expands to include the awareness of the additional dimensions, it becomes clear that reality has six measurable primary components. Three of them are measured with variables of extent. They are the dimensional domains of space, time, and consciousness. Three are measured with variables of content. They are mass, energy, and gimmel. The variables of extent are dimensions while variables of content measure the impact of the three essential aspects of finite reality. They occupy dimensional domains but are not dimensions themselves. Dimensions simply define the extent of space, time, and consciousness needed to contain the three essential forms of reality. Dimensional domains are occupied by various combinations of the three essential components of finite reality: mass, energy, and gimmel.


The Three Dimensions of Time

Now, let’s return to the discussion of the three dimensions of time: As I said above, the first dimension of time is experienced by a conscious entity as a distinct sequence of events in a series of mental images along a cause-and-effect timeline in individualized consciousness. When the cause-and-effect timeline of a second individual intersects with that timeline, the resulting time structure is analogous to a plane in space, and when the timelines of three or more individuals progressing different directions with regard to the expansion of spiritual awareness interact, that is represented mathematically as existing in three dimensions of time.


The Mathematical Structure of Reality

Application of the quantum calculus of dimensional distinctions to the interactions of the contents of reality (mass, energy, and gimmel) quantified in quantum equivalence units [also called triadic rotational units of equivalence (TRUE)], in the dimensional domain of the six dimensions of spacetime, reveals the basic mathematical structure of reality: As the domain of awareness expands from three dimensions of space to include a dimension of time, the appropriate units of measurement change from integers to imaginary numbers. After three dimensions of time, in order to expand into dimensions of consciousness, the units change from imaginary numbers to complex numbers. [For readers with formal training in advanced number theory: The unitary projection from a 3n-dimensional domain to a 3n+1 dimensional domain, (n=1,2, 3…) is the principal primitive (3n+1)th root of unity.]


The quantum calculus of dimensional distinctions mentioned above is applicable to the multi-dimensional domains of space, time, and consciousness and their contents because those contents, while not measurable in variables of extent, are composed of multiples of distinctions (TRUE) creating the various dimensional domains.


This analysis leads to the conclusion that the quantized dimensional domains of space, time, and consciousness include three finite dimensions of time and space plus three finite dimensions of consciousness, totaling nine finite dimensions, and the quantized aspects of the essence of reality have three primary forms each, totaling nine finite quantities. The three, six, and nine finite dimensions and the three, six, and nine finite forms defining the logical structure of quantized reality are reflected in the geometrical and numerical structure of pure mathematical logic in several ways in addition to the three main types of numbers: the natural, imaginary, and complex.


The nature of dimensions of expanded consciousness existing beyond the finite quantized nine-dimensional domain, and how they relate to the infinitely continuous field of the substrate of reality that I have called Primary Consciousness, are beyond the scope of this post. But the elegance of the three- six- and nine-mathematical logic running through the stable structures of the physical, mental, and spiritual realities that we experience is so striking that it warrants a much more detailed presentation than I have provided here; but that discussion is also beyond the scope of this post.


My intention in this post is just to provide the basic context within which the space-time-conscious dimensionality and mass-energy-gimmel content of reality, as modeled by the Close-Neppe Paradigm, can be understood. The last, and most challenging step for me is to describe what I mean by the three finite dimensions of consciousness. To do this, I must try to describe what reality must look from the vantage point of Cosmic Consciousness. I must do this based on a few brief glimpses of my own and the words of a few exceptional souls who have attained the ultimate goal of existence.


Education and the Expansion of Consciousness

To explain what I mean by dimensions of consciousness, it is necessary to clear up some common misconceptions. The reality we experience is quantized by the conscious drawing of finite distinctions of mass, energy, and gimmel in the quantized dimensional domains of space, time, and consciousness. Because of this quantization and the conservation of mass and energy, dimensionless points (mathematical singularities), and the first two dimensional domains defined above: one-dimension lines, and two-dimensional spaces, do not exist in our physical universe, because they cannot contain even one quantum of the essential forms of reality, consisting of quantized mass, energy, and gimmel. All three forms are volumetric, and thus, no dimensional domain with less than three dimensions can contain combinations of the essential forms of physical reality.


What does this have to do with understanding and the three dimensions of consciousness? It is important to recognize that the physical universe is not infinitely continuous, but consciousness is, and that our physical senses detect energies that are discretely quantized in order to allow us to experience finite structures as distinctions within the infinitely continuous substrate of consciousness.


