Copyright June 2022, Edward R Close
You might
think that trying to answer the two questions posed above is a little
over-ambitious for a blogpost of a few hundred words, but the nature of reality
and the purpose of existence can be summed up in two sentences:
Reality is
everything that actually exists.
purpose of existence is to provide opportunities for individuals like you and
me to expand our consciousness from the awareness of limited finite portions of
reality to a comprehensive awareness of the entire cosmos, as it expands into
End of
blogpost? No, the proof that this characterization of the nature of reality and
the purpose of existence is correct lies in the pudding of the explanation of
how I arrived at these conclusions in the first place.
In this
post, I am using a method of presentation that I first heard described by the elderly
pastor of a little country church in Southern Missouri when I was a child. When
asked how he planned and delivered his Sunday sermons, he said: “Well, first I
tell them what I’m fixin’ to tell them, then, I tell it to them - and after that
- after I have told it to them, I explain to them what I just done told them!”
I have
told you what I’m fixing to say in answer to the two questions posed in the
title above. So, in the rest of this blogpost, I will tell you briefly how I
arrived at those answers, and then I will repeat the answers and more, in the summary
and conclusion at the end of the post.
Relevant Academic Research
and Writing Background
I first
became a published author in this lifetime in 1955, as an undergraduate college
student majoring in physics and mathematics, and a member of an on-campus creative
writing club. I earned membership in Kappa Mu Epsilon, the National Honorary Mathematics
Society in 1956. I taught high-school mathematics and science and worked on an
MS in theoretical physics from 1962 to 1965. I co-authored several professional
papers while working as a charter member of the US Department of Interior
Systems Analysis Group from1967 to 1976, and I also began working on my PhD
during that time.
My first
non-fiction book, The Book of Atma, with unique proofs of several important
mathematical theorems in the appendices, was published by a major New York
publisher in 1977. While working as an environmental engineer, hydrogeologist,
and Director of Business Development for major engineering firms in Saudi
Arabia, parts of the Middle East, Boston, and California, from 1981 until 1987,
I continued to work on my PhD and my derivation of the calculus of
published the basics of the calculus of distinctions with applications to
physics and symbolic logic in Infinite Continuity, in 1990, and in 1997,
I published Transcendental Physics, Integrating the Search for Truth, after
the manuscript won first prize in the non-fiction book category in the
Heartland Writer’s Guild in 1995. Over the next five years, as I founded and
built Close Environmental Consultants, and EJC Enterprises, and Transcendental
Physics attracted the attention of several of the leading researchers working in
the application of quantum physics to consciousness studies.
From 2001
to 2005, I collaborated with Russian mathematician Vladimir Brandon of
Interphysica Lab in Moscow, and contributed to the book, Elements of
Mathematical Theory of Intellect, published in Moscow in 2003. In 2003, I also
published Big Creek Geology, History, Folklore, and Trail Guide, followed
in 2005 by Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science, and in 2007, Nature’s
Mold Rx, the non-toxic Solution to Toxic Mold.
In August 2008, I qualified for membership in The
International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE), and in 2009, began
collaboration with Dr. Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, founder of the Pacific
Neuropsychiatric Institute in Seattle Washington. Dr. Neppe and I authored Reality
Begins with Consciousness in 2011, and we have published numerous papers
and articles for a variety of technical journals and online magazines from that
time until the present.
Over a
period of less than ten years, I rose through the ranks of the ISPE to earn the
title of Senior Research Fellow and was elected to Diplomate status in 2018. During
that time, I was also honored as a distinguished Fellow of the Exceptional Creative
Achievement Organization, and became a Lifetime member of ISI, with documented
IQ in the top seven one-hundredths of one percent of the unselected adult
population. I was recognized as a gifted polymath and became a member of
International MENSA’s Exceptional and Profoundly Gifted Special Interest Group.
Dr. Neppe and I received the highly coveted and rarely bestowed Harding Award for
outstanding contributions to ISPE and human society, and in February 2013, we
received the Gabino Barreda Award for excellence in science and education from
the Mexican Government in Puebla Mexico.
