Sunday, July 31, 2022


 GEORG CANTOR (1845 -1918)


© Copyright July 2022, Edward R Close



For most readers, the last post should probably be considered a prerequisite to reading this post. Because the subject matter is complex and interconnected with some concepts explained in detail in the last post, even if you have read it, re-reading the last post is probably a good idea before proceeding with this one.


Describing experiences of consciousness expansion that have resulted in the awareness of additional dimensions in a way that someone who has no conscious awareness of such experiences can understand, is very difficult, but not impossible. It is like trying to describe a rare tropical fruit to someone who has never seen or tasted such a fruit. To convey an idea that has any resemblance to the experience, it is necessary to resort to comparing it with something that the person knows about that is similar to the thing one is attempting to describe. If there are no handy analogies, then we must rely on the weight of axiomatic logic and empirical evidence.


A Practical Approach to the Direct Experience of Quantum Reality

Most psychologists, parapsychologists, bio-psychophysicists, and other post-materialist scientists, agree that consciousness is the only thing we actually experience directly. On the other hand, material objects, assumed to be discrete, separate, and outside the boundaries of the directly accessible domain of our consciousness, are perceived indirectly as a result of patterns of vibratory energies radiated from external objects to impact the receptors of our sense organs, and then be processed internally.


The impacts of incoming energy packets on sense receptors create patterns of electrical impulses corresponding to the spacetime patterns of the external objects. These patterns of electrical impulses are conducted along highly specialized neurological pathways to the brain where mental images are formed that are virtual models of the physical forms of external objects.


Finally, the images are interpreted by consciousness as current information about external objects and are used to react to the external reality and they are also stored for later comparison with new images created from energy impulse patterns that are constantly arriving from outside the physical boundaries of individual consciousness. In this way, conscious beings gradually expand and fine tune their awareness of the external environment in a process we call learning.


Images created within the consciousness of an individual can be either objective or imaginary. At this point in the process of spiritual evolution on this planet, experiences of internal objectivity are rare. Most of the real time brain activity results in imaginary, rather than objective conceptualizations. Brain cells are very sensitive to the slightest stimuli, including minute piezometric physical pressures, changes in electrical potential, chemical processes, and even the subtle impact of bioluminescence.


Despite the efforts of consciousness to manage brain activity, the relatively random stimulation of brain cells can cause energy transfers across synapses (the gaps between neurons) linking unrelated stored images and/or verbal memories to form all sorts of garbled images whose forms and structures reflect reality to some extent, but do not necessarily correspond with objective patterns of reality. This is especially true when an individual is not focused on goal-driven activities or during periods of relaxation and sleep. We call these garbled images dreams. This is why it is necessary for most of us at this point in time, with our low level of planetary mental and spiritual virtue, to study and use time-honored meditation techniques to “become still and know” that the Primary form of consciousness is what has traditionally called “God”.


The physical body, or more accurately, the brain and central nervous system, consisting of sense-organ receptors, energy-conducting neurological networks, and electrochemical impulse processing centers, supported by the skeletal and muscular structure of the body, acts as a temporary vehicle for quantized consciousness and as a sending and receiving station in the field of vibratory energies that comprise the universe we live in. The purpose of the physical relaxation and mental focusing methods like those of hatha yoga, one-pointed Zen concentration, or Sufi dancing, and the various forms of prayer and religious contemplation, is to still the uncontrolled semi-random confusion of distorted thoughts and mental images so that the innate logical structure of pure, undistorted Primary Consciousness can be received.


Meditation techniques are practical methods designed for eliminating static and tuning the receiving apparatus of the brain and central nervous system to the radiating frequencies of Primary Consciousness. This is easy enough to describe, but very difficult for most of us to achieve. When the body is completely relaxed and the mind chatter has been stilled, certain archetypical inner-objective phenomena begin to appear as light and sound phenomena. The objectivity and clarity of these inner manifestations of spiritual reality received through the spiritual senses are typically more vivid and real than the sights and sounds of the physical world received through the physical senses.


