Monday, February 14, 2022




Copyright 2022, Edward R. Close, PhD

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” – Plato

One of the sub-themes of this series of posts is that the advancement of human consciousness occurs by concurrent triadic expansion, i.e., by expanding in three dimensional domains: physical, mental, and spiritual. Neglecting any of the three, leads to serious imbalance and instability. This is because none of the three have much meaning without the other two. Like mass, energy, and consciousness, all three are quantified aspects of the essence of reality, providing conscious experience ranging from the simplicity of physical reality to the subtlety of mental reality, to the infinite complexity of spiritual reality. No model of reality is complete without all three.

At this point in planetary time, because it is the simplest, our understanding of the physical aspect of reality has outstripped mental and spiritual virtue, causing a dangerous imbalance in human societal activity. If a balance of the three is not achieved, civilization will continue to become more and more divided, until the bulk of humanity realizes that we are on the brink of self-destruction. Then, whether it is called TDVP, or something else, a science based on the fundamental recognition of the triadic nature of reality, physical, mental, and spiritual, must emerge.

These posts have also been about recognizing that what most of us call reality is primarily our own involuntary personal conceptual model, burdened with illusions created by our perceptual limitations. If we don’t seek to think for ourselves and expand our consciousness beyond the awareness we were born with, we are simply accepting the average-to-lowest common denominator of the illusions of mainstream mindlessness. Today’s society seems to be designed to interfere with the freedom to seek the truth, rather than to aid in the effort, and formal education, both public and private, and even modern science, has become more of a hinderance than a help.

With the specialization and dumbing down of education over the past century, we now have hundreds of thousands of people who think they are scientists. But the vast majority of them have MS or PhD after their names simply because they parroted back to university professors and department heads what they wanted to hear, while those same professors were too busy getting mostly mediocre papers pushed through the academic bubble of peer-review to teach their students how to think clearly. Sad to say, but, to many of them, any original thought that might actually lead to scientific advancement is labeled as pseudo-science. They are just too busy complying with the groupthink of their narrow field of study, in search of tenure, to think outside the sterile box of simplistic materialism. As a result, there has been no real paradigm shift in human thought since Einstein and Planck, nearly a century ago, - until TDVP.

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”  – Mark Twain

In this post I want to continue to explain the triadic nature of dimensionality. Without a clear understanding of how and why there are three dimensions of space, three dimensions of time, and three dimensions of consciousness, progress in individual consciousness expansion is very difficult. While spontaneous mental and spiritual leaps into hyper-dimensional domains may happen for many of us, an understanding that there is a step-by-step procedure from where you are now, into an expanded state of consciousness, is critical. A basic awareness of the triadic nature of reality is very helpful, if not necessary for progress at this point in planetary time.

Because most of the changes in our individual physical existence are governed by the time cycles of Earth’s rotation on its axis and revolution around the sun, it is difficult to conceive of why and how the apparent flow of time we experience on this planet is not uniform and universal, but it is not. We have Albert Einstein to thank for exposing the cultural shadows and lies related to space and time. But modern science has yet to discover the complex laws governing the connections between the cycles of space, time, and consciousness. With the TDVP model, we are drawing science into a deeper analysis of the triadic nature of reality. In this post, we will have a slightly more detailed look at what applications of the CoDD reveals about the dimensional domains of space and time.

Expanding Our Awareness of Space and Time

With the application of the CoDD TRUE analysis, once again, we find that the phenomenon perceived through the physical senses as light, plays a critically central role in the expansion of our awareness of the nature of reality. The simplest, most basic aspect of light is its constant speed for all observers, regardless of relative motion. While the speed of light is expressed as a ratio of linear units of distance per linear unit of time, in current scientific analysis, CoDD TRUE analysis shows that this linear expression of light speed is inadequate, and that it results in erroneous implications about reality, because light is a three-dimensional phenomenon, not a linear one.

