Friday, July 19, 2013

Scientists Solve 50-Year Physics Puzzle

Scientists Solve 50-Year Physics Puzzle
Breakthrough Expected to Lead to Major New Discoveries

Jackson, Missouri. Friday, July 19, 2013:

Edward R. Close, PhD, PE, and Vernon M. Neppe, MD, PhD, today announced important findings that affect the basic assumptions of physics and change the way scientists understand life and the Universe. 

“It appears that our current concept of reality is incomplete,” Dr. Neppe commented. “Dr. Close and I have demonstrated that we live in a 9-dimensional spinning finite reality."

Working separately for over 50 years on individual theories, Dr. Neppe, eminent neuroscientist, and Dr. Close, mathematician/cosmologist and acclaimed environmental scientist, decided to work together beginning in 2009. Each recognized that their combined expertise in divergent disciplines offered the potential to maximize and unify their theories into one coherent model which eventually became their TDVP ‘Theory of Everything’ model.

How did the current finding come about?
In 2011, they began submitting their first collaboration to scientists around the world for peer review. Their work, entitled Reality Begins with Consciousness, included explanations of their 'Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm' (TDVP) model. Close and Neppe postulated a reality of 9-dimensional finite-spinning vortices based on known scientific and mathematical data.

In February 2012, a Johns Hopkins Professor of Astronomy who had been asked to review the material quipped sarcastically, without having read the details of their work: "When you can explain why the Cabibbo Angle is what it is, then I'll believe you."

The astronomer’s statement was meant to be a conversation stopper in a closed scientific group. He knew it was extremely unlikely that the Cabibbo Angle could be explained. After all, for 50 years no scientist had met this challenge, not even the Italian Physicist, Nicola Cabibbo, for whom the mixing angle is named. Specifically, no-one had been able to solve the mystery of why the 'Cabibbo mixing angle' in elementary physical particles was the strange size it was, namely 13.04±0.05 degrees.

…no-one had been able to solve the mystery of why the 'Cabibbo mixing angle' in elementary physical particles was the strange size it was, namely 13.04±0.05 degrees.

Dr. Close accepted the challenge and began working on the mathematics. Working long hours and sometimes going days without sleep, Close was able to derive the Cabibbo angle using the logic the two collaborators had developed in TDVP. What he discovered was that the Cabibbo angle can only be derived from a 9-dimensional model because the mathematics only works with 9 dimensions, not 8 or 10, or any other number of dimensions. The calculated values for other dimensional models produce results that simply do not match what is known about the empirically demonstrated size of the Cabibbo Angle.

The Close-Neppe 9-dimensional spin model results for the Cabibbo angle are, as predicted by TDVP, exactly correct, namely 13.032 degrees (calculated to 5 not 4 decimal places as in the original empirical Cabibbo finding). Feedback from peer group review supports this new Close-Neppe finding. 

Why no other theories fit
No other theories have developed the concept of finite 9-dimensional rotation. String Theories and M-Brane Theories, and many of the other theories are promising, but generally involve folding of dimensions, not spin, as a predominant feature, and do not fully explain basic empirical derivations such as the Cabibbo Angle.

And so, not only has one of the major mysteries of physics (the reason for the size of the Cabibbo angle) been solved by Close and Neppe —a curiosity -- but much more importantly, the Cabibbo derivation has provided a definite, necessary and new gateway to demonstrate that there are multiple dimensions of finite reality, and that these have a specific, defined quality — 9- dimensional spin. 

Applying the 9-dimensional spin approach could lead the way to solving some of the other problems of science that appear to contradict the standard model or remain unexplained at this time. The impact of this 9-dimensional spin finding is so significant that scientists might need to rethink almost everything they've thought before. 

Replication and mathematical proof
Empirical science requires proof and findings that can be replicated. Often scientific experiments need to be repeated, sometimes multiple times, to ensure that there is no error, or that the finding is not by chance. However, in this instance, because the exact figure for the Cabibbo angle can be calculated using straight-forward, well-established mathematics, the proof can be easily checked.

Dr. Close said: “Proving the derivation of the Cabibbo angle is simply a mathematical calculation. So it is easily replicable and demonstrable by just doing the calculations. One can even work backwards to check the results and it still works. This is one reason why we can stipulate 9 dimensions, not 8 or 10 or any other number of dimensions. And 9-dimensional spin was exactly what we expected based on our TDVP model. Mathematically testing other models that have not yet been validated or contain conundrums, by applying the logic we have utilized in our 9-dimensional spin reality could prove very interesting. This would generalize the findings to other areas, and would remarkably confirm, I believe, that the prevailing worldview of 3 dimensions of space and 1 of time (3S,1t) is incomplete, and also, that this Cabibbo result is a sound derivation, not just a lucky accident."

The expanded text for the latest Press Release is found at the link on the upper right of this page, entitled “Press Release-July 18, 2013.” For additional information and media inquiries, please visit You may also contact Dr. Ed Close on Facebook ( 

Dr. Ed Close and Dr. Vernon Neppe received the Gabino Barreda Award and gifts from the government of Mexico and Puebla of local artisan-crafted plates thanking them for their contributions to science and education. They accepted the honors during special ceremonies at the Science and Spirituality Conference in Puebla, Mexico, February, 2013.

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