From 2000 until
2020, I was an invited guest speaker at twenty-seven conferences in ten states,
Mexico, Australia, and Romania. During that time period, I also spoke at Mensa
meetings, and was interviewed on numerous radio and TV talk shows, including Coast
to Coast with George Noory, (twice), The Power Hour with Joyce Riley,
(numerous times), and Shirley MacLaine’s Independent Expression Radio. I
have also done several YouTube discussions on New Thinking Allowed, Conversations
on the Leading Edge of Knowledge and Discovery, with the brilliant host of Thinking
Allowed, Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove.
My last
book, Secrets of the Sacred Cube, A Cosmic Love Story, with considerable
detail about modeling, and a wealth of additional information, was published in
2019, and in 2020, I was honored with the unique Immortality Science Award from
the Academia Ars Morendi, in Bucharest Romania, and currently, I am
International Ambassador and titular President of Ars Morendi, an honor
bestowed on me by Ms. Grig Oprea, the inspirational founder of the Academia.
Finally, My next book is Survival, documentation of a controlled
scientific experiment proving the survival of the consciousness of my late
wife, Jacquelyn Ann Hill-Close, set up by Dr, Gary Schwartz, accomplished professor of psychology, medicine, neurology,
psychiatry, and surgery at the University of Arizona, and Director of the
Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health. The Survival
manuscript is with a European publisher
now and is expected to be released in the late Summer or Fall of this year.
Despite the
amount of recognition I have received, with honors, awards, speaking
engagements, participation in conferences and talk shows, and acceptance into
several ultra-High-IQ societies, I still felt very honored and humbled when Dr.
Schwartz, asked me
to participate in the very first Summit meeting of the founding members of the
Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences (AAPS) at Canyon Ranch
near Tucson Arizona in August 2017. I was invited to participate in the Summit
because of my work on the TDVP post-materialist model of reality with Dr Vernon
Neppe. As a result of being part that meeting, I was also asked to write a
chapter in the Academy’s first published volume: Is Consciousness Primary? This important compendium of essays, on why the
scientists present at the August 2017 AAPS summit think that consciousness is a
fundamental aspect of reality, is available on Amazon, and more information is
available on the AAPS website, which can be accessed by clicking on the link: https://www.aapsglobal.com/
My chapter in AAPS Vol. I is titled: Mathematical
Unification of Mass, Energy, Space, Time, and Consciousness. An early version
of AAPS Vol. I also contains an appendix
that I prepared, introducing the Calculus of Distinctions, a system of
quantized mathematical logic critical to the understanding of the role of
consciousness in physical reality. Regrettably, my appendix was eliminated from
the final edition of Vol. I because of editing constraints and the very
considerable difficulties associated with the creation and importation of the unique
graphic symbols needed for the proper presentation of the calculus. However,
the basic reasoning proving the objective existence of gimmel, the non-material
part of reality that stabilizes the atoms of the periodic table of elements, is
translated into contemporary mathematics in my chapter.
I highlight this
important connection with Dr. Schwartz and the AAPS because the existence of my
chapter in the Academy’s first published volume is an important additional
resource for anyone interested in the mathematical logic behind the paradigm
shift embodied in the Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) and the resulting
proof of the existence of gimmel, the measurable third form of objective reality,
besides mass and energy, arguably the most important scientific discovery of
this century.
The Fundamentals of Conscious
I have made the point in earlier posts and publications
that, as conscious beings, we are all involuntary model builders. We have to be
model builders, simply because we do not experience objective reality directly.
The only thing we experience directly is our own consciousness, the content of
which consists of memory images of past experiences and the patterns of energetic
impulses currently impacting consciousness through the five senses.
The many forms of vibratory energy flooding the
cosmos are filtered by the processes of perception to avoid sensory overload,
and the frequencies critical to the survival of the physical vehicles of
consciousness are automatically processed by involuntary neurological processes,
and compared with the images of pre-existing models of reality, which are comprised
of a huge number of patterns of chemically activated electrical impulses stored
in the neural networks of the brain for access as mental images. They are, of
course, not reality itself. They are personal models, composed of mental images
of an existing dynamic reality that changes over time, and they may also be
distorted to some extent by false ego-driven fantasies. Never-the-less, new
informational patterns are compared with the existing patterns stored in your
brain, and are accepted as real, or rejected as meaningless, depending upon whether
or not they are consistent with your internal models of reality.
