Wednesday, March 23, 2016



How does the discovery of the third form (gimmel) affect our understanding of life, and more specifically, the area of scientific study called biophysics? Recall that there could be no stable physical forms without the existence of the third form of reality, not measurable as either mass or energy. (If you don’t remember how the application of the principles of relativity and quantum mechanics to normalized Large Hadron Collider data using the mass of the electron as the basic TRUE quantum unit with the application of Fermat’s Last Theorem revealed the third form, please review the series of posts under “Putting Consciousness into the Equations” and posts about Fermat’s Last Theorem, gimmel and TRUE unit analysis. These concepts and derivations have also been published elsewhere, in technical journals and in “Reality Begins with Consciousness”, available at The way the discovery of the third form affects biophysics is most obvious in the replacement of much of the statistical and probability analyses currently assumed as the basis of biophysics with new mathematical processes involving gimmel in the processes of biological change such as mitosis and mutation. This of course affects how we must think of the evolution of species, since it removes the randomness assumed to exist in natural selection.

I want to establish the logical basis for this presentation of new concepts in biophysics without bringing in all the mathematical details here, by discussing the probabilistic and deterministic approaches to science, as they are used and misused in the current paradigm. I think I can best do this by relating some of my experiences and discussions with a couple of brilliant scientists when I was one of the seven charter members of the Department of Interior USGS Systems Analysis Group. Over a period of three years, I had many discussions about probabilistic vs deterministic analysis with Dr. Nicholas C. Matalas, Director of the Systems Group, as well as other members of the Group, and Dr. Benoit Mandelbrot, an IBM mathematician who worked with us on some environmental modeling projects. Dr. Matalas, received his PhD in probability theory from Harvard University, and Dr. Mandelbrot was the creator of fractals. As a research group, we found Dr. Mandelbrot’s fractal functions useful in the mathematical modeling of environmental systems.

Dr. Matalas, who preferred to be called Nick, and I became good friends and we both very much enjoyed discussing probabilism vs determinism. He took the position that reality is basically probabilistic, that the laws of physics are statistical in nature, and thus only approximate; while I argued that statistics and probability analyses are estimation tools appropriate for use when the exact mathematical nature of a relationship is unknown. Neither of us could ever totally convince the other. And I remember discussing fractals with Dr. Mandelbrot, a somewhat shy, but warm and friendly, large man of European origin. We agreed that the success of the use of fractal functions to model coastline morphology, cloud and storm-cell formations and other environmental features was probably due to the similarity of the iterative nature of fractals to the structure of cells, molecules, atoms, and quanta that made fractals and physical reality essentially holographic. Now, many years after those interesting discussions with Nick Matalas, Ben Mandelbrot and others, I now see how the inclusion of the third form of reality, and application of the calculus of distinctions clarifies the concepts of probability, determinism and fractals..

In this series of posts I will attempt to bring that clarity to the subject of biophysics. In general, Max Planck’s discovery of the quantum nature of the mass and energy of physical reality, and Albert Einstein’s discovery of the relativistic nature of space and time, combined with the discovery of gimmel and TRUE analysis, radically changes what is known and knowable about biophysics, life and consciousness. Starting with the utter simplicity of the distinction of an object of observation from everything else, we have the binary logic of Bayesian algebra and computer science. Then by including the consciousness of the observer, the logic becomes triadic, and the whole universe begins to be revealed in a completely new and exciting way.

G. Spencer Brown’s statements that “A universe comes into being when a space is severed or taken apart” and that “Although all forms, and thus all universes, are possible, and any particular form is mutable, it becomes evident that the laws relating such forms are the same in any universe” are replaced by: A living universe comes into being when space and content are divided and made distinct by the action of the conscious drawing of a distinction. This triadic relationship is articulated in the conveyance equations of the Triadic Dimensional distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP), expressing the laws governing all of reality, not just the 5% of the universe available to the physical senses.
In posts to come, I will describe the difference between the materialistic statistical randomness basis of current biophysics and the conscious symmetrical stability basis of the new biophysics of TDVP. This will allow us to see subjects like creation and evolution in a new light, and answer questions like ‘Why are elementary particles so small? (Or, conversely, why are conscious living organisms so large relative to the size of the electron?)  Why is more than 95% of reality hidden? And what is the purpose of intelligent life?


Relativity and Quantum Physics
Before I discuss how the TDVP shift with the discovery of the third form of reality affects our understanding of life and consciousness, let’s look at how the previous paradigm shifts of relativity and quantum physics have affected our understanding of biological organisms. Relativity has had, up to this point little, if any, direct affect. This is mainly because the direct study of living organisms is practically limited to life on this planet. The relativistic effects, for example, of linear time and space distortion only become relevant at the extremes of content and extent, (mass, energy and linear motion) in relation to the observer and the object of observation. So until we can observe the effects of space travel on living organisms moving across the universe at near light-speed velocities, the relativistic effects on biophysical processes like growth and aging are largely a matter of speculation.

