There’s a lot of talk these days about re-imagining
things, like re-imagining the meaning of words, re-imagining gender, re-imagining
government, re-imagining civilization, and re-imagining life in general. But
there is a problem with this: To believe that you can re-imagine reality, you
have to imagine that you were the one who imagined it in the first place.
There is a kernel of truth in thinking that you might
be able to re-imagine things that are difficult in your life, but trying to
re-imagine something that is objectively real, something that you did not yourself
imagine in the first place, is fraught with challenges and some dangers that
have to do with human error and a basic mis-understanding about what time is. To
try to explain what I mean by this, I will relate things that have happened to
me during my lifetime that led me to the discovery of gimmel, the non-physical third
form of reality, existing in addition to mass and energy.
I was born in 1936, just after the ‘great
depression’ in the San Francois Mountains of Southeast Missouri, to monetarily poor
descendants of European immigrants. My father was twenty-eight years old, and
my mother was only nineteen when they fell in love, and all they had when they
married was twenty dollars and their clothes. When my mother was a little girl,
her mother made her clothes from cloth cut from flour sacks. By today’s
standards, my folks were very poor, but they were rich in the traditions of rural
American families who worked hard, grew their own food, and lived normal lives,
close to the land and nature.
My father, born in 1908, served four years in the US
Army (1925 -1929), and he volunteered again in 1941, to serve in the Navy until
the end of World War II. At the war’s end, he was a petty officer in the
Amphibian Scouts and Raiders, later to be known as the Navy Seals. My mother
and I traveled by train from Arcadia Missouri to Ft. Pierce Florida in the
Summer of 1945, to be with him for a few days before he was transferred to Treasure
Island in the San Francisco Bay to be part of the invasion of Japan that was planned
to occur in November 1945, in retaliation for the Japanese surprise attack bombing
of Pearl Harbor Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, killing 2,403 Americans and
wounding about 1,200 more, including military personnel and civilians
The invasion of Japan never happened because of the first,
and so far the only deliberate use of atomic bombs to kill human beings.
Approximately 200,000 Japanese were killed by atomic blasts detonated over Hiroshima
and Nagasaka Japan on August 6 and August 9, 1945. The horror of those bombings
ended World War II and saved the lives of thousands of US sailors and marines,
including that of my father. The military strategists planning the invasion had
expected in excess of 90% casualties in the first-wave amphibian forces,
because the Japanese, including nearly all civilian males, were eager to die
honorable deaths defending their homeland in classic Samurai fashion.
As a pre-teen child living in the hills of Southern
Missouri during WWII, I didn’t experience the horrors of the War directly, but
I remember the air-raid drills, food rationing, news reels in the local movie
theater, and daily radio reports very well, and things that happened to me
personally during the decade of the 1940s and something that happened to me in
the Great Pyramid in Egypt in 2010, caused me to think of time in a very
different way than most people do. Those events included a number of
out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and two near-death-experiences (NDEs) The first
NDE occurred when I was struck by lightning in 1947. I have related details of
my memory of those experiences in my autobiography, so I won’t take the time or
space to do that again here and focus instead on the insights they gave me into
the nature of time.
As I’ve reported in a number of blogposts and
published books and papers, I agree with Albert Einstein, who concluded, based
on the implications of general relativity, that empty space “has no claim to an
existence of its own”. Similarly, time also has no claim to an existence of its
own. Put another way: space has no meaning without the existence of objects,
and time has no meaning without the occurrence of events. These conclusions
have some far-reaching implications about the nature of reality, that I have talked
about in other posts and publications, so here, I will focus only on what they
reveal about the nature of time.
Time, specifically the observation and measurement
of time, depends upon the functioning of consciousness in the 3-D physical
domain, and consciousness, as experienced by most of us, most of the time, only
allows us to perceive the one quantum of time that we think of as the present.
As long as one identifies as a physical body with all of its limitations, the
past is always gone, and the future is yet to come. As physical beings, part of
something called “reality”, the only time we ever experience is the present in the
‘here and now’. But the gift of consciousness comes with the ability to
remember the past and imagine the future, giving us the illusion of the
existence of a continuous timeline. But OBEs and NDEs dispel this illusion, showing
us that all things that exist, ever existed, or will ever exist are available in
the eternal here and now.