The fact that a stable objective reality actually exists
outside of the accepted confines of your immediate physically conscious vehicle,
is evidence of a real, consistent underlying logical structure that is there to
be discovered by conscious beings equipped with sensing mechanisms capable of perceiving
and understanding it. If that were not the case, no science would be possible. If,
on the other hand, as a conscious being, you are not happy with your experience
of existence, it is probable that it is your consciousness that needs to be changed,
not reality. The objective reality of the physical universe is not
intrinsically good or evil, it just exists, reflecting the logic of the primary
form of consciousness, supportive of your existence as a living organism, but
largely independent of your awareness of it.
At this stage in the evolution of the mental and
spiritual virtue of human consciousness on this planet, the only thing that the
average human being experiences directly is his or her own consciousness, which
contains an internal model of reality composed of mental images stored in the memory
of the ego, which is one’s own immediate personal sense of self, and the
perceived relationship of that ego to reality. But, because the essence of a
person’s individualized consciousness is an imagined self-centered reality,
tacitly accepted as real, it is very difficult for us to change our internal models
to make them more closely aligned with the reality that actually exists.
If you try to “re-imagine” reality in an egoistic
effort to force reality to conform to your internal model, then you will be
fighting an uphill battle that you will lose in the end. Objective reality reflects
the logical structure of Primary Consciousness, which will prevail over the
impact of individual models, even if objective reality may be affected by the combined
impact of individual conscious entities at the quantum level, a theory of
existence sometimes called consensus reality.
Reality is only one thing, and it is holistically perfect
in the sense that it is the only truly logical system that actually exists in any
present moment. But time is a very tricky illusion. As Albert Einstein noted in
his last appendix to his theory of relativity, space and time have no existence
of their own; they are dimensions of the extent of reality that simply do not
exist without the existence of at least one quantum of objective content. And objective
content is composed of mass, energy, and gimmel. Notice that I said mass. Not
matter. As Max Planck declared: “there is no matter as such” and as Einstein
observed, and TDVP analysis validates: mass proves to be nothing more than a
measurement of the resistance of an object made up of rapidly spinning
components to acceleration by an external force.
Application of the calculus of dimensional
distinctions to the combination of two up quarks and one down quark to form a
proton (the most stable physical object in the universe) results in the
discovery that a specific number of units of non-material gimmel is necessary
to make the proton, and consequently all of reality, stable. This, in turn implies
that everything that exists in the physical universe consists of whole numbers
of quantum triadic rotational units of equivalence (TRUE) of mass, energy, and
gimmel, exhibiting measurable dimensions of space, time, and consciousness. In
plain English, existence consists of finite manifestations of Primary
Consciousness in the form of the unified spinning of vortices of mass, energy,
and gimmel, expanding cyclically into and out of the infinity of Primary
Summary and Conclusion
Applications of the quantum calculus reveals the
fact that reality consists of all of the logically consistent combinations of mass,
energy, and consciousness that are possible, interacting in nine finite
dimensions within the infinite field of Primary Consciousness. As such, physical
reality is a finite reflection of the logic of Primary Consciousness, expanding
continuously out of, and back into itself, making the nine dimensions of space,
time, and consciousness nonlocal, non-linear and cyclic. Specific conclusions
that follow from the application of the logic of the Calculus of Dimensional
Distinctions (CoDD), using the mass and volume of the free electron as the
natural basic quantum equivalence unit, to analyze quantum phenomena, include,
but are not limited to the following:
Reality is the totality of everything
that exists.
The elementary spinning objects that
make up the atoms of physical reality are not particles of solid material; they
are symmetrical vortices, spinning in at least three mutually orthogonal dimensions
in the infinitely continuous field of Primary Consciousness, exhibiting specific
quantum measures of mass-energy, spacetime, and gimmel.
The universe provides life-supporting physical
worlds on which individual conscious beings have the opportunity to learn how
to expand their consciousness and advance on the path of physical, mental,
and spiritual virtue, if they choose to
do so.
None of the basic measurable variables of
reality, space, time, mass, energy, and gimmel have any objective independent
existence of their own. They only exist as complementary elements of the
objective manifestations of consciousness.
Consciousness is not only a fundamental
aspect of existence, it also is the primary essence of existence, from which
everything arises, evolves, and eventually returns.
In the next post, I
will introduce an objective method of modeling that I believe can help anyone
understand the mystery of their own existence.
ERC – 6/26/2022
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