Saturday, July 23, 2022

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science



© Copyright July 2022, Edward R Close

Resuming the Discussion After a Brief Pause

Dear Reader: Last Sunday I took a break from discussing the a priori assumptions underlying our beliefs about time and infinity to celebrate the anniversary of the launching of the Science and Spirituality YouTube Channel and this blog site ten years ago, and to honor the memory of my late beloved wife, Jacquelyn Ann Hill-Close, who was my greatest supporter and helpmate for more than forty years. I also mentioned the important work of my good friend and colleague Dr. Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, who has contributed so much to the development and promotion of these ideas. My blogposts reflect some of the work we have done together that led to the formalization of the scientific paradigm shift we call TDVP, and the philosophy of unified monism. Several others have supported this research, including people reading these posts. I want you to know that I appreciate your interest, questions, and comments very much.

So now it is time to get back to the current discussion. Our latest findings require some radical changes in human beliefs about the nature of time and infinity, so I want to discuss what those changes are, how they necessitate re-assessing the basic assumptions about the nature of reality, and how those changes will affect the way we do science and the way we live our lives. A brief re-cap of the major points of the last few posts will help us get back on track.   

Reality is the ultimate logical system that all scientific theories seek to model as accurately as they can. Paradoxes arising in any system of logic are evidence of either incorrect or incomplete a priori (self-evident) assumptions. While applying the methods of TDVP to develop and test our model reality, we reached some conclusions that are consistent with statements made by physicists Albert Einstein and Max Planck, the architects of relativity and quantum physics, toward the end of their careers.

Max Planck said: All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force … We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind.”

And Einstein agreed with Planck. He said: “Space and time can claim no existence of their own. … What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to a point of visibility. There is no matter.”

These statements about what is behind the appearances of the physical world are, in my opinion, more important than all of the technological advances their work has inspired because they actually link modern science with ancient wisdom. In brief, that is what my posts are about: putting together the pieces of the puzzle of existence that are left over from the last high point in the natural cycles of human mental and spiritual virtue that barely survived destruction during the dark ages of materialism that lasted about 2,400 years, reaching its lowest point around 500 A.D.    

While investigating assumptions and determining how conclusions consistent with the quotes from Einstein and Planck conflict with current common beliefs, we uncovered two very interesting conflicts: The “Mind of God” paradox, described in the July 7 post, and the “Expanding Universe” paradox, in the July 16 post. Niels Bohr, another important physicist in the paradigm shift of the last century, observed that paradoxes in scientific theories are not game stoppers; they are actually wonderful opportunities to advance, because the paradoxes are only in our theories, not in reality, and paradoxes in theories can be resolved by making appropriate changes in the a priori assumptions of the system of logic supporting the theories and expanding the area of research accordingly. That is the process I am trying to articulate in these posts. The first step in this process is examination of the assumptions behind what most people believe about consciousness and the nature of reality.

In my preliminary analysis, I identified the a priori assumptions relevant to the mind of God paradox to be assumptions about the nature of time and infinity. The a priori assumptions about time and infinity are relevant because the mind of God is generally assumed to be infinite and perfect, and time is generally assumed to be flowing from past to present, to future, uniformly throughout the universe. The statements by Einstein and Planck, based on their research, as well as results of our TDVP analyses, directly contradict these assumptions.  

I began the analysis by identifying the set of axioms related to the existence and nature of infinity first, in the July 7 post. The analysis of the axioms related to infinity revealed the mind of God paradox. The relevant assumptions that led to this contradiction were identified as 1) the assumption that the perfection of the primary form of consciousness, i.e., the mind of God, the ultimate logical system, is infinite, and 2) the assumption that God is perfect. These two assumptions may both be true, but the problem that gives rise to the paradox, is a third assumption: the assumption that perfection is marred by incompleteness, i.e., that infinite perfection must be complete by definition.

