NOTE: The first three paragraphs are repeated from my FB post, New material follows.
The world is awash with emotion today: Humanity seems to be
having mood swings, alternating between fear and anger, love and hope, hate and
despair. Are we on the brink of peace and prosperity, or bankruptcy and war? Today,
we are a nation and a world on edge, divided as never before. Half the world
thinks the other half is misguided, brainwashed, and deluded by pure evil, and,
of course, most of us believe we are the on the good side. Those on the other side
are obviously insane! Both sides hope for a bright shining future of peace and love,-
after the people on the other side get enlightened. But there seems to be no way
to get them to see the light. Because of this, many feel helpless to prevent
the world from sliding into chaos, sure that it is the other side’s fault. Maybe
today, we are finding ourselves in Hamlet’s plight.
Poor Hamlet! Shakespeare had him say: “There is nothing good
or bad, only thinking makes it so.” How many times has this line been quoted
and believed? But is it really so? Have you experienced it? If I walk out into
the wilderness that stretches from the edge of my backyard away as far as I can
see, if I can forget about the political tumult of the world today, and feel
the peace and solitude among the rocks and trees, it seems so: the good and evil of
the day seem to fade away. However, a short walk may take me to a spot,
peaceful and serene, where grizzly, still bloody bones lie among the leaves. It’s
the remains of a deer, brought down by predators. So nature is not always as serene
and peaceful as we suppose. Nature, it seems, is actually a world of struggle
for survival. Is that good or evil? Do animals think of good and evil? Does it
depend on our state of mind? Have you seen the pain and fear in the eyes, and
heard it in the cries of a mortally wounded animal? Have you felt the happiness
of the snapping jaws of hungry wolves when they have food, or seen the joy of
the wagging puppies lapping up the life’s blood of the deer? How does the deer feel
about it? Are we so very different from wild animals?
Shakespeare also had Hamlet say: “To be or not to be, that
is the question” when he found himself a prisoner of his own thinking, and he began
to contemplate suicide as a possible way out. Is civilization about to commit suicide?
Have you ever heard of an animal knowingly committing suicide? Do you suppose
that we might be categorically different than wild animals? Do we have to kill
or be killed? Unlike the wolves and the deer, we actually have alternatives to
fight or flight: we can choose to sit down and reason. Like the animals, the
bodies we inhabit at birth will die, either by violence or by natural causes. But
unlike animals, we can choose to see beyond winning and losing. We can even choose
to see beyond life and death. Some of us know that there is consciousness
outside of the body, and life after death. We have personal and scientific
proof. It is no longer just wishful thinking, or a philosophical belief. Yeah,
that’s all well and good, I hear you say. But what about this crisis we’re in
right now? It’s easy to philosophize and pontificate about good and evil, but do
you have any solutions? Anything practical
to suggest?
These are definitely “times that try our souls”, to paraphrase
and update what Thomas Paine wrote at the beginning of the first American crisis
in 1776. Just like when we were on the brink of the Revolutionary War in 1776, and
the second American crisis, our Civil War in 1861, we are now experiencing the
third American crisis. We are again a seriously divided nation. In most other
wars that our nation has participated in, Americans were at least mostly on the
same side. In WW I and WW II, America
joined into on-going conflicts that started in Europe, and we were on the side that
most Americans agreed, or were convinced by our leaders, was the side of good
against evil. Because of our vast natural resources, and the willingness to fight
against evil, America was a decisive factor in those wars. Today, the outbreak
of the conflict is originating here, but the division exists world-wide.
As I see it, the root cause of the division is the natural desire
for personal freedom conflicting with the equally natural desire for the safety
of governmental control. It should be obvious that neither extreme personal
freedom, nor extreme social control is practical. A stable civilization depends
on a balance between the two. The strength of America for almost 200 years was the
Constitution and Bill of rights that were set up to protect freedom and
maintain a stable society. However, during my lifetime I have seen the French
historian, Alexis de Tocqueville’s prescient observations, made in 1839, come
true. In Democracy in America, he wrote:
“The American Republic will
endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the
public's money.”
He also said: “I do not know
if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for
office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run.”
The political establishment in Washington DC have raised the
trick of bribing the public with their own money to a fine art, and I don’t
think most of us would categorize many of the politicians in our government as “superior”
men or women. Repeating part of the last paragraph of my last post: I have
observed that when one party, Republican, Democrat, or Socialist, becomes
dominant in a specific area and/or time period, corruption is sure to follow. Politicians
take money offered to help them campaign and win, and they owe favors. And Politicians
lie. Period! They lie either by exaggeration and omission, or by deliberate
misinformation, to promote the agenda of their party. I have also observed that
when an elected official becomes wealthy while in office, you can be sure that that
person is either not spending full time as a public servant, or that he or she
is involved in corruption.
So we’ve come to this sad state of affairs where politicians
are easily bought and paid for by wealthy individuals and foreign governments
who would destroy the world’s most successful experiment in freedom and
equality. What is the solution to this problem? It is quite simple to describe,
but difficult, if not impossible now, to implement. We need to go back to the
democratic republic set up by our founding fathers. The positions of President,
Vice President, and members of the House of Representatives and Senate were
meant to be public servant positions, not opportunities to amass personal
wealth. Most of the problems that have led to this dangerous divide we have now
could be solved if the following simple rules were implemented at both federal and
state levels:
Strict term limits shall be set for all elected
Public servants shall be encouraged to volunteer
to serve without pay if they are already wealthy, and public servant salaries,
if paid, shall be equivalent to private-sector salaries.
During the term of service, a Public servant
shall have no employment other than the full-time job he or she was elected to
Bills presented to congress shall be singular.
Un-related tag-on bills shall be illegal.
Public servants shall never be allowed to pass
laws raising their own salaries.
Campaign contributions to public servants from
outside the jurisdiction of that servant’s office shall be illegal.
There are undoubtedly other rules that would help. The
problem is that the greedy politicians who populate our government now will
never consider enacting or abiding by such rules. We need to find a way to get
the corrupt politicians out of our government. But that’s a tall order, like
trying to remove the stink from a herd of skunks! So what can we do?
Here’s what I suggest and will try to do: First, don’t allow
myself to be pulled to either extreme. It is not healthy to hate someone who
has a different opinion that I do. Second, realize that when people other than
those I voted for somehow get in office, it is not the end of the world. Very
few people are pure evil. Third, whether you know it or not, there is an
intelligence, far superior to mine or yours, that keeps reality from coming unraveled!
It might be worth some of our time to try to contact that intelligence.
ERC Sunday night, 1/17/2021
The Jharkhand Board has released the model question paper 2021 for JAC Class 10. The model question paper has been released as Set 1'. Students preparing for the JAC examinations must go through the entire JAC 10th Sample paper to know more Jharkhand 10th Model Paper 2021 Set 1 of JAC 10th model question paper has been released on the official website of the State Board. Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) has reduced the JAC 10th Class syllabus for the 2021 session.