Push beyond the limits of the physical body. This is
possible because mind is superior to and stronger than the physical body. Then
push beyond the intellectual limits of the mind. This is possible because you
are more than body and mind. Science has now proved that. Relativity and
quantum physics have pointed the way and TDVP has proved the existence of
dimensions of consciousness within and beyond space-time, and demonstrated its
effectiveness in the role of creator of reality and organizer of mass and energy.
To grow and succeed, we must always continue to push beyond the boundaries of
what is experienced and known.
out from the limestone bluff, I feel the rope go taut, as I rappel down the
slice of Earth’s ancient record in stone into the abyss below. That breath-taking
step into nothingness includes the understanding that I have gone beyond the
point of no return. If the rope breaks, or the limestone crumbles, I could fall
to my death on the rocks below. But the anticipation of finding a new world to
explore, a world no one else has ever visited, --that makes it worth the risk.
The unknown beckons to me, and even though this leap into the unknown may end
in failure and defeat, it may also result in discovery and revelation.
With the muscle of mind, you may catapult beyond the edge
of the current paradigm. What if you discover that reality is more than matter
and energy interacting in time and space. Suppose you discover that time is
three dimensional. The phrase “We may never know …” fades away. But, leaping
into the vast unknown realm of an expanded scientific paradigm is just as
dangerous as leaping into an abyss with a thin safety line, perhaps even more
dangerous. Just ask Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Gregor Mendel, Georg Cantor,
and many others including none other than Albert Einstein.
Copernicus didn’t dare publish his finding that the
Earth circled the sun, not the other way around, he knew that he would have
been ostracized and ridiculed, to say the least. During his life, his ideas
were considered unscientific by scientists and blasphemy by theologians. He
finally saw a copy of his work published when he was on his death bed. Galilleo
accepted the Copernican heliocentric theory and discovered scientific facts
that contradicted the widely held paradigm of his day, and the Catholic Church
put him under house arrest for the rest of his life. Mendel discovered the
basic laws of genetic inheritance which he published in 1866. His paper was ridiculed
and then completely ignored by mainstream science until long after his death.
Cantor tried to bring the study of infinity into
mathematics. He was ridiculed for his efforts. The leading mathematicians of
the day harshly criticized him for mixing philosophy and religion with
mathematics. He died in depression and poverty, knowing that he had been
discredited by his peers. The importance of his contribution of infinite sets
to number theory were not recognized until long after his death, and some still
do not accept infinity as real even today. Einstein’s first published paper on
relativity was ridiculed by mainstream science, and called utter nonsense and
unscientific by British and American scientists. The Nazis stripped him of his
membership in the Prussian Academy of sciences, seized his properties in
Germany and had a public burning of his books. As in the case of Cantor’s
infinities, there are still scientists who do not understand relativity and
believe it is a flawed theory. However, Einstein did enjoy a general
recognition of his genius while he was still alive, and one can only hope that
this is indication of a lessening of the rancor and viciousness of scientific
and religious dogmatism.
This is, however, not to say that every idea thought
to be crazy by the mainstream of human thought is genius waiting to be recognized.
Some ideas are just crazy. Yes, unfortunately, not every leap into the unknown
will yield new science and a paradigm shift. There are many, many more ways to
be wrong than there are to be right. Perhaps this is why it is
sometimes said that there is a fine line between genius and insanity. Actually,
however, genius and insanity are at opposite ends of the mental spectrum. It is
just judgements made by comparing genius and insanity with the established mean
that makes them look similar to those passing judgement.
Suppose for a moment, that I am not crazy, and there
is actually a way for individual consciousness to, in effect, travel to any
point in three-dimensional time. If I look back seven generations, averaging
about 20 years per generation, to about 140 years before I reached adulthood,
that would be around 1810 or so, I find that I had 128 great, great, great,
great, great grandparents living at that time. Each pair of them contributed ½
of their DNA to a child who would become one of my 64 great, great, great,
great grandparents, and each pair of them contributed ½ of their DNA to a child
who would become one of my 32 great, great, great grandparents, and so forth,
down to my parents. This means that each of my ancestors living in 1810
contributes no more than 1/128 = 0.0078125 = 0.78125 % of my DNA. That’s just
under 1% of their DNA that each of them contributes to the physical makeup of
the person I am now. So why do I look almost exactly like my grandfather on my
father’s side?
