QUESTIONS (Continued)
The disciplines of modern science, notably physics,
chemistry and biology, have been very successful at finding answers to
questions about the part of reality perceived through the physical senses,
determining causes for effects observed in the external physical world. Considerable progress has also been made in
the study of the internal world, the world inside the skin of conscious beings,
in medicine, psychology and consciousness studies. But the really important
questions at the edges and limits of human perception and experience, go
largely unanswered. In fact, the models of reality produced by modern science are
fraught with paradox and contradiction when we attempt to apply them at the
extremes of space-time, matter, energy and consciousness. This is a clear
indication that the model is inadequate when applied to the universe as a
whole, and suggests that the basic a priori assumptions upon which modern
science is built, while effective for the small portion of reality that we
perceive directly through the physical senses, are either wrong, incomplete or
Most of modern science is based on Cartesian dualism; the
assumption that physical reality and consciousness are fundamentally different
and separate. Descartes considered Consciousness, mind and/or spirit to be
non-physical, meaning that they possessed no mass, took up no space, and had no
direct connection with physical reality. In Cartesian mathematical models of
reality, the consciousness of the observer is represented by a mathematical
singularity, a point in space with no extent, and no substantial content.
Consciousness, mind and soul consisted of ephemeral non-material images created
by the impacts of physical particles and waves on the brain cells of the
Arbitrarily splitting reality into two parts was a mistake.
But one can’t really fault Descartes and other early scientists. They had good
reasons to relegate consciousness to a dimensionless point and deal only with
the material world. Western science had to leave consciousness with its
mind/soul baggage to the institutions of Theology, and distance itself from metaphysics
and more ancient practices like alchemy and astrology, which sought to find
evidence of direct interaction of mind and matter, and steer clear of trouble
with the church if possible. The Inquisition, which started in the mid
thirteenth century, and continued robustly well into the 1700s was still all too
real at the time of Descartes and the beginning of rational science in the
West. The people in charge of the dominant religious institution in the West
were all too happy to torture, maim and murder anyone who denied their doctrine,
in the name of their misinterpretation of the teachings of Jesus Christ. In
fact, the Inquisition continued as a formal legal institution within the
Catholic Church until it was finally officially abolished in the early 1800’s.
And there’s another reason we cannot fault early scientists too
much for inventing dualism. Not only were they strongly motivated to avoid
investigating phenomena that the church considered to be its jurisdiction by Divine decree, some deep features of reality
were completely unknown to the early scientists, These deep features would not
be discovered until the early 1900’s. The three discoveries that would change the
way we understand reality forever were Relativity, quantum physics and the
incompleteness Theorem. Prior to these three discoveries, our understanding of
the nature of reality was primarily dependent on our five physical senses and
mechanical extensions of them. And, even though we knew that the physical
senses and extensions were severely limited to only a very small fraction of
the existing spectrums of electromagnetic and mechanical energies, they were
all we had.
Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity,
validated many times over by empirical evidence, have shown us that the known measures
of extent: space and time, are not the changeless features of reality we led to
believe they were by our limited physical senses. We now know that space-time
is a four-dimensional domain of extent that changes in mathematically measurable
ways in relation to the dynamics of mass, energy and the position and motion of
the observer.
At about the same time Albert Einstein published his epic
paper on the electrodynamics of moving objects (special relativity), Max Planck
discovered that energy is quantized. This discovery, coupled with Einstein’s
demonstration that mass and energy are interchangeable, has shown us that the
substance of physical reality is not reality what we thought it was. Quantum
physics has shown us that mass, energy and consciousness are intimately
related. There is no longer any scientific basis for the belief in Cartesian
The third discovery, established by Gӧdel’s proof of the
incompleteness of logical systems, reveals a serious flaw in the basic
assumptions of modern science. It appears that mainstream scientists have not
yet realized the impact of Gӧdel’s proof on their models of reality. I believe
this is because of the intellectual compartmentalization of academic
specialization and loss of connection with the metaphysical roots of their own
theories. Their models are logical systems by definition, and therefore
incomplete. This means that the idea of a theory of Everything (TOE), even for
the model envisaged by mainstream theoretical physicists, limited to matter/energy
and space-time, is misguided.
In addition to the three discoveries mentioned above, our
discovery of the third form of the substance of reality suggests a new approach
providing a new way to investigate reality beyond matter, energy and
To be continued
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