If the mind of God is a consistent logical system, which it must be for science to be possible, then application of the incompleteness theorem implies that the mind of God is incomplete. This conclusion is consistent with the empirical evidence that the universe is expanding, but a 3-D universe cannot expand indefinitely unless it is expanding into absolute nothingness. But the statements of Einstein and Planck, as well as the conclusions of TDVP, imply that there is no such thing as empty space, which is the actual definition of nothingness. This is the second paradox, which I have called the expanding universe paradox. Incidentally, I touched on this paradox when I applied the primary calculus to the Olber’s paradox in my second book, Infinite Continuity published in 1990 (now out of print).

In the July 16 post, I suggested that the expanding universe paradox will not be resolved quite as easily as the Mind of God paradox because it involves expanding the axiomatic basis of the scientific model of reality to the extent where we can understand why the speed of light is the upper limit of relative motion, why there have to be extra dimensions existing beyond the three dimensions of space and one of time, and why time and space, like mass and energy, must also be quantized. This is why I referred to the resolution of the mind of God paradox, by proving that infinity is incomplete, as a potential resolution, pending the analysis of the assumptions underlying the common understanding of time. In that post, I also suggested that expansion of one’s personal consciousness to encompass the understanding of new a priori assumptions about time and infinity has interesting practical applications.

Before I can finish the analysis of the concept of time and connect the dots of the logic that leads to practical applications and resolves both of these paradoxes, I need to describe the metaphysical framework of the TDVP unified monism that became clear to us (Dr. Neppe and me) as a result of the discovery of gimmel, the empirically measurable link between the realities of spiritual consciousness and infinity to the zero-point quantum field of the physical universe.

If the structures of individual consciousness (like yours and mine), the visible finite universe, and the entire cosmos, are all subsets of the logical structures of the infinite mind of God, then a consistent unified metaphysical basis for explaining all of the conscious experiences of reality emerges, in which the infinite cosmos is perceived as identical with the mind of God, and all things that exist within the expanding universe are thoughts in the mind of God, thoughts that appear to us to be finite physical objects, materialized in the 4-D domain of spacetime.

In this philosophical and metaphysical framework, the on-going expansion of the universe is evidence of the long-term purpose of existence, which can be characterized as the opportunity for the progression of conscious beings toward physical, mental, and spiritual perfection. But for finite conscious individuals, infinite perfection in three dimensions is a forever moving target. An attainable goal, however, is the actualization of finite living organisms of mass, energy, and gimmel serving as vehicles for consciousness expansion in the nine-dimensional self-referential cosmos. These entities are expanding consciously into the nine-dimensional domain of space-time-consciousness in relatively perfect physical, astral, and causal bodies.

Spiritual Implications, Yoga Siddhis, and Remote Viewing

Quantum-level phenomena exist far below the threshold of visibility for the sense organs of human beings, but they are visible to us in astral, causal, and spiritual perception by means of the latent innate abilities of consciousness in its more advanced states. These abilities are called siddhis in the Sanskrit writings that survived from the ages of higher mental and spiritual virtue before the dark ages of materialism. At this point in the current cycle of planetary time, the average individual conscious being has not reached the level of excellence in physical, mental, and spiritual development to be able to use enhanced capabilities of advanced forms of consciousness. We may, however, have momentary glimpses of quantum and/or cosmic reality when these abilities surface in OBEs or NDEs, either spontaneously, or in meditation-induced states of altered consciousness. References to these abilities can be found in all of the ancient scriptures of the world, described as spiritual gifts in English, or as siddhis (Sanskrit), ruach menachot (Hebrew), geistige gaben (German), dons spirituels (French), daruri spirituale (Romanian), etc.


It should be noted that states of consciousness expansion with enhanced perception can sometimes be accessed temporarily by the ingestion of hallucinogenic substances. But this approach is NOT recommended and should be strictly avoided by most people because without proper precautions, it can lead to uncontrollable negative states of mind with serious psychological problems, even long-term debilitating mental illness. At this point in time, individuals who have succeeded in advancing permanently by interrupting the natural progress of their spiritual evolution with drugs are extremely rare. I know of only a few, and they were already significantly advanced spiritually before they used mind-altering hallucinogens.