In fact, light is not propagated linearly. It is propagated radially by alternately fluctuating electric and magnetic fields expanding to infinity in every direction of the three-dimensional domain. When expressed in triadic rotational units of equivalence (TRUE), the speed of light is equal to one TRUE unit of space per one TRUE unit of time, For easier calculation in the CoDD, that ratio is set equal to one. At first glance,  this may appear to be identical to the setting of the speed of light equal to one in Planck units, but it is not. In the TDVP model, the speed of light is defined by the expansion of light through one 3-D TRUE volume of space in one 3-D TRUE of time, making the speed of light equal to (one TRUE)/(one TRUE ) = 1. In this way, the speed of light is automatically unity because of the basic principle of quantum equivalence.

The principle of quantum equivalence is the central mathematical axiom of the TDVP. The unitary quantum equivalence of the rest mass and volume of the smallest stable elementary object, the electron, is the most logical natural base unit for analysis of quantum phenomena. Defining the electron mass/energy/volume quantum equivalence unit as the basic unit of measurement for quantum phenomena, allows us to develop a natural primary calculus for mathematical analysis of phenomena at the quantum scale. I call that calculus the CoDD.

Max Planck discovered that energy is quantized and suggested that “there is no matter as such”, while his friend and colleague, Albert Einstein, derived E = mc2, defining the mathematical  equivalence of mass and energy, and declared that space and time have no existence of their own. With no physical existence, it seems reasonable to assume that space and time are infinitely divisible, even though energy and the mass equivalence of energy are not. But, if space and time are infinitely divisible, and the speed of light energy moving between two observation and measurement locations is constant, then we have another paradox related to light.

The fact that that this is a paradox may not be immediately obvious, but to see that it is a paradox, we need only remind ourselves that speed is distance traveled divided by the time it takes. For example, if it takes us two hours to drive 100 miles, then we compute our speed as 100 miles divided by 2 hours equals 50 miles per hour. Of course, we didn’t drive at the exact speed of 50 mph all the time during the 2-hour trip, so 50 mph is an average, but light doesn’t speed up or slow down, because light speed is constant. As the linear distance in space between the two points decreases, and the time interval between measurements approaches zero, instantaneous linear velocity (speed) of a moving object determined by Newtonian calculus approaches either some finite linear value divided by zero, or zero divided by zero (0/0), and both are mathematically undefined. What does this mean? Every basic course in algebra includes a demonstration showing that dividing by zero results in erroneous results or mathematical absurdities like 2 = 1.

So, how is this paradox resolved? By looking at the assumptions and determining which one is erroneous. There are only two assumptions in this case: 1) the speed of light is constant, and 2) space and time are infinitely divisible. Constant light speed is the basis of the theory of relativity, and the fact that the speed of light is constant is so well documented that we must accept it as true. So, we are left with the conclusion that the assumption that space and time can be divided into smaller and smaller amounts indefinitely must be wrong. To eliminate the paradox, we simply recognize that TRUE quantum units, whether of energy, mass, space , or time, are three-dimensional. Then, the smallest possible ratio is one 3-D quantum/ one 3-D quantum = 1.

This is just one example of the many ways that ignoring the fact that everything existing in quantized reality is three dimensional, not singular, one-dimensional, or two-dimensional, leads to absurd results. In fact, application of the primary calculus to quantum combinations exposes all of the “weirdness” of quantum mechanics that particle physicists like to talk about, as simply the end result of the inappropriate application of Newtonian calculus to phenomena at the quantum-scale level. Why is the Newton/Leibniz differential and integral calculus inappropriate for application at the quantum level? Simply because it is based on the assumption that space and time are infinitely divisible. Why does it work at the macro-scale? Simply because TRUE quanta are many orders of magnitude (powers of 10 times the basic unit) smaller than the limited precision of our means of direct observation and measurement, so that the facts of quantum-scale phenomena must be ascertained by indirect means and deductive reasoning.

In future posts in this series, I intend to further clarify exactly how the misapplication of Newtonian calculus to quantum phenomena came about and why it leads to paradoxes and errors that can be explained and corrected using the quantum calculus I call the calculus of dimensional distinctions (CoDD). We will also see how the appropriate application of the quantum mathematical principle made the discovery of non-physical quantized reality possible. Of course, I am referring to the discovery of gimmel, the measurable non-physical aspect of reality.

ERC – 2/14/2022

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