However, the theory of relativity has more potential for enhancing our understanding of biology through its role in defining TRUE quantum units of equivalence than it has ever had before. The effects of quantization, on the other hand, are immediately relevant from the minimum distinction of content and extent (the TRUE unit), through the entire range of size and motion, most likely to the maximum distinction of extent and content, i.e. the entire universe. But let’s look now at how the effects of quantum physics manifests at the everyday scale of living organisms on the surface of planet Earth.

Biophysics. Life and the Experience of Consciousness
The goal of biophysicists is to explain the events that are observed to take place within the dimensional boundaries of a living organism in terms of a theoretical model consistent within a comprehensive scientific paradigm. The quite natural approach is to try to explain the events observed to be taking place in organic cellular structures by applying the currently known laws of physics and chemistry within the current scientific paradigm. This approach has only been partially successful so far. Biophysicists must of course take the position that just because they can’t explain everything, including especially the experience of consciousness, there is no reason to believe that they won’t be able to do so eventually. It is my position, however, that they will not succeed in explaining consciousness with this approach because it is unnecessarily limited: consciousness is not included in the equations they are using to describe the processes occurring within and around living organisms.

As we’ve seen in these more than 180 posts, putting consciousness into the equations involves applying the principles of relativity and quantum physics and developing the appropriate new mathematics, resulting in new discoveries that are producing a full-blown paradigm shift. But let’s back up a bit, and have a look at how we got there, by starting with seeing how quantum mechanics affects certain biological processes.
Due to the remarkable work of biologists and geneticists over the past 60 years, the physical structure of RNA, DNA, and living organisms in general, has been discovered in enough detail to reveal the fact that the classical laws of physics and chemistry are completely inadequate and incapable of explaining life and the experience of consciousness. In their zeal to make biology as simple as physics and chemistry, biophysicists have taken the metaphysical position, as did my friend and Director of the USGS Systems Analysis Group discussed in the last post, namely the position that reality is basically probabilistic in nature and that the laws of physics, are statistical in nature, and thus only yield approximations of the real picture. The discovery of the third form, however has produced a more detailed understanding that pushes the estimates of statistical analyses farther back to reveal more detail and remove some of the perceived ‘weirdness’ of quantum physics.

Does God Play Dice With the Universe?
The TDVP revelation through TRUE unit analysis of more of the biophysical details providing the symmetry and stability needed for the existence conscious organic life, has vindicated Einstein’s famous statement “Der Herr Gott würfelt nicht!” (The Lord God does not play dice! [with the universe]). But, you may say, what about Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle? Doesn’t that imply that God, or Nature, if you prefer, does play dice? In my opinion, it does not. The uncertainty principle, which Heisenberg derived from a statistical analysis of the probability of precisely measuring both location and angular momentum of a particle at the same time, has come to be regarded by most mainstream physicists as a fundamental feature of the particle/wave nature of elementary quanta. But the value of the product of probabilities in the inequality expressing the uncertainty principle is a function of h, the Planck constant, and thus it is related to the size of the quantum entity involved. So, rather than a gambling-type uncertainty, it actually limits the precision with which the parameters of can be known, by applying conventional mathematics within a finite range, and thus provides a window within which the quantum may be found. But now, with the influence of the appropriate number of TRUE units of gimmel, the precise parameters for a given particle are not random; they can be precisely determined using the calculus of distinctions and the solution of the appropriate Diophantine (integer) conveyance equation. The mathematical logic supporting this statement is beyond the scope of this post, but the precise determination of the mix of TRUE units of mass/energy and gimmel has been calculated for the elementary particles and has been published elsewhere. See references at the end of this post.

The Legitimate Use of Statistical Analyses
Statistical analyses of biophysical processes occurring in living organic entities reveal striking and very significant differences between the atomic and molecular structures supporting life, and the atomic and molecular structures of the inanimate matter usually studied by particle physicists. Most notable is the ability of living organisms to create negative entropy. They are able to avoid the devastating effects of the second law of thermodynamics, which mandates the inevitable decay of material structures toward maximum entropy, a state of dissolution, ending in the absolute equilibrium of the mass and energy that was associated with the structures with the mass and energy of the physical surroundings. In the case of inanimate matter, this is simply a natural process observed in every finite closed physical system. In the case of living organisms, however, in plain English, the road to maximum entropy spells death.
We know that complex organisms like human beings are motivated by the sophisticated qualia of conscious awareness, not the least of which are pain and fear, to avoid death and destruction by whatever means available, but what is it about living organisms that even at the cellular level, propels them to avoid entropic decay? Is consciousness present in some form, even in one-celled organisms? If so, where does it originate? Could consciousness be present even farther down the scale of measurement, into molecules, atoms and elementary Particles?