Depending on the individual soul’s level of mental and spiritual advancement, and possible affiliation with a specific spiritual or metaphysical lineage, various forms of the astral light of the spiritual eye and/or the causal sound of the creative cosmic energy emanating from the Primary Conscious Source, may be seen and heard by focusing on the sensitive areas, above and in front of the eyes, and to either side of the medulla oblongata, behind the ears.


At first, the astral light coming into your consciousness from the point above your physical eyes may look like white waves swirling in a deep royal blue field. This has been likened to the wings of a descending dove. The astral light may sometimes form the image of a human eye looking at you, a rapidly spinning ball of fire, or a star surrounded by a golden halo. The sound emanating from the medulla may sound like rushing waters, or like the humming of a huge motor that vibrates and may produce periodic thumping or knocking sounds. The written and spoken forms of aum, om, amin, and amen are vocal sounds used to mimic the basic sound of creation, interpretated as meaning “so be it.”


After a while, as the conscious focus of the individual intensifies, the energies of light and sound will merge, first with each other, and then with the energies of the processing centers in the spine. When this happens, the five electrical energies are felt to withdraw from the physical sense organs and converge to form a 360-degree state of awareness, and all of the life functions of the physical body slow down and become suspended, including breath, heartbeat, and ego identification with the body. This elevated state of consciousness, described earlier as the threshold of the four states of consciousness, is not only the threshold of rebirth and entry into spiritual life, but it also brings “peace beyond understanding” to the mind, and extends the life of the physical body by at least the amount of time spent in this state.


In this OBE-expanded fourth state of consciousness, (after waking, sleeping, and dreaming) everything from the quantum scale to the galactic and cosmic scale is experienced directly as part of one’s own consciousness. After an OBE, when returning to identification with a physical body, memory of the OBE may be lost, partially retained, or fully retained depending on a number of factors, the most significant of which is the relative state of mental and spiritual development of the individual. If the OBE is caused by a very traumatic experience like a NDE, or was experienced after death, or just before the next physical birth, the shock of the experience may obliterate the memory. After many births, lives, and deaths, the transition gradually becomes less traumatic, and a more complete memory of the event may be retained. When some of the abilities of the unfettered soul are retained and are accessible in the physical body, they will likely be considered to be “gifts” or siddhis when used by the individual in the physical world.


Experiencing The Dimensional Domains of Reality - A Guided Tour

Having experienced the dimensional domains personally, during three NDEs and a number of less traumatic OBEs, that were both spontaneous, and resulting from the practice of consciousness expanding Kriyas, what I propose to do, is take you on a guided tour of the dimensional domains of reality. Most people believe that we exist in a world of three dimensions of space and one of time, that all of us see and experience, and that other dimensions, if they exist, are somehow hidden from us. Questions I often get from those who have heard me speak about the nine dimensions of reality are: What are these other dimensions? Where are they? and why can’t I see them?


These questions are wonderfully perfect examples of the type of questions Gödel’s incompleteness theorem predicts. They are perfectly reasonable questions, logically articulated in plain English, that cannot be adequately answered in the logical system within which they are conceived. To properly answer these questions, we must look at the a priori assumptions behind them and hope to correct the errors and/or inadequacies that we find there. And that, of course, is exactly what we’ve been attempting to do in this series of posts. So, what are the assumptions behind the belief that we exist in a world of three dimensions of space and one of time, dimensions that we think we see, that prompts us to ask; What are these other dimensions? Why can’t I see them? And where are they? 