For example, after my first NDE when I was an
eleven-year-old, that occurred when I was struck by lightning while
swimming in a creek, I began to have occasional spontaneous OBEs, during which
I saw things existing beyond the quantized space-time domain of the here and
now. Some of the things I saw were independently verified almost immediately
after the OBEs that revealed them, while others were not verified until years
later. Most of the things I saw seemed trivial and unimportant to me at the
time, including even some memories of past lives. I never shared those memories
with anyone until I began to realize that they were not just imaginative
dreams, many years later.
In the summer of 1951, after discovering the work of
Albert Einstein, I had an OBE, the impact of which assured me that I would become
a scientist following in Einstein’s footsteps, and after earning degrees in mathematics,
physics, and environmental science and engineering, and several years of
studying consciousness, in late February and early March of 2010, sixty-three
years after my first NDE, I had another one in the Great Pyramid on the Giza
Plateau in Egypt. You can find more detail about this second NDE by searching
for ‘The Great Pyramid’ in the archives on this blogsite, and I have shared
even more detail in my autobiography.
Like my first NDE, this one also involved a
discharge of electricity, but it was much more intense and traumatic than the
first one. Others who were in the Pyramid near me when it happened, actually saw
the discharge, and I still have a scar where it struck my forehead. I realized
later that all of this was only the outer evidence of the rapid down-loading of
an amazing amount of complex information that went on continually for two days.
Every time I closed my eyes, even after I was
carried out of the Great Pyramid, I saw a continual flow of faces and symbols,
and heard a stream of voices speaking in several different languages. This didn’t
end until we were in the Ancient City of Petra in Jordan two days later. After
that, I had several interesting Deja-vu experiences during the next three
days on Mount Nebo where Moses died, and on the Jordan River where John
baptized Jesus. A few years later, in a chance meeting with a psychic who had authored
a book on Pyramid Energy, a popular subject in the 1970s, I was told that my
experience in the Great Pyramid was part of a world-wide shift in human consciousness.
All of the OBEs I have had over my eighty-seven plus
years, especially those that were connected with these NDEs, confirmed my
conclusions about the nature of time and strengthened and deepened my understanding
of the relationship of space and time to consciousness. Spatial dimensions are
a sub-set of the dimensions of time, and time dimensions are a sub-set of the
dimensions of consciousness, and Primary Consciousness is the infinite
substrate in which all nine finite dimensional domains of space, time, and
consciousness exist. What does this mean? It means that we have access, through
our connection with Primary Consciousness, with all existential events, past,
present, and future. It means that we are immortal souls, sleep-walking on this
planet until we finally wake up to who we really are and what our purpose is!
Back home, when I continued pursuing the work on the
consciousness research started in 2008 with Dr. Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, the
founder of the Pacific Institute of Neuropsychiatry, I began to understand some
of the information downloaded into my brain in the Great Pyramid and see how it
related to relativistic experiments with clocks and measuring devices moving at
high rates of speed and quantum physics experiments like the double-slit,
delayed-choice experiment. I also began to see how those experiments actually confirmed
my NDE-and-OBE-based conclusions about the nature of the 9-D space-time-consciousness
dimensional domain, containing the mass-energy-consciousness substance of
By application of the existential quantum mathematics
of the Calculus of Dimensional Distinctions (CoDD), with the natural triadic
rotational units of equivalence (TRUE) defined as the basic quantum equivalence
unit, I concluded that time has three dimensions, analogous to the triadic dimensionality
of space, and colleagues started asking, “what are the 3 dimensions of time?”
Stephen Hawking, the famous author of A Brief History of Time, after a brief review of the early manuscript
of my book Infinite Continuity, a book about reconciling relativity and
quantum physics with applications of the CoDD, said: “I cannot imagine three
dimensions of time!”
A common statement I heard very often, was “We know
what the three dimensions of space are, but what are the three dimensions of
time?” This statement is perfectly emblematic of the common mis-understanding most
people have about the nature of time, a common error that I am addressing here.
Most people think that they know what the three dimensions of space are. Ask anyone,
and they will very likely say “length, width and depth”, or some similar
expression about the measurement of things. But such an answer does not define
the concept of ‘space’, it only describes an imaginary framework for measuring
the geometry of objects and the distances between them.