The non-existence of zero-dimensional points, one-dimensional lines, and two-dimensional planes in quantized reality, makes the infinitesimal calculus of Newton inappropriate for application at the quantum scale of existence, but mainstream science has failed to recognize this for more than one hundred years since Max Planck discovered that reality is quantized, and Albert Einstein demonstrated that measurements of space and time are dependent upon the quantization of relative motion within the maximum limit of light speed. The inappropriate application of infinitesimal calculus to quantum calculations has led to the so-called “quantum weirdness” so often highlighted by mainstream physicists, but now, application of the quantum calculus of dimensional distinctions and the discovery of gimmel removes quantum weirdness from science.


Mainstream science has been stagnated in the false belief system of dialectical materialism for nearly one hundred years, causing modern science to devolve into scientism, a well-organized atheistic religion, relegating consciousness and spiritual evolution to the realm of mythology and fantasy. Scientism embraces the unprovable negative assumptions of atheism and the worship of artificial intelligence (AI) as the savior and God of the future. AI materialism is the current reincarnation of the idolatry that the Spiritual Masters have always warned against.


Over the past sixty years since I first started teaching mathematics, I have watched education in this country slowly disintegrate and devolve into a series of social experiments driven by dialectic materialism. Under the authoritarian rule of scientific materialism, public education has become little more than governmental indoctrination and social engineering. The memorization and regurgitation of establishment-approved data and beliefs is falsely equated with learning. Enrollment in courses that improve logical thinking and critical reasoning is no longer encouraged because of the potential of producing students who might challenge the authority of government indoctrination.


The real process of education was intended to expand individual consciousness into a greater awareness of physical, mental, and spiritual reality. Rather than being forced to accept someone else’s beliefs, and being told what to think, students should be taught to think clearly and logically for themselves. They should be given greater access to the works of the great thinkers of the world, and they should be encouraged to expand their awareness and knowledge of the dimensions and content of reality. The social and political indoctrination that we are seeing in our public and private schools today, rarely lead to any real learning and understanding, and almost never to spiritual growth or wisdom. Our current educational institutions are pushing ideas and beliefs that contract awareness rather than expand it, as education should.


The Three Dimensions of Consciousness

The dimensions of consciousness are meta-dimensions. By that, I mean that they contain within them all of the finite dimensions of physical reality. They are not empty points, lines, and planes. The first dimension of consciousness is defined by the trace of the individual awareness of being, the distinction of self from other. The evolution of this awareness can be positive, negative, or stationary with regard to the goals of conscious spiritual evolution. Therefore, this trace can be represented as a line of events, or a lifetrace in the field of consciousness, but this line is not one-dimensional. Each point on the line is volumetric, i.e., at least three-dimensional, with content and extent that have meaningful impact on the consciousness of the individual.


The second dimension of consciousness is created by the awareness of two intersecting individual lifetraces. Their intersection implies the existence of a quantum plane of consciousness, whether the individuals are aware of any more than the quantum of intersection or not. When additional traces, trending in different directions than the first two, with regard to the overall spiritual growth of consciousness expansion, are perceived, three dimensions of consciousness are revealed.


Implications of the nine-dimensional model.

The mathematical inclusion of consciousness in the TDVP model of reality expands the scope of scientific analysis in ways that will probably take years to explore and require volumes of documentation. But this discussion of the implications of the TDVP model will be brief, meant only to indicate some of the potential phenomena we can investigate, and some of the directions that the research may go.


At this point in the planetary time cycle, due to the current low level of the average physical and mental ability and spiritual virtue compared to the real human potential, the progress in consciousness expansion for the majority of the Earth’s human population is hardly noticeable during one lifetime. But, since the progress can be accelerated by focus and consistent application of effective consciousness expansion techniques, it is of interest to have some knowledge of what experiences of some of the various states of expanded consciousness are like.


Once again, I find that I need to define some of the concepts relevant to consciousness expansion in a little more detail. The extent of awareness along each dimension of the domain available to an individual sentient being is limited by the focus and range of operation of the physical, mental, and spiritual senses of the individual. For example, due to being able to perceive, travel, and remember, an individual may have a considerable spatial awareness of the physical world, with a limited awareness of one dimension of time and one dimension of consciousness.