The main problem is the erroneous assumption that we see dimensions. I have taken some care in these posts to point out that this is not true. Recall that Einstein said: Time and space can claim no existence of their own. … Time and space are not conditions of existence, spacetime is a model for thinking.” His point was that the dimensions of space and time are simply useful concepts for describing the extent and dynamic nature of material objects. No one sees dimensions. We see material objects, and they have measurable dimensions. Why can’t we see the other dimensions? Because we don’t see dimensions, we see the objects that require them for objective expression. If there are existing objects that we cannot see, then there may also be dimensions we are not aware of. Are there realities we cannot see?  


Spiritualists and religious people say “Yes!” Materialists and atheists say “NO!” And proponents on both sides are convinced that they are right! Skepticism is justified, but absence of proof is not proof of absence, and science based on belief is science that will change. Can we see things that don’t exist, and not see things that do? Of course! Let’s continue.


Einstein also agreed with his friend Max Planck that there is no matter as such, behind the appearance of matter is a force, and behind that force is an intelligent mind, Furthermore, he said: Matter is spirit reduced to a point of visibility. There is no matter.”  And no one has seen an electron with their own two physical eyes; so, yes, we do see things that don’t exist, and fail to see things that do, and the discovery of non-material gimmel using mathematical logic and LHC data proves that there are aspects of reality that require dimensional domains beyond three dimensions of space and one of time.


What Einstein did not realize, or, if he did, he was not prepared to talk about in those days to avoid losing his standing as a physicist, is that mass and energy are also simply useful concepts for describing the measurable content of dimensional domains, that allow us to think about and describe objective reality in the same way that space and time are simply useful concepts for describing the extent and dynamic nature of material objects. The measurement variables we call mass and energy, have no more existence of their own than do the measurable variables we call the dimensions of space and time. It’s the reality behind the measurements that are of interest, not the measurements themselves. But this is a subject for another time. The focus of this post is dimensions and dimensional domains.


The guided tour begins with the identification of an arbitrarily chosen zero point because we need a starting point. But don’t confuse zero with ‘nothing’, there is no such thing as nothing. Zero is our starting point from which to conceive of a series of dimensional domains. As such, it becomes the reference point for the whole tour, tying it to our conscious experience of reality. It may be useful on this tour of dimensional domains to think in terms of sets and subsets again: Zero is the null set in the potentially infinite set of dimensional domains. Mathematicians think of such points as mathematical singularities, but on this tour, we need not be overly concerned with what mathematicians think. We need only think of points on a line created by extending the zero point. Our zero is the null or ‘empty’ set, and the line is the first leg of our tour, a dimensional domain containing an infinite number of points, identical with the zero point, no matter how short or long the line may be. Thus, the concept of infinity enters the picture on the very first leg of our tour of dimensional domains.


As we move on, our second dimensional domain is a plane, created by a sideways movement of the line extended from the reference point. An area of the plane, regardless of its shape or size, contains an infinite number of lines identical to our first dimensional domain. Our third dimensional domain is a volume that contains an infinite number of planes identical to our second dimensional domain. Thus, we are seeing a sequence of dimensional domains that have increasingly larger capacities to contain all of the infinities of points located in the prior dimensional domains. Potentially an infinity of infinities!


At this juncture in our tour, I will point out to you that the third dimensional domain is the first stop on the tour that has the capacity to contain anything other than dimensionless points. This fact turns out to have great significance in our understanding the nature of dimensions and dimensional domains. This is very important to appreciating the rest of the tour. The infinity of infinities is as important on our tour as mountains are on a tour of the Alps, so please let me explain.


The substantial reality we experience is made up of what we think of as matter and energy. But, the starting point, plus the first and second stops on our tour, i.e., the domains of the line, and the plane, contain nothing but infinities of dimensionless points. They have no capacity to contain matter and/or energy because even one quantum of matter, measured as mass, the resistance to motion, has a finite volume, and energy, as expanded mass, requires even more volume. In addition to mass and energy, something called consciousness exists. Our consciousness exists, of course. Otherwise, I could not be writing this, and you could not be reading it. And finally, we know from the work of Einstein and Planck, verified by TDVP, that there is no such thing as empty space. What does this mean? It means that dimensionless points, one-dimensional lines, and two-dimensional planes, have no existence of their own, while mass, energy and consciousness are three-dimensional and do.