We have been told that each parent contributes 50% of
his/her DNA to a child. Actually, it’s not that simple. The 50/50 split only
applies to the phenotype DNA that governs most physical characteristics. There
are two types of DNA and one (mitochondrial) comes only from the mother. Mitochondrial
DNA tell the cell how to produce and use proteins necessary for growth and
health. Concerning physical characteristics, each human being has only 23 DNA molecules
called chromosomes that combine in pairs to form 46 molecules. The child gets
half of each of the 46 DNA molecules, i.e., 23 from each parent, and then they
are re-combined to form the 46 unique DNA molecules of the child. This means
that, since 23 is an odd number, slightly more than half will come from one
pair of grandparents. We are also told that the recombination of the
chromosomes in the child is random.
This is a code word for ‘we have not yet discovered the complicated mathematics
that governs re-combination.
Back to my 128 great, great, great, great, great
grandparents, who lived barely 200 years ago: We are told that each person's
DNA is unique, but that is not actually true;
all human DNA is composed of only 23 pairs of the same four DNA molecules. So
there are only a finite number of possible combinations. This means that there
may be human beings with the exact same combination of 23 pairs of four DNA
molecules. So you may have a doppelganger.
In fact, you probably do, but that person may not be alive at the same time you
are. There are also external factors that can cause mutations in the DNA, so
for all practical purposes, the DNA sequence for a specific individual is virtually
unique differing from one ancestor to another, all the way down the line to you
and me.
Several years ago, I was told by a German friend that I had a
doppelganger in northeastern Germany. He had met someone there who he thought
looked exactly like me. It is the pattern of arrangement of 23 pairs of four
molecules that determines each individual's physical characteristics, so it is
possible that I had a doppelganger in Eastern Germany, especially when we look
at where my 128 great, great, great, great, great grandparents originated 200 years
ago: 56 were from Northern England or Scotland, 28 from Ireland, 22 from Sweden,
Norway, Denmark, and Northern Germany, 4 from Finland or eastern Russia, 6 from
Eastern Europe (East Germany, Poland and Ukraine), 4 from the Iberian
Peninsula, 4 from Western Europe (Germany and Switzerland), 2 from Greece, and
2 from Northwestern Africa. If I met my doppelganger tomorrow, would we be like
clones? No. Our differing experiences since birth will have changed us in many
ways, --but there’s more.
mathematics of the Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm, the true quantum unit
analysis using Triadic Rotational Units of Equivalence (TRUE) reveals that, as
conscious beings we are more than matter and energy changing through time and
space. Each atom of each molecule contains units of gimmel which convey the logic of Primary Consciousness into the
physical world. It is mathematically demonstrable that living organisms have significantly
greater proportions of units of gimmel than other substances, giving living
organisms the freedom of conscious choice. And this changes everything.
conscious beings, we have the potential to go beyond matter, energy, time and
space. We have the ability to leap into the unknown and survive. We have the
ability to see into the greater reality that exists beyond the prison bars of
matter, energy, space and time, into the infinity of Primary Consciousness. Because
we can expand our consciousness, we are potentially infinite.
See See for the basics of TRUE Analysis.
See See for the basics of TRUE Analysis.
Ever thankful to the Ultimate Force, my artistically and scientifically-minded Deity, for, in 1980, initiating me into and thereby enrolling me as part and parcel of Its infinite existence, ad infinitum, and then more recently serendipitously having me introduced to your good-self, Ed, I can have no doubt that all you say in this article will become a reality and we will indeed progress, life-after-life, to a wondrous and emancipated conscious future - Pity about the insidious, dark-force and Saturnist powers-that-be that are presently delaying our progress, but I feel sure the Ultimate Force must eventually have curative plans in the pipeline to eradicate them - Cosmos Rules and, in my mystically-inspired opinion, has not been known to fail so far in Mother Nature's eternal quest to seemingly always have the very last word, so to speak! Amun!