(This is a continuation of the discussion in the previous post)
For Your physical body, it appears that there is a definite beginning,
and an unavoidable end. We call the beginning birth, the end death, and your life is what happens
in between. For you, as a conscious being, these experiences are extremely
important. Between the two painfully traumatic events beginning and ending your
life, you consciously experience an amazing range of emotions associated with pleasure
and pain. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat are just two examples in
the range of impactful emotions that we experience as human beings. During a
life, you see only a brief episode - a short excerpt - of an on-going drama,
through a tiny window of time in the vast history of sentient beings and the expanding
physical universe within the self-referential cosmos. Viewing a life from a purely
physical perspective, however, with your birth, life, and death, not much has
happened. Nothing is created in the process of birth, and nothing is destroyed when
death happens. These events simply mark a pair of life-defining events that, as
physical events, are just two different arrangements of a very small amount of matter
and energy in the ever-existing vast expanse of reality.
The way in which a relatively small number of elements are first
organized as conscious life forms, and then disorganized and dispersed by natural
entropic processes over which you have little or no control, makes the
difference between your birth, life, and death as events in space and time.
From that purely physical point of view, everything that happens during your
lifetime, whether it takes a hundred years or a few minutes, is nothing more
than a series of minor changes in the geometric structure of a few trillion
atoms, with very little effect on the story of reality in general, consisting
of the development, cyclic movements, and eventual disruption of solar systems
and the formation and dissolution of galaxies over billions of years. But does
physics tell the whole story? In a word, NO!
The innate desire of Primary Conscious to expand and
contract and experience itself within itself, necessitates the development of mental
and physical duality as individual awareness of the distinctions experienced as
self and other. To guide the individual conscious being toward the ecstasy of
Cosmic Consciousness, pleasurable sensations arise when actions that enhance
the development and maintenance of organic life forms that are suitable vehicles
for consciousness, are committed, and painful associations arise from actions
that will result in injury to, or death of the physical vehicle being developed
for expanding individual awareness.
Sometimes, you may have the illusion of being in complete control
of your life, but the amount of free-will you actually have is very limited. Do
you remember deciding to be born? Can you choose not to die? By flapping your
arms can you fly? By thinking in some focused manner, can you affect physical
changes in your body? Most of us, at
this point in planetary time, barely out of the darkest of times, called the
Kali Yuga (the dark age of mechanistic thinking) by the Ancient Wisemen, have
no memory or foreknowledge of anything before birth or after death, and a very
limited ability to change anything in between. And yet, there are some among us
who, because they have a lot of money and some power over others, try to change
the purpose and destination of the human species. In effect, they want to play
God, without even beginning to be qualified.
This morning I had a fleeting memory of someone in the year
1317. He specifically pointed out the date, so I wouldn’t forget it upon
waking. I’ve had such memories before. Most of them occurred during or after
sleep or meditation. they seemed to be from the consciousness of someone in the
past. Are these memories real glimpses of the actual past? Distant viewing in
spacetime? Time travel? Evidence of reincarnation? Or imaginations caused by
the random firing of synapses in a half-awake, half-asleep brain? - These are
not trivial questions! For me, and I think for many others, they have to be
Because I have had such memories throughout my entire life, I
have thought about these questions a lot, and I have arrived at a number of conclusions.
My conclusions are supported by logic and empirical evidence, validated in several
instances by experiences and observations of other people, but I cannot include
all of the arguments and evidence in this short blogpost. I can only summarize
here; but I have provided the details in six published books, three additional books,
one in press, two in colleague review, and in a number of published technical
papers. Most of the information can be found among the 500 plus posts in the archives
of this blogsite.
Basically, I have concluded that Consciousness is Primary,
and the purpose of the physical universe is to provide a way for Consciousness
to experience itself. Consciousness cannot be adequately assessed by the finite
mind because it has no beginning or end, and the forms through which it
expresses itself are constantly changing in accordance with the logical
structure of Consciousness itself, progressing from simple to complex geometric
patterns, to rudimentary awareness, through a spectrum of increasing awareness,
to the full awareness of Cosmic Consciousness. While the progress of mental
virtue and spiritual awareness, on average, proceeds at the slow pace of
planetary time, individual conscious beings may forge ahead, go with the flow,
or lag behind. Clearly, we should seek to forge ahead, and the best way to do that here and now, is to seek the
company of those who have attained Cosmic Consciousness.
A moment of Divine inspiration is worth many years of
intellectual cogitation. Learning facts and knowing reality are not the same
thing. There are vast differences between data, information, knowledge,
understanding, actualization, manifestation, and realization. Consequently, at
this point in planetary time, Realized Masters are very few and far between.
Most of us labor in some form of unconsciousness or subconscious sleep. Those Awakened
Ones, fully aware in the illumination of Cosmic Consciousness, are the
way-showers, the embodiment of the Truth and the Light.
For the Awakened One, the is no longer any sleep. The body
may sleep, but the soul is ever awake. There is no darkness. Every corner of
the Awakened One’s consciousness is illuminated in Divine Light! Allow the
Awakened One into your mind, and your body will be filled with Light. Allow the
Awakened One into your heart, and you will be shown the path to your own
ERC July 25, 2021
Thank you again