Saturday, April 23, 2016



Let me explain:

By including consciousness in the equations of science (TDVP), Dr. Vernon Neppe and I have reached the point where we have everything we need to explain every thing. For example, I can explain exactly why it takes three quarks to form a proton or neutron, and why it takes three types of elementary particles to form the stable atoms that make up the physical universe. I can explain why fermions have ½ spin, and why the Cabibbo angle and other particle-mixing angles are what they are.
Does this mean that we have the “Theory of Everything” (TOE) dreamed about by physicists since Einstein hypothesized that there should be a unified field theory that would explain all of the known physical forces? No.

Those who think there is a TOE out there waiting to be discovered have not understood Gӧdel’s Incompleteness Theorems. I will explain this, but first, I must explain the difference between explaining every thing and a theory of everything. The word ‘thing’ refers to a finite physical object or concept. The word ‘everything’ means all that exists. To clarify: when physicists talk about a TOE, they are not actually talking about a theory of everything. They are talking about a theory of every thing, i.e. a complete physical theory. But, as I will explain, even that is problematic in light of Gӧdel’s Incompleteness Theorems.

Before I get into discussing Gӧdel’s Incompleteness Theorems, I will state four fundamental truths that can be proved conclusively with what we now know:

1.     Reality, which includes the physical universe, is an infinite logical system.

2.     The physical universe, available through the physical senses, is only a small fraction (less than 5%) of Reality.

3.     Reality is expanding in all nine finite dimensions, not just the three and one-half dimensions of relativistic space-time.

4.     Reality is more than an infinite logical system, it is an Infinite Intelligence that encompasses space, time and consciousness.

As an independent sentient being, you have the right to agree, disagree or reserve judgement concerning these four statements. But they rest on the solid foundations of proved theorems of axiomatic geometry, mathematics, logic, and physical science. These theorems include the Pythagorean Theorem, Fermat’s Last Theorem, the axiomatic principles of Relativity and Quantum Physics, and Gӧdel’s Incompleteness Theorems.  I am as sure of them as I am that I exist. If I can, I will impart that certainty to you in this presentation.

I have touched on the importance and applications of the Pythagorean Theorem, Fermat’s Last Theorem, the axiomatic principles of Relativity and Quantum Physics, and Gӧdel’s Incompleteness Theorems in these posts, and Dr. Neppe and I have published a book (Reality Begins with Consciousness) and a number of papers dealing with their applications in TDVP, but these foundation theorems are so important to TDVP in general, and the four truths stated above, in particular, that I want to elaborate on them a little more here.

Gӧdel’s Incompleteness Theorems
The detailed proof of Gӧdel’s Incompleteness Theorems is beyond the scope of this discussion, but understanding their meaning, importance and impact on human thought, are not. I highly recommend the book “Gӧdel’s Proof” by Ernest Nagel and James R. Newman to anyone who may want to pursue a deeper understanding than I can provide here. This book was written for the non-mathematician. In their words: “The details of Gӧdel’s proofs in his epoch-making paper are too difficult to follow without considerable mathematical training. But the basic structure of his demonstrations and the core of his conclusions can be made intelligible to readers with very limited mathematical and logical preparation.”

In a nutshell, Gӧdel’s Incompleteness Theorems prove that no internally consistent logical system is ever complete. I emphasize the use of the word prove here, because you need to understand that a theorem is not a theory. If it is a theorem, is has been proved. Another way to put Gӧdel’s proof is: In any system of logic, mathematics or geometry, logically legitimate questions can be raised that cannot be answered within the system.

Let this sink in a little. This explains why questions like why it takes three quarks to form a stable proton or neutron, why the Cabibbo mixing angle for quarks is 13.02 degrees, or why the elementary particles making up normal atomic structure have ½ intrinsic spin, are not explainable in the current scientific paradigm.

Gӧdel’s Incompleteness Theorems do not say that there are questions like this that can never be answered; they only say that there are questions that cannot be answered within the paradigm in which they were formed. They may, however, be answerable in a new, more comprehensible paradigm. This, in fact, describes the nature of science and human thought in general. Science, and any system of logical thought, however internally consistent, is never complete. With this in mind, let’s return to the four fundamental truths stated above.