As Einstein said: “Spacetime is a model for thinking. The dimensions of space and time have no existence of their own.” The three dimensions of space and one dimension of time are mental constructs to help us to think about objects that actually do exist. So, has our tour of the point, line, and plane, mental concepts that have no existence of their own, and no capacity for containing anything but dimensionless points, a waste of time? No, because these concepts help us to realize, in a step-by-step way, what dimensions really are, not what we think they are, and how they relate to objects that actually exist. Now that we see that dimensions and dimensional domains are ideas for thinking about reality, not stand-alone parts of reality with an existence of their own, let’s continue on with our tour of dimensional domains and see how studying them helps us to think about the things that do exist in our experience of reality, even things that we can’t see with our physical eyes.


Not only do the concepts of dimensions and dimensional domains help us to think about reality, but also, as part of a logical system that is internally consistent, they provide us with a way to move consciously from domain to domain and describe that movement with mathematical precision. The process of movement from a dimensional domain with N dimensions, to a domain with N+1 dimensions, which I call dimensional extrapolation, once experienced, is easy to envision and describe. [Note that N is restricted to whole numbers because physical reality is quantized, and, as we have seen, so are dimensional domains.]


Any standard unit of extent can be envisioned as the magnitude of projection from any point in any N-dimensional domain. But, for simplicity, envision the projection as one unit perpendicular to the dimensions of the N-dimensional domain. Why perpendicular? In fact, the angle of projection does not have to be 90 degrees, but any other angle makes the envisioning more difficult, and more importantly, it greatly complicates the mathematical description of it and calculation of the location of the end point of the projection in the N+1 dimensional domain. The purpose of using a coordinate system and locating the end point of each projection relative to the beginning point of the projection and ultimately to our zero-reference point, is to tie everything on our tour to real conscious experience with a consistent system of mathematical logic.


Most readers will find it easier to envision the projection as perpendicular, and will find it more comfortable to envision the dimensional extrapolation with Cartesian coordinates, rather than with angular values in polar coordinates, or in any other system of coordinates, because most people have been at least minimally exposed to the Cartesian system of coordinates in an elementary math class, and even if not, anyone can google “Cartesian coordinate system” and find an explanation with a simple diagram.


I use a natural system of coordinates in triadic rotational units of equivalence (TRUE) a quantum application of the calculus of dimensional distinctions (CoDD), which I found to be a very natural way to envision dimensional domains; and the primary calculus adapted for symbolic logic provides us with an easy way to determine existent from non-existent forms. – more on that to come. - However, no knowledge of coordinate systems or abstract mathematics is necessary to participate in this tour. Consciousness is the only pre-requisite.


The reasons for minimally describing these mathematical concepts are: 1) to let you know that the statements I make are not random ideas thrown up against the wall of contemporary science to see what will stick! They are provable concepts resulting from the careful application of a well-thought-out system of mathematical logic and meticulous empirical data from the Large Hadron Collider, related to the electron. And 2) the mathematical analysis of the dimensional extrapolation process reveals invariants in the relationships between N-dimensional domains and N+1 dimensional domains that remain the same for every value of N. (That’s why they are called invariants.) Moreover, they have been verified by direct observation, and that brings us back to our guided tour of dimensional domains.