A large number of states of partial and/or total awareness of the nine finite dimensions of reality are possible relative to the current state of awareness of the average individual. For example, if an average person alive now, with the normal awareness of a domain of three dimensions of space, and partial awareness of one dimension of time, and partial awareness of one dimension of consciousness, were to expand his or her consciousness to include significant extended awareness of time and consciousness dimensions in his or her cognitive domain, then that person would be considered to be very psychic by people limited to the general level of consciousness in today’s world. That person would “see” past and future events of his/her experience, as well as those in the consciousness of others. A person with extended awareness of any dimension of time or space would be considered “gifted” by the standards of today’s society.


ERC – 10/24/2021


LIST OF References

Close, ER: The Book of Atma, Library of Congress Catalog # 77-87461, Libra Publishers, New York, 1977

Close, ER: Infinite Continuity, A Theory Unifying Relativity and Quantum Physics, C&C Paradigm Press, Los Alamitos California, 1990 (Currently out of print)

Close, ER: Transcendental Physics, Integrating the Search for Truth, Paradigm Press, 1997, ISBN 0-934426-78-3, reprinted by iuniverse, Lincoln Nebraska, 1997

Close, ER & JA: Secrets of the Sacred Cube, A Cosmic Love Story, Outskirts Press, 2019, ISBN 978-1-9772-1024-1

Close, ER & JA: Survival, a triple-blind scientific experiment, Foreword by Gary Schwartz, PhD, (currently in Press for release in 2021)

Yukteswar, Swami Sri: The Holy Science, written 1894, published by Yogada Satsanga Society of India, 1919, Fifth Edition, 1957, Copyright 1949 and 1963, SRF, Eighth Edition, 1990, ISBN o-87612-051-6   

Neppe VM, Close ER: Reality begins with consciousness: a paradigm shift that works (First Edition) 1 Edition. Seattle:, 2012.

Neppe VM, Close ER: Reality begins with consciousness: a paradigm shift that works (5th Edition) Fifth Edition. Seattle:, 2014.

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Neppe VM. Understanding Gimmel with Vernon Neppe. (YouTube). New Thinking Allowed, 2018.

Neppe VM, Close ER. The fourteenth conundrum: Applying the proportions of Gimmel to Triadic Rotational Units of Equivalence compared to the proportions of dark matter plus dark energy: Speculations in cosmology. IQNexus Journal 2015;7: (2); 72-73.

Neppe VM, Close ER. A data analysis preliminarily validates the new hypothesis that the atom 'contains' dark matter and dark energy: Dark matter correlates with gimmel in the atomic nucleus and dark energy with gimmel in electrons. IQ Nexus Journal 2016;8: (3); 80-96.

Close ER, Neppe VM. Filling in the gaps of volumetric stability (Part 18). IQNexus Journal 2015;7: (4); 103-109.

Neppe VM, Close ER. The fifteenth conundrum: Applying the philosophical model of Unified Monism: Returning to general principles. IQNexus Journal 2015;7: (2); 74-78.

Neppe VM, Close ER. A proposed Theory of Everything that works: How the Neppe-Close Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) model provides a metaparadigm by applying nine-dimensional finite spin space, time, and consciousness substrates and the transfinite embedded in the infinite producing a unified reality. IQNexus Journal 2014;16: (3); 1-54.

Neppe VM, Close ER. Integrating spirituality into science: applying the Neppe-Close Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm (TDVP). IQNexus Journal 2018;10: (2); 7-108.

Neppe VM. Kabbalah, science, and spirituality with Vernon Neppe (YouTube). New Thinking Allowed, 2018.

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Close ER, Neppe VM. The TRUE unit: triadic rotational units of equivalence (TRUE) and the third form of reality: gimmel; applying the conveyance equation (Part 12). IQNexus Journal 2015;7: (4); 55-65. 29. Close ER, Neppe VM. Summary and conclusion gimmel, TRUE and the structure of reality (Part 20). IQNexus Journal 2015;7: (4); 112-114. 30.

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Neppe VM, Close ER. Key ideas: the third substance, gimmel and the God matrix. Part 1. World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE) Journal 2015;4: (4); 3-4.

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Neppe VM, Close ER: Reality begins with consciousness: a paradigm shift that works (6th Edition) Sixth Edition. Seattle:, 2016 (In Press).

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Neppe VM, Close ER. The fourteenth conundrum: Applying the proportions of Gimmel to Triadic Rotational Units of Equivalence compared to the proportions of dark matter plus dark energy: Speculations in cosmology. IQNexus Journal 2015;7: (2); 72-73.

Yogananda, Paramahansa: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You, a revelatory commentary on the Teachings of Jesus, SRF, Los Angeles, 2004


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