On the negative side, I have personal experience with at least a dozen cases of serious psychological disorders resulting from the use of hallucinogenic substances. I was able to study two of them in some detail, and in those cases, their spiritual progress was actually reversed. Their lives were so negatively impacted that one spent the rest of his life in a mental institution, and the other died. Very sad and tragic results underlining the dangers of drug use.      


Remote viewing is another form of heightened extra-sensory perception worth mentioning because considerable scientific evidence is available documenting the practice of remote viewing, especially in applications developed for military surveillance (See e.g., the publications of Stepan Schwartz), and also for police investigation of difficult missing persons and murder cases. In addition, there is important new scientific evidence documenting remote quantal viewing coinciding quite well with some scriptural descriptions of spiritual powers or gifts. For more information on this, see the published report on the scientific analysis of the Besant-Leadbeater meditation viewing of atomic structure:


There is evidence of people who were born with extra-sensory abilities, or who have developed them as side-effects of states of expanded consciousness achieved by practicing certain types of meditation techniques, surfacing now in popular books, as well as in scientific studies by pioneers in the fields of bio-psychophysics and other post-materialist sciences. See the website at:


The Discovery of Gimmel and Verification of the TDVP Model

As explained in previous posts, gimmel, the link between physical and non-physical reality, was discovered while applying the calculus of dimensional distinctions (CoDD) and TRUE analysis within the metaphysical framework of the TDVP, in the mathematical application I call dimensional extrapolation, to determine why the proton is so stable. (TRUE is the acronym for triadic rotational units of equivalence, also called quantum equivalence units in some of our publications.)


Detailed TRUE analyses of various combinations of sub-atomic quantal energy vortices, - called elementary ‘particles’ in mainstream physics - have also yielded resolutions and explanations of more than fifty paradoxes, problems, and previously poorly explained processes in particle physics and quantum mechanics, with results matching experimental data. The details of some of these cases have been documented by Neppe and Close, peer-reviewed, and published. Thus, TDVP escapes the common criticism leveled at multi-dimensional theories like the ever-popular physicalist string theories that are internally consistent but produce no new information that can be tested against the empirical evidence of observation and experimental data. The proof of the existence of gimmel also improves the advantage of TDVP over other theories by providing the practical applications that I am discussing here for the first time.


TRUE Analysis and the Speed of Light

With many decades of training in, and practice of consciousness-expanding techniques as a Kriyaban yogi (I was initiated by Sri Daya Mata, President of Self-Realization Fellowship, and direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda on September 17, 1960), I have personally combined methods of practicing inner objectivity combined with the external objectivity of the scientific method to investigate reality at the quantum level. Because of this training and practice, it came as no surprise to me that there was an extremely high level of correlation between the results of the Besant-Leadbeater atomic clairvoyance experiments carried out in England between 1895 and 1932 and recent TDVP TRUE analytical results. (The Pearson-r correlation coefficient was 0.9996, with the probability of occurring by chance of less than one in a trillion.)


Using the yoga siddhi of making anything appear as large or small as needed, and the quantum calculus of TDVP with TRUE, to investigate the relativistic speed of light limit on acceleration, I saw how to prove the fact that, not just mass and energy, but also space and time are quantized at the quantum level of objective reality. Here is the multi-dimensional CoDD logic of the proof, reduced to contemporary mathematical notation:


The speed of electromagnetic radiation (light) is given by c = s/t = 1, where s and t are quantum equivalence units of space and time, respectively. As we descend to the quantum level, we see that because the speed of light is constant with regard to any observer, regardless of relative motion, s/t is equal to 1 at every level of measurement. This means that, as the observer perspective is reduced to magnify quantum phenomena, and the measures of s and t become smaller and smaller, they cannot shrink to zero, because the end result, 0/0 is not equal to 1. As any high school math student knows, it is mathematically undefined. Therefore, the smallest value s and t can reach, preserving the constancy of light speed, is one quantum equivalence unit, where one TRUE of space divided by one TRUE of time equals one: 1/1 = 1. Therefore, space and time cannot be infinitely divisible as most people assume, they are quantized at the quantum level, just like mass and energy.


This discussion of ancient wisdom and modern science will continue in the next post. ERC – 7/23/2022

Sri Daya Mata

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