As we look back at the dimensional domains we have envisioned and moved through by dimensional extrapolation, we see that each of the projections of one unit each, from the zero point to the 3-D volume, added a new dimension to the domain and the geometric shape of each successive domain. This means that every point that exists in an N-D domain can be exactly located with N unique numbers. Those numbers are the coordinates of that point. And we notice that the geometric shape of each domain depends on the contents of the domain. We also notice that we can see the N-dimensional domains only from the vantage point of an N+1 dimensional domain. For example, when we were in the 2-D plane, we could see the 1-D lines and the zero-reference point among the infinity of points occupying the lines, and after we projected into the 3-D domain, projecting 90 degrees above the plane, we could see the plane below us and everything in it. Therefore, by extending the logic, we can say that we can only see or envision a 3-D domain and everything in it from a 4-D domain, a 4-D domain, and its contents from a 5-D domain, etc. Thus, we have discovered an invariant feature of dimensional domains.


Discovery of this invariance is very important because it allows us to explain how we know that the one dimension added to the 3-D domain is time, how we know that the 3-D domain contains objects of mass, energy, and gimmel, and why the time dimension we experience is unidirectional, and finally, even what the dimensions from 4-D to 9-D are.


As we attempt to continue our tour and move from the dimensional domain with three dimensions to the domain with four dimensions, we run into a problem. We find that the integer unitary projection that worked when moving from the line to the plane and from the plane to the volume, does not work to move us into the 4-D domain! An integer projection, or any multiple of that projection, produces an end point that is still located in the 3-D domain. We know this because the end point of the projection can also be located with three unique integer coordinates.


To move into the 4-D dimensional domain, the unitary projection, and therefore the new dimension being added, cannot be an integer! At first, this seems like an unexpected dead end or roadblock for our tour. There seems to be no road to the next stop. In each of the previous projections from domain to domain, calculation of the distance to the end point of each new projection has been done by a CoDD application of the Pythagorean theorem, producing a new expanded (in terms of the number of dimensions) dimensional domain in each case. Suddenly it does not work for the next logical step of the journey! It’s a paradox!


What are we to do? Is there a way forward? As I struggled with what appeared to be impossible, facing failure, about eleven years ago, it was almost as if Niels Bohr tapped me on the shoulder, saying “Paradox? – Opportunity!” If the projection from 3-D to 4-D cannot be an integer, what could it be? I will spare the reader the painful trial and error calculations using rational fractions, irrational numbers, transcendental numbers, etc. and act as if the logical answer were clear from the start. As often happens, though, after hours of hard labor, it turned out that the answer was right in front of me all the time.


Remembering that in our quantized reality (the physical universe), dimensions of space and time have no existence of their own, and that the quantum nature of mass and energy shapes the dimensional domains, I realized why the process failed using 1 or any real number when projecting from 3-D to 4-D: At the point in the tour when the next dimensional domain suddenly has the capacity to contain volumetric objects, not just dimensionless points, plane geometry becomes solid geometry. The quantized units themselves become three dimensional, and the third Projection, i.e., the projection from 3-D to 4-D, has to become the third root of unity, i.e., the square root of minus one, usually symbolized by the lowercase letter і.


When the unique property of the square root of minus one was discovered by mathematicians like Rene Descartes about 400 years ago, it was called an “imaginary” number because it could not be located in three-dimensional space, like the “real” numbers could. While understandable, this choice of terminology was very unfortunate, because it set the understanding of mathematics back a few centuries. The square root of minus one is no less real than any other number. Why this is true is interesting, but it’s a subject for another time. Back to our tour.


When projecting from a dimensional domain with three dimensions into one with four, locating the end point mathematically becomes more difficult because the limited number of integer solutions obtained using the Pythagorean theorem are further reduced from the Pythagorean triples to even rarer Diophantine solutions in accordance with Fermat’s Last Theorem. The point is that the process of dimensional extrapolation does not change when we attempt to project from 3-D to 4-D. The nature of the projection from one dimensional domain to the next does not change, only the form of the unit of projection had to change from the root of unity appropriate for the 3-D domain to the root of unity appropriate for the 4-D domain. It changed from one to the square root of minus one. In the process of the Pythagorean calculation, the fact that (і)2 = -1 helps explain the “arrow of time” in the experience of 3S-1t.