Reality is a logical system, and as such, it is infinite
Reality is the ultimate logical system, which all conceptual models, scientific, mathematical, geometrical, philosophical, theological, spiritual, or whatever, attempt to model. Gӧdel’s Incompleteness Theorems prove that Reality, as the original logical system, is always incomplete from the perspective of finite beings. No matter how many things we explain, the everything of Reality will always be beyond those explanations. Whenever we expand the logical system of our current understanding to explain something heretofore inexplicable, we will find that Reality presents us with new questions that cannot be explained within even our new paradigm. Thus, Reality is an infinite logical system.

The physical universe is a small fraction of Reality
Application of the principles of relativity and quantum physics imply that our physical senses and extensions of them are reduction valves. That is to say that they function not to bring all of Reality into our physical experience, but actually to keep most of Reality out, and bring only a very small part into our physical experience. In fact, our current knowledge of the central nervous system of sentient beings like us suggests that our brains are capable of handling much more than that delivered to them by the senses and neural pathways. Evidence provided by the Hubble space probe and TDVP TRUE analysis strongly support this conclusion.

Reality is expanding in nine finite dimensions
Dr. Neppe and I have developed a comprehensive model that incorporates nine finite dimensions based on the principles of relativity, quantum physics and number theory. Its implications, are vast and far-reaching. It explains why there are no absolute beginnings or ends, only change. In conjunction with the first Truth, it explains many previously inexplicable experimental observations, and implies, among other things, that consciousness, like mass and energy, obeys the laws of conservation, suggesting that survival of consciousness after the death and destruction of the physical body is not only possible, but probable.  

Reality is an Infinite Intelligence encompassing space, time and consciousness
This concept is considered by most people to be objectively unprovable. Some people, including some scientists, accept it, and some reject it. Many claim to have proof by personal experience. It has been considered by organized science and religion to be a matter of personal belief and faith. This is no longer the case. It is logically proved on the basis of the other three truths. Reality is an infinitely logical system that human beings and man-made models reflect imperfectly in mass, energy and consciousness in three dimensions of space and one of time. Proof of this truth changes the world and our understanding of it profoundly.

As far as I am concerned, these four statements are facts that have been proved beyond doubt and are thus unassailable, absolute Truths. The implications of these four truths are profound and far-reaching in their practical implications.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks Olane S-M (jef) for your criticisms. Are you drinking again? You will see eventually that when dimensionality is properly defined and the Diophantine nature of quantized reality is not ignored, the re-formulation of science within consciousness will answer many questions. For example, there are no mistakes and no ambiguity in my mathematical proof explaining why only three quarks can combine to form the stable structures of the physical universe.

    2. nope no booze anymore Ed, only one glass a day sometimes; your Goedel paragraphs are correct; there can't be a complete Toe (as you and Vernon claimed earlier); yet you also cannot reformulate physics as quantum field theory with your diophantine equations; you forget there are already many measurements; as for the three quarks, hmm hardly a proof, in protons there also exist sea-quarks (virtual) and at the LHC they found the penta-quark. For the
      rest you may delete these last three posting, just wanted you to let you know i disagree
      with the way you talk about physics and claiming to be better than Einstein; ridiculous.
      For me physics is important and thus i am critical about such claims as you make.
      PS Olanesti is a village in South Moldova where i do charity work.

    3. Thank you jef. I understand your comment. It is coherent. I understand a glass of wine now and then is good for the heart. Of course just because I may score higher on an IQ test than Albert Einstein certainly doesn't make me better than him. In my mind (I know you disagree) I am carrying forward what he, Oscar Klein, Theodore Kaluza and Wolfgang Pauli started, the explanation of reality in terms of multi-dimnsional geometry.
      I applaud your motivation to do charity work. Do you have a personal connection with Moldovia? I understand Moldovan wine is excellent.