TRUE Unit Analysis
As mentioned above, TRUE unit analysis is very effective in determining the mix of mass/energy and gimmel in elementary particles, and bears out, with mathematical precision, the conclusion reached through statistical analysis that the molecular structure of living matter is very different from non-living matter, even if the same atomic elements are present. If gimmel is the carrier of the logic, meaning and purpose of consciousness, as it seems to be, TRUE unit analysis is a potentially powerful tool for use in exploring and understanding life and consciousness. I will argue that gimmel is either a form of consciousness, or a finite extension of multi-dimensional consciousness in four-dimensional space-time. I believe this is true because there is no other candidate extant for gimmel, and because it explains the improbable existence of conscious entities in a universe that appears to be very precisely designed for them.

Additional Questions
Why are particulate entities like atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons and quarks so astonishingly small, related to the size of the cells and organs of conscious beings? If consciousness is present in some form, in physical reality at every level, and every scale of measurement, is it even present in inanimate matter? This line of thought leads into even deeper questions of symmetry and stability, of mind and matter, creation and evolution, conscious and subconscious processes, conscious choice, free will and determinism, etc., but before we go that far, let’s look at the implications of the findings of quantum physics on biophysics within the current scientific paradigm, and see how quantum considerations has affected our understanding of biological processes.

Biophysicists working within the current materialistic paradigm realize that, not only are the laws of physics as we now know them, too simplistic to explain the biological processes of living organisms, let alone consciousness, but the laws of natural selection for survival as proposed by Darwin also fail. Darwin attempted to explain the emergence of different species over time by a step-by step development of complex organisms, including humans from single-celled organisms. In fact, the idea of continuous evolution from one species to another over a long period of time, as postulated by Darwin is now known to be incorrect.

The first clue is found in attempts at selective breeding: In a statistically-significant sized sample of individual organisms of a specific species we find a range of a certain physical characteristic, for example, say length, and if we breed pairs that both have the maximum length in the range, Darwin would have expected a sample of their offspring to have heights skewed toward the longer end of the range, but such is not the case. Experiments have shown consistently that the offspring of pairs selected this way have the same range of a given characteristic as all of the individuals in the original sample of parent individuals. Geneticists have found that existence of different species is not due to incremental changes over time that are passed on to progeny, but rather they are due to changes that happen suddenly, i.e. discontinuously, like a quantum leap. The resulting mutational change is actually due to quantum jumps in the structure of the gene molecule common to the original species. These jumps are called mutations, and are assumed by most biologists to occur randomly, caused by cosmic radiation, or some other, currently unknown, influence. If the characteristic manifested by this quantum jump in the gene is conducive to survival, then it is more likely to continue to be passed on in the genome of the species than it would be if it wasn’t conducive, or even detrimental to survival.

For the purposes of this discussion, what we have learned from the biophysical study of genetics is that so-called evolutionary changes are often discontinuous and probably reflect the patterns of the quantum nature of elementary particles, even if the mass and energy of the change are large-number aggregates of quantum particles; and a large number of physical characteristics are encoded in the simple cellular structures of even the simplest of biological structures, the egg and sperm. So we can conclude that quantum physics facts impact biophysics in major ways, that physical characteristics are duplicated faithfully over many generations unless there are ‘outside’ forces, and that the vast difference in size between atoms and living organisms is what allows the encoding of hundreds, perhaps even thousands of physical characteristics in the genomes of living organisms.

In the next post, we will see how the existence of gimmel, the third form of the ‘stuff’ of reality, sheds new light on the puzzle of how and why stable conscious and intelligent life exists in a universe that appears to be composed of random arrangements of the elementary quanta of quarks, electrons, protons and neutrons in a violently expanding physical universe.   

In the archives of this blog
1. The Simple Math of TRUE Units, the True Unit, the Conveyance Equation and the Third   Form of Reality – Posted Feb, 1, 2016
2. Putting Consciousness into the Equations of Science, a series of posts: Part 1 through Part 20:
            Putting Consciousness into the Equations of Science, Part 1: The Third Form of Reality            (Gimmel) and the “TRUE” Units (Triadic Rotational Units of Equivalence) of Quantum     

            Followed by subsequent posts, to Part 20, Summary and Conclusions – Posted Jan. 5, 2016
3. Also see TRUE Units and the Natural Elements of the Periodic Table – Posted March 11,       2015.
In peer-reviewed and published references
2. Close ER, Neppe VM: The thirteenth conundrum: introducing an important concept, TRUE units – Triadic Rotational Units of Equivalence. IQNexus Journal 7: 2; 60-71, 2015

Related publications:
4. Neppe VM, Close ER: The concept of relative non-locality: Theoretical implications in consciousness research. Explore (NY): The Journal of Science and Healing 11: 2; 102-108, 2015.
5. Close ER, Neppe VM: The eleventh conundrum: The double Bell normal curve and its applications to electron cloud distribution IQNexus Journal 7: 2; 51-56, 2015.
Relevant references by other authors

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