It is important to note that the unit of projection is also the unit of measurement of the added dimension. This means that if time is the 4th dimension, as relativity has proved it is, then, for consistency, time should be measured in multiples of the square root of minus one. If this indication is ignored, as it is in current mainstream science, some important facts about the geometrical structure of dimensional domains are overlooked. Those facts are: 1) After every third 90-degree projection, the unit of measurement changes to a different root of unity, and 2) that change affects the nature of the experience of the next group of three-dimensional domains.


For readers who might not know, a root of unity is a number that, when raised to an integral power, is equal to one (unity). This may sound very abstract and complex because most people who have not studied mathematics beyond the computational level have never heard of the nth roots of unity, or ever had to deal with them. However, the reality of the existence of different roots of unity for each dimensional domain is actually very simple: Think of the projection from an N-dimensional domain to an N+1 dimensional domain as a bridge that must be mathematically and geometrically consistent with the domains at both ends of the bridge for it to work, allowing us to move from one domain to another.


The Dimensions Beyond Three of Space and One of Time

As we enter into the experience of the connection between the 3-D domain and the 4-D domain, it is appropriate to ask ourselves if there is anything we are missing or ignoring. It should not come as a surprise to realize that that we are!  As mentioned earlier, your consciousness and mine exist; otherwise, we could not be having this thought conversation. We have thoughts about the content and extent of dimensional domains . When we thought about the movement of the zero point, there was the content of our thought and the extent of the movement. Thus, in addition to the points, lines, and planes, etc., we became aware of the distinction of extent between inside and outside (of our consciousness) and the distinction of change, or time. Thus, we are aware of five dimensions from the very start, as soon as we are self-aware, not three, as most people suppose. Those five dimensions are: three of space, one of time, and one of consciousness (your own). Why do we pretend that we are only aware of three dimensions?


Put another way, why do we assume that only things outside the awareness of self are real, and ignore the real content of self? The answer is simple: Once we accept the separation of self from other, we see that everything out there is constantly changing, and the only way to try to protect the comfort of the changelessness we feel “in here”, is to pretend that we are not part of what is going on “out there” to the best of our ability. We withdraw our awareness of the inner objectivity of consciousness to a dimensionless point and pretend that it has no connection with the changes of physical reality, like painful birth, growth, decay, illness, and death. But, trying to ignore outer reality only makes it seem even more real, and survival of the physical vehicle of our consciousness becomes the imperative priority. How can we take time and effort to learn about the objective realities behind physical reality at the quantum level if the physical vehicle we are so intimately attached to is constantly in peril?.  


The answer is as simple as it is challenging: We must work to expand our consciousness in both directions, outward, to encompass more of physical reality, and inward to encompass more of the spiritual reality. So, reality is multi-dimensional, with at least nine finite dimensions: including three of space, three of time (my timeline, yours, and that of Primary Consciousness), and three of finite consciousness, yours, mine, and the combination of many.  


A Return to the Paradoxes of Time and Infinity

This tour would not be complete without returning to the resolution of the two paradoxes we discovered while investigating assumptions and determining how TDVP conclusions, consistent with the quotes from Einstein and Planck, conflict with current common beliefs about dimensions and dimensional domains. Those paradoxes were: The “Mind of God” paradox, found in the July 7 post, and the “Expanding Universe” paradox, in the July 16 post. Let’s see how what we’ve learned on this tour resolves these paradoxes.


Both paradoxes revolve around profoundly erroneous assumptions about time, consciousness, and infinity. Basically because of our fear of the pain and suffering of the physical body that we have chosen to identify with, we ignore the dimensions of time and consciousness that don’t seem to have anything to do with the day-to-day survival of the physical body, and as a result, we limit ourselves to the illusion of a 4-D universe that appears to be expanding from an ancient explosion out of nothingness, into a future infinity of nothingness. This is the greatest lie of all great lies. It was perpetrated by the Roman Emperor Justinian I in his Anathemas Against Origen, forced on the Catholic Church in 553 A.D., in his effort to absorb Christianity into the Roman Empire, after the truth of the immortality of the soul was preserved through the darkest of the dark ages by a few spiritually advanced souls who reincarnated from the higher ages for that purpose. See Part VI of Secrets of the Sacred Cube, a Cosmic Love Story, ER and JA Close, 2019.


