Tuesday, April 17, 2018


ERC 4/17/2018

If you are reading this and understand it, it is for you. If it makes no sense to you, it is not for you, ignore it; go on with the busy-ness of being you.

You are: you exist; but, where and what are you? You are not located at some unique point in space or time; if you look, everything is in constant flux, you are here and there, engrossed in space-time. But, eventually, for you, there will be no fragmented continuum, once you know that space and time only exist as imaginary extensions of here and now, created by the conscious thought of separation, the imaginary distinction of your ‘self ‘from the Self of everything else.

You can only exist as yourself if you believe that you are something different from everything else. But when, in fact, you are not different from everything else, then you are one with everything else, and you are the All and the Nothing. Then, space-time is an illusion, and there is only here, there is only now, there is no then and there, they are nothing but imagined pasts and imagined futures; there is, in fact, only Here, there is only Now. But, what is Here and Now, does it consist of matter and energy?

No, science and deep concentration reveal that there is no matter, and there is no energy as such. There are no solid particles spinning in space, and energy is an imaginary multi-dimensional vortex; there is only the Reality of Here and Now in the deep realization of “I Am”. If you think you are your body, you are mistaken, and anyway, your body is a nest of troubles, so get away from it as soon as you can; it is not you. You are in it and beyond it, but it is not you. Be still and know that you are: If you can free yourself from body identification and attachment, then immediately you will know that you are an infinite expanse of ever-expanding light.

The All and the Nothing, the I-AM beyond finite knowing, spoke you into existence before there was space and time, saying: “Let there be Light” and you became light, expanding into infinity, expanding and expanding, riding on waves of light and sound until, NOW, and HERE, beyond the cycles of imaginary space-time, you return into your Self: The All and the Nothing.

If you are reading this and understand it, it is for you. If it makes no sense to you, it is not for you, ignore it; go on with the busy-ness of being you.

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