Copyright © Edward R. Close 5/10/2018
The standard definition
of cosmology found in on-line Wikipedia, is:
“Cosmology (from
the Greek κόσμος, kosmos "world" and -λογία, -logia
"study of") is the study of the origin, evolution and eventual fate
of the universe. Physical cosmology is the scientific study of the universe's
origin, its large-scale structures and dynamics, and its ultimate fate, as well
as the scientific laws that govern these areas.
The term cosmology
was first used in English in 1656 in Thomas Blount’s Glossographia,] and in
1731 taken up in Latin by German philosopher Christian Wolff in Cosmologia
Generalis Religious
or mythological cosmology is a body of beliefs based on
mythological, religious and esoteric literature and traditions of creation
myths and eschatology
Physical cosmology is studied by scientists, such as astronomers
and physicists, as well as philosophers, such as metaphysicians, philosophers
of physics and philosophers of space and time. Because of this shared scope
with philosophy, theories in physical cosmology may include both scientific and
non-scientific propositions and may depend upon assumptions that cannot be
tested. Cosmology differs from astronomy in that the former is concerned with
the Universe as a whole while the latter deals with individual celestial
objects. Modern physical cosmology is dominated by the Big Bang theory, which
attempts to bring together observational astronomy and particle physics, more
specifically, a standard parameterization of the Big Bang with dark matter and
dark energy, known as the Lambda-CDM model.”
Comments on the Definition of Cosmology
It is interesting to
note that this definition distinguishes between cosmology as a general subject
and “physical cosmology” in an ambiguous way: In the first paragraph, physical cosmology is said to be “the
scientific study of the universe's origin,
its large-scale structures and dynamics, and its ultimate fate, as well as the
scientific laws that govern these areas”. While, in the last paragraph, it
states that “theories in physical
cosmology may include both scientific and non-scientific propositions and
may depend upon assumptions that cannot be tested.” This suggests, contrary to
the first statement, that physical cosmology is not completely scientific.
To be clear about what cosmology is, we
must first answer the question: What is
scientific and what is not? As the definition above implies, the scientific
method requires hypotheses that can be tested, but the physical cosmological
model of current mainstream science contains elements that cannot be tested.
The most significant one is the big bang theory itself. While scientists like
to think that the Standard Model of cosmology and particle physics is
scientific, it depends in large part on assumptions that cannot be tested, and
therefore the current Standard Model is theoretical and not strictly scientific.
But, this is not an unforgiving
criticism, because science would never have progressed very far if it adhered strictly
to the scientific method. This, however, raises a crucial point that was
discussed in detail in the Neppe=Close book Reality
Begins with Consciousness, available at
That is the importance of scientific feasibility, which we call LFAF: Lower-Dimensional Feasibility, Absent Falsification; the basis for including logically feasible
concepts in hypotheses that may not be falsifiable in the space-time 3S-1t
dimensional domain of physical observation. This brings us to what I will call,
for want of better terminology, Close
I’m calling this early
form of Close-Neppe Cosmology Close
Cosmology because it was developed during the years 1985-1988, more than 20
years before Dr. Neppe and I began working together in 2008. This cosmology was
developed using the Calculus of Distinctions, a calculus developed and expanded
from G. Spencer Brown’s Calculus of Indications, published in his book Laws of Form, and it was published in
the book Infinite Continuity in 1990.
The calculus of
distinctions differs from Brown’s calculus in that it depends on the concept of
a quantum unit related to physical reality as the basic unit of measurement, in
that it relates true with real and false with conceptual or non-existent, and in
that it includes the functioning of consciousness as a part of reality that is every
bit as real as mass and energy.
Like the calculus of
indications, the calculus of distinctions can be used to evaluate the logical truth
or falsity of any statement that can be described in the calculus. This means
that, because it is directly related to the physical universe through its basic
unit of measurement, the quantum unit of quantized reality, the mathematical
structure of the calculus is identical with the logical structure of the
universe. This also means that it can be used to test scientific hypotheses
to see if they are logically consistent. In Infinity
Continuity, published in 1990, I applied the calculus of distinctions to
several cosmological problems, including the expanding universe as indicated by
the red shift in the spectrum of light from distant stars and relativistic time
dilation. This application of the calculus of distinctions revealed several important
basic truths about the nature of reality that require a complete revision of
our understanding of science, and a redefinition of cosmology.
Replacement of the
calculus of Newton and Leibniz with the logically prior calculus of
distinctions as applied in Infinite
continuity, revealed that consciousness, not matter, is primary, that there
is no absolute beginning or end, and the universe is much larger than
astronomers and astrophysicists estimate.
A further refinement of
this understanding was obtained when the calculus of distinctions was refined
with the definition of the quantum equivalence unit, the triadic rotational
unit of equivalence (TRUE) in 2011, and the discovery of gimmel in 2012. The addition
of dimensionality to the calculus of distinctions made it possible to describe
quantum phenomena, and the new refined calculus became the calculus of
dimensional distinctions (CoDD).
Applying the CoDD to
the description of quantum phenomena with variables of extent, content and
conscious intent, or impact in the 3S-1t domain of physical observation, produced
new revelations and explained phenomena not explicable in the current
scientific paradigm. Here are a few of the revelations:
· The physical universe is only a small part of
reality. The part represented by gimmel in the structures of physical reality
is far greater in volume and in effect on the logical structure of reality than
the mass-energy, space-time portion.
· Mainstream science has avoided dealing with the
vast majority of reality by limiting its focus to the material aspects of
reality and the physical universe.
Application of the CoDD
to reality requires a redefinition of the term cosmos. The specifics of this
redefinition are as follows:
· The cosmos consists of the entirety of reality,
of which the physical universe is a very small part.
· Beyond the 3S-1t physical universe, the cosmos consists of the dimensional domains
of nine finite dimensions, three trans-finite dimensions and an unknown and
unknowable number of infinite dimensions.
· The first six dimensions are quantized, the
next three are measurable in flexible, relative variables.
The new definition is: Close-Neppe Cosmology is the study of everything
that exists, from the smallest quantum of mass to the entire expanding universe,
seen and unseen, to the transcendental cosmos, into the infinitely continuous Primary
Conscious Substrate in which all things and all distinguishable domains are
embedded, as well as the mathematical laws that describe the dynamic
relationships between all parts of the physical and non-physical cosmos.
Thus, it becomes cleare that the science of the future must transcend the limited materialistic science of mass-energy, space-time. When consciousness is included in the equations of science. This is the point of my third book: Transcendental Physics, available at Amazon and bookstores everywhere. This new definition and the application of the CODD yields some very practical results both for science and for individual physical, mental and spiritual improvement and progress.
Thus, it becomes cleare that the science of the future must transcend the limited materialistic science of mass-energy, space-time. When consciousness is included in the equations of science. This is the point of my third book: Transcendental Physics, available at Amazon and bookstores everywhere. This new definition and the application of the CODD yields some very practical results both for science and for individual physical, mental and spiritual improvement and progress.
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