When, through consciousness expansion in seven directions (Front, Back, Right, Left, Up, Down, and Inward), we see through the single spiritual eye instead of the two physical eyes, we understand that nine-dimensional reality expands out of itself and back into itself at the same time - the time we call the present – and the illusion dissolves.


So, what about the paradoxes? It turns out that Georg Cantor was right. There are at least two kinds of infinities. He called them “countable” infinities and “uncountable” infinities: The smaller infinity, whose members could be counted by pairing them up with the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, …), and a much larger infinity that could not be paired with the counting numbers. It is a sad commentary on the history of the science of mathematics that mainstream mathematicians rejected the genius of Cantor and drove him to a nervous breakdown and death in a psychiatric ward in Halle Germany, because of their narrow-minded materialism.


To resolve the two paradoxes, it helps to think of the two types of infinities as geometrically open and closed, or unbounded and bounded. This can be easily visualized by returning to an analogy of points and lines. The countable infinities are analogous to equally spaced points on a line representing the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, …), which form an infinite, open or unbounded set, while the uncountable infinities are analogous to the infinite set of points geometrically enclosed between the natural number points, bounded by integer points on either side. So, the unbounded infinities, the smaller type, cannot be realized in a finite universe, but the bounded infinities, the larger type, can!


The mind of God paradox is resolved because bounded infinity does exist within the finite universe, and the expanding universe paradox is resolved because reality is not limited to four dimensions. Nine-dimensional reality is expanding out of and into itself in each present moment, like a giant toroidal Mӧbius strip.


Summary and Conclusion

Finally, let’s summarize the results of our analysis in these posts by comparing commonly held beliefs about matter, energy, space, time, consciousness, and infinity, with objective reality as it is revealed by the study of quantum physics, relativity, and TDVP.




The rate of the passage of time is uniform throughout the universe.

The rate of the passage of time of an event depends on relative motion and the volumetric mass-energy field density where the event occurs.

Space & time are uniform throughout the universe, independent of mass and energy.

The geometry of spacetime varies depending on quantum field density.

Simultaneous events are independent of the observer and can be identified with synchronized clocks.

Clocks measure the local passage of time where they exist. Therefore, simultaneity is observer dependent.

Space & time are infinitely divisible.

Constant light speed requires space and time to be 3-D and quantized.

Objective reality is independent of the observer.

The measurements and observable aspects of objective reality depend on the motion of the observer relative to the measurable objects.  

Objective reality is limited to four dimensions, 3 of space and 1 of time.

Objective reality is nine-dimensional, including 3 of space, 3 of time, and 3 of consciousness.

Infinity is an unattainable perfection.

Infinities may be either open or closed. Closed infinities may be encompassed within the expanding fields of consciousness.


Time is the only distance between what I am and what I shall become.” – A line from the lyrics of a song written and performed by Jacquelyn Ann Hill circa 1974.


“Time and space are not conditions in which we live, but modes by which we think. Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, determined by the external world.”  -  Albert Einstein

Scientists, if they are honest, will admit that they have no idea what consciousness is. This is because consciousness is identical with reality, and therefore it is impossible to describe the reality of consciousness in any way except in terms of reality itself, and such a tautological statement is not a valid scientific definition.

A relentless investigation of the smallest quantum of reality, the electron, reveals that it and the whole reality of the cosmos are one and the same thing: self-referential isness - that which is all that is, that happens to have the form of a nine-dimensional torus expanding out of and into itself at the same time, and that time is the present.

ERC -7/31/2022

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