Wednesday, January 27, 2016



In previous posts, we’ve discussed the urgent need to bring science out of the dark ages and dead end of materialism, and I’ve argued that the survival and advancement of our species depends upon it. I’ve also argued that in order to produce a real theory of everything, science must include consciousness in the equations, and I’ve described the way to do that. In the process, we’ve found:

·       A way to Integrate Scientific and Spiritual Truth
·       A Major Shift to Spiritual, Consciousness-Based Science
·       The Appropriate Mathematics to explore and describe Reality

We’ve also discovered:
·       The TRUE Quantum Unit
·       The Third Form of the Substance of Reality
·       The Calculus of Distinctions

In these posts, I plan to bring these findings and discoveries together, and into sharper focus. The result is the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP), a Simple, Spiritual, Comprehensive Scientific Paradigm.

If we are to survive and advance as a species, we must change the way we look at reality, and the way we relate to reality, from the tiniest quantum of mass, energy and consciousness, to our bodies, to the entire physical universe and the infinity beyond, within which everything exists.

ERC 01/27/2016
To be continued.


The relationships between the consciousness of an observer and other conscious entities, time and space are conceptual, geometrical and mathematical. Let’s investigate these aspects of reality and their relationships one at a time:

We will start with consciousness, because consciousness is the only thing we are directly aware of. The first distinction that must occur before any awareness of objective reality is possible, is the distinction of self from other. Only when this distinction occurs, are we able to ask: ‘What is consciousness?’ Consciousness is the essence of ‘self’, the awareness of ‘in-here’ versus the ‘out-there’, and that is precisely why it is so difficult to define. Expecting consciousness to investigate and define itself is asking the subject to become its own object. This is, e.g., like trying to get an eye to observe itself directly, without the aid of a mirror. We might try to investigate consciousness in someone else, to arrive at a working definition, but that would be like trying to capture the essence of a Mozart symphony by investigating the musical instruments, or the amplifier through which the beautiful sounds come. Neuroscientists’ search for consciousness in the brain, brain cells, or microtubules, has produced a lot of good information about the functioning of the brain and nervous system, but virtually nothing about consciousness.

Recognizing the impossibility of finding consciousness (not just evidence of its functioning) ‘out-there’, in someone else, one might turn to looking for it ‘in-here’, in one’s self. We soon find ourselves drawn into an infinite descent: Just like I’m not my hat, shoes, or clothes, my consciousness is not my head, feet, or body. I’m not my hands, eyes, ears or nose, and I’m not my brain. My consciousness appears to be behind, beyond or beneath, all of these things, it seems to be more ‘in-here’ than any aspect of bodily existence.

Interestingly, this is where relativity and quantum physics come into the picture. We have arrived at what we know now about the ultimate nature of physical reality by pursuing an infinite descent into the structure of matter and energy. Searching for the ultimate building block of the physical universe, we probed beyond molecules and atoms, into the world of electrons, protons and neutrons, and yet beyond, into the world of quarks, gluons and bosons. But there was a bottom to this descent: the quantum; more specifically, we have found the TRUE unit to be the smallest possible unit of measurement. Could there also be a ‘bottom’ to the infinite descent of consciousness?

As I said, the first distinction that must occur before any awareness of objective reality is possible, is the distinction of self from other. We are only secondarily aware of everything else, obtained in a very limited and indirect manner, through the five senses. We have extended the physical senses with increasingly finer-scale instrumentation, like microscopes and telescopes, and learned that our senses convey only a very small part of the spectrum of informational energy flooding our universe. For example, our eyes detect only about one-third of one percent of the instrumentally detected electromagnetic spectrum. It is from that tiny bit of the available information, combined with similarly reduced information from the other senses that our brains construct images of reality in our consciousness.
The relationship of your consciousness and mine to the ‘out-there’ objective reality of the universe is conceptual, because the images of reality constructed by our brains are no more than incomplete and imperfect representations, affected by our memories, projections and beliefs blended with the raw, indirect data of our senses.

What is consciousness? The brilliant physicist Erwin Schrӧdinger, author of the Schrӧdinger wave equation and the ‘both dead and alive cat’ paradox, wrote one of my favorite books of all time entitled “What is Life?” in which he said there is no evidence that consciousness is plural. Could your consciousness and mine be part of a broader, deeper form of consciousness?

What Dr. Vernon Neppe and I have learned through the last seven years of research is that consciousness, time, space, matter and energy are inseparable bound together, mathematically and dimensionally at the quantum level. This means that consciousness, like mass and energy is conserved and quantized in the physical universe. So the infinite descent of consciousness into itself has a bottom: it is the individual quantum self, which is part of an infinite broader form of consciousness that permeates all space, time, matter and energy. In this sense, I believe Schrӧdinger was right!

In future additions to this post, I will be connecting the dots between mass, energy, time, space, and consciousness.

ERC 01/28/2016

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