Space, as Einstein discovered, has no existence of
its own, and time is exactly the same kind of non-existent conceptual fiction
as space, created for the purpose of measuring the extent of duration between
observed events. The problem with this is that these conceptual fictions lead us
to the belief that there is a universal ether-like space-time backdrop in which
objectivity reality exists and occurs, but a uniform space-time background demonstrably
does not exist. Time is not something that flows at the same rate throughout
the universe. The extent of its duration depends upon the variables of relative
motion and mass and energy of the object observed and that of the observer.
Space-time dimensions are simply variables of
extent. My late wife Jacqui was not a university-trained mathematician, but she
understood this intuitively. In the lyrics of a song that she composed in the
early 1970s, while working for Frank and Nancy Sinatra Music in Nashville, she
wrote: “Time is just the distance between what I am and what I shall become.”
dimensions are measured in terms of variables of extent, and they actually have
no existence of their own. It is the contents of the domain they define that
has substance and meaning. Space-time is non-existent without content and
intent, and any description of reality that does not include all of the basic
variables of content, extent, and intent, i.e., mass, energy, space, time, and consciousness,
is incomplete.
variables of extent, i.e., the variables of space, time, and individual
consciousness, are dependent upon the substantial content of mass, energy, and
individualized consciousness, and the intent of individual and Primary
Consciousness, for meaning and purpose. The three dimensions of time are local
time, planetary time, and cosmic time, but they have no existence or meaning, unless
they describe the extent of events involving quanta of mass, energy, and consciousness
existing in the domain they frame, and, finally, as discussed earlier, consciousness,
like mass and energy, measured in quantum equivalence units of gimmel, only
occurs in whole-number units.
of the mathematical proof of the existence of quantum equivalent units of gimmel,
the massless organizer stabilizing every proton in existence, was intellectually
satisfying from my point of view, but it raised a new persistent question that
came from friends and colleagues, as well as from materialist skeptics in
mainstream science. That question was: ‘Exactly what is gimmel?’ It wasn’t long
before I realized how similar this question was to the question ‘What is consciousness?’
consciousness, gimmel cannot be defined in terms of anything else, because, just
like Max Planck said, “We cannot get behind consciousness”, we also cannot get behind gimmel when describing
stable physical reality! So, gimmel is the measure of
consciousness that exists in every proton and every electron shell, organizing every
atom of every element of the periodic table! But now, a still deeper question arises:
How does gimmel, the measurable aspect of consciousness, relate to the
three dimensions of time? The answer to this question lies in the logic
of the geometric symmetry organized by gimmel in atomic structure, individual
consciousness, and the cosmos.
Returning to the
statement above, declaring that the three dimensions of time are local time,
planetary time, and cosmic time, let’s focus on them one at a time: Local time
is what an individual soul experiences when identified with a physical body. It
is based on the motions of localized biological processes. Planetary time is periodic
and symmetric, based on the motion of the planet in the solar system, and cosmic
time is based on the measurement of the speed of light. All of these measurements
of time can be made commensurable in TRUE units by setting the speed of light equal
to one.
This naturalization of
the speed of light links all objective measurements of existential phenomena to
TRUE, allowing us to convert all unitary systems of measurement, including Planck
units and SI units, to TRUE and express the laws governing the form and
substance of reality in Diophantine equations reflecting the underlying logic
of Primary Consciousness. That’s why the CoDD produces so many explanations and
resolutions of contradictions and paradoxes in mainstream science.
Now, we are finally ready
to produce a definitive answer to the question asked in the title of this blog
post: “Can we re-imagine reality?” The answer is really very simple: We can
re-imagine our own subjective conceptual models of reality by changing our own a
priori assumptions to be more nearly aligned with the logic of Primary
Consciousness; but we cannot re-imagine existential reality. It is what it is.
At the present time in planetary chronology, we have about 25% free will. The other
75% of experience is predetermined by the logic of Primary Consciousness,
traditionally known as “the will of God”.
We are now 424 Earth
years into the 2400-year ascending Dwapara Yuga. As we traverse the remaining 10,376
years to the next Satya Yuga, the high point of physical, mental, and spiritual
virtue, when the average conscious being will be one with Primary
Consciousness, with 100% free will. See Shri
Yukteswar’s book The Holy Science for the best available explanation of